
小学三年级英语教案 2020-06-12 网络整理 晴天


unit 3 how many (4)教学目标和要求:1、learn the sentences2、learn the numbers教学重点:the new words教学难点:the new words  教学用具:tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:step1:    revisionstep2: learn the new words of numbers1、look at the numbers2、learn the new numbers3、listen to the recording 4、read the words5、say out the numbers step3:    let’s do 1、look at the pictures2、listen and do step4:exercises1、活动手册2、 look and say step5:summary and homework板书设计:                 unit 3      how many                                                   jeep jump key kangaroo作业布置:1、listen to the tape 2、read the words.


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