
小学三年级英语教案 2020-06-13 网络整理 晴天


   module 4  unit 1  sports activities
1. knowledge focus :
(1) to let students learn the key words and phrases about sports activities.
e.g. play football, play basketball, play volleyball,play beach volleyball,
play ping-pong.
(2) to let students use modal verb can to express one’s abilities.
e.g. i can play basketball.
(3) to let students use ‘be good at’ to describe their abilities accurately.
e.g. i’m good at playing basketball.
2. ability focus :
(1)students will be able to introduce their sports abilities correctly.
(2)students will be able to enhance their self-confidence through acting .
3. emotional focus :
      studets will know sports are good for our healthy,we should do more exercises.
procedures contents methods purpose
pre-task preparation talk.
 1.t:what season is it?
what can you do?
what do you like doing? 自由对话热身,同时直入本课主题。
while-task procedure football 1.make a riddle and let students guess.
   play football 通过单词的动态演示,让学生感知其意其形。
  2.t: can you play football? 
  3.t:what can you play football with?
i can play football with my____. 在操练句型的同时也联系生活实际,让学生理解足球规则。 basketball

 1.listen and guess.
  2.enjoy a video.
t: can you play basketball? how can you play?
i can play basketball like this. 通过视频和图片的引导,让学生发散思维,在活动中同时增加说英语的趣味性。 good at 1.t:we can play basketball. but we are not good at playing basketball. 
  2. be good at
(1)i’m good at playing basketball.
(2)i’m not good at playing basketball. 创设真实的投篮情境,让学生在活动中体验语言,运用语言。
  3.practice the sentence patterns. volleyball\
 beach volleyball 1.t:guess,what am i good at playing?
  play volleyball 
  2.t:how is the volleyball? the two pictures.
   beach volleyball
(say a chant.) 鼓励学生在观察,比较中主动探究。
  4.t:how many people are there in a volleyball team?
(say a rhyme) 教授单词的过程中注意文化的渗透。
  5.practise the sentence pattern:
i can play _____.
i’m (not) good at playing_______. ping-pong 1.fill in the blank.
i can play ____with the racket.12
    ping-pong 让学生主动发现并尝试说出新单词。
  2.introduce the famous ping-pong players. together with emotions. 通过有感情的朗读,进行情感教育。 today’s phrases about sports abilities. 1.look and read.
post-task activities 1.introduce. 1.imagine:eleven years later, if you stand on the podium, what will you say? 创设情境,让学生自由发挥,积极表达。
 2.homework. 1.keep doing exercises ever day.
2.introduce your sports abilities to others. 

本课内容是2b module 4 more things to learn中的 unit1 activities 的教学内容。教材中的主要内容是学习几个球类活动的词组以及用第三人称单数来询问他人的能力:can he\she play football?在研究教材的过程中,我发现学生在1b时已学习过can he\she…?的句型,并基本能说能用。在深入挖掘教材的过程中,我考虑到仅用can 来表示能力是不完善的,会做的事不一定擅长做。因此,在设计教学思路时,我把be good at句型作为新授的重点句型,在教材中几个表示球类活动单词的基础上,拓展了volleyball, beach volleyball两个单词。虽然是拓展,但是不会太加重学生的学习负担,因为beach volleyball是鼓励学生自己探究的。
     由于是借班上课学生的基础情况不是十分清楚,因此,在本课的教学设计中,就重点围绕第一人称来进行表述自己的sports abilities.考虑到教学对象是低年级的儿童,在教学环节中也设计了比较多的活动,儿歌,想象,表演等,让他们在活动、体验中积累语言。
     整个教学思路是这样的:由自由对话直入主题。由一个谜语引出football。在询问过can you play football?后,发散学生的思维:what can you play football with?强调足球是用脚踢的(守门员除外),不是用手打的。接下来,过渡到用手打的篮球上,让学生在视频和图片的引导下,操练新授的词组。同时自然过渡到be good at 句型,巧妙创设投篮情境,让学生在活动中体验和运用语言。在下一环节学习volleyball的过程中,让学生通过比较两张图片的不同,自己习得beach volleyball,用一首儿歌,渗透球类文化。然后,教授ping-pong也是鼓励学生思考,自主探究。引导学生理解乒乓球是我们的国球,指导他们进行有感情朗读。最后一个环节是想象和表演,旨在培养学生自信和自由表达能力,让他们展开想象的翅膀,想象十一年后的奥运会上,假设你也站在领奖台上,将会有怎样的获奖感言



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