
小学三年级英语教案 2020-06-05 网络整理 晴天


年 级


学 科



课 题

    unit1  ability         lesson 1




教 学 目 标1. six skill words: swim, run, ride a bike, sing,dance,draw  2. the drills:can you ...?yes,i can. no,i can’ t . 3. teaching  key  points:new  words  of  part 2 .


talking  about  the  drills  skillfully.

资 源 准 备①some pictures of new words .②a computer and a software.③a large screen projecter.④a recorder and some pictures.

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1.free talk



    words:sing, danceⅲ.presentation1. learn the words:swim , run , draw, ride,bike ,can, present 2.look and sayi can swim/run/ride a bike/sing/dance/draw.3.ask and answer.   can you swim?    yes, i can.   can you ride a bike?   no, i can’t.  4.practice the words and the sentences.5.sing a song.  my little bicycle6.learn to say.  the teacher explains the words: like and uncle,then translates the text to the student.  ask the students to read after the tape for several times.ⅳ.practice1.                  1.read the new words.2.                  2.ask and answer.3.                  3.play the game.ⅴ.homework1.                  1.read the text. 2. activity book lesson 1 ⅵ.writing design:

unit 1 ability  lesson 1can you … ?    ride a bikeyes, i can.      run swim singno, i can’t.     draw   dance出示动作的图片,学习相关的单词



教学反思与 建 议

本课重点学习六个动作的单词,swim, run, ride a bike, sing,dance,draw 。重点掌握一个表示能力的句子can you ...?yes,i can. no,i can’ t .教学过程中创设了多个情景,用肢体语言形象生动的教授单词,学生容易接受,通过一系列的对话操练,使学生在游戏中掌握知识点,寓教于乐。还要注意纠正单词can 和can’t的发音。


年 级


学 科



课 题

  unit1  ability       lesson 21234567891011121314151617181920




教 学 目 标1.复习巩固:can  you……? yes, i  can. no, i  can’t.2.learn  some  words: but ,lay eggs,  fly


1. 熟练掌握并灵活运用can  you……? yes, i  can. no, i  can’t.2. 掌握字母a 在闭音节中的读音.

资 源 准 备①some pictures words .②a  recorder 

教  学  过  程



1.free talk

2.greetings二.review1.some words: swim ,run ,draw, sing, dance, ride a bike2.t: can you swim /run/ draw……? s: yes, i can./no, i can’t.now ,let’s learn lesson 2三.presentation1. lesson  2  2.let’s chant3.show a picture of a bird: the bird can fly. fly ,fly ,fly.  but it can’t swim. show a picture of a hen : the hen can’t ride a bike, but it can lay egg.4.learn the words: fly, lay eggs ,but5.listen to the tape and read after it  can you swim, miss bird?  no, i can’t, but i can fly.  can you ride a bike ?  no, i can’t, but i can lay eggs.  can you fly, mr.monkey ?  no, i can’t, but i can ride a bike.6.look, think and say. 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com7.listen ,read and copy words      a:    bag   cat   apple   black四.practice1.read the text2.listen and connect3.read .tick or cross.五.homework1.read  the  text2. activity book lesson 2ⅵ.writing design:

unit 1 ability  lesson 2can you … ?    miss birdyes, i can.      fly   lay eggs no, i can’t.   听录音,童谣出示图片  跟读磁带听录音,完成练习

教学反思与 建 议    本课要巩固上一节课的内容,利用单词卡片,复习学过的单词。熟练掌握并灵活运用can  you……? yes, i  can. no, i  can’t. 。掌握字母a 在闭音节中的读音。上课时间



年 级


学 科




课 题

unit2  birthday        lesson 3




教 学 目 标1.能听懂、会说what about ---? good idea.\happy birthday!   并在真实语境中运用。2.能认读单词 tomorrow \birthday\ party\ buy\ doll\ story book\cake


talking about the drills skillfully.

资 源 准 备

1.some pictures of new words .2.a  recorder 

教  学  过  程



1.free talk

2.greetingsⅱ.presentation1.sing“ happy birthday”2.show the title of unit 2 lesson 3t:who knows the meaning of “ happy birthday”?   s:….1234567891011121314151617181920t:today we are going to learn unit 2 lesson 33.learn the words of “birthday” 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.comt: tomorrow is my birthday.come to my party ,please.t:tomorrow is my birthday.come to my party ,please.party,you know ,party?   t: party,party,come to my party.  come to my party ,please.  ask students to read after the teachers.  2.        t:now,i am mr.tiger, tomorrow is my birthday. come to my party ,please.who want to be mr. tiger?s:“sure.”5.t:let’s buy a present for mr.tiger.6. learn the sentence and the words :what about a …?  doll, cake, story bookt:what about a pencil?   t:what about a doll?t:a doll. a doll.    s:“good idea.”learn the words:cake, story book 7.read after the tape.ⅲ.practice1.listen and answer the questionst:ok,listen carefully,whose birthday is it tomorrow?     who else in the dialogue?     s:…2.read and repeat3. do the pair work to practise the dialoguet:now,four of you, a group, to practise this dialogue.4.role playⅳ.sing the song “happy birthday to you”ⅴ.homework1.read the text 2.activity book lesson3ⅵ.writing design: 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com

unit 2  birthday  lesson 3tomorrow   birthday    come to my party  buy a presentwhat about … ?    good idea.                                     doll  cake   story boook 出示单词卡片出示单词卡片跟读磁带听录音,完成练习听录音,学唱歌曲

教学反思与 建 议  这节课的内容以学生们熟悉“生日聚会”为主题,孩子们很有兴趣,我在课前以”生日聚会”为话题,跟他们简单聊几句,提起他们的兴趣,再引入相关单词的教学,学生学习的兴致较高。接着把重点短语、句子板书于黑板,反复跟读后,让程度较好的学生带上事先准备的生日礼物来完成简单对话。接着通过小组比赛形式,(比一比谁记得快记得多)来反复复习文中的对话。但发现,小组比啊赛时,每组参与的同学总是那么几个,其他同学对几个新句型还是不够熟悉。上课时间



年 级


学 科




课 题

  unit2  birthday     lesson 4




教 学 目 标

1.复习巩固:tomorrow is my birthday. come to my party, please. let"s buy a present for sally. what about a doll? good idea.2.学习掌握:happy birthday! this is a present for you. open the present, sally. wow, a beautiful doll!12345678910111213141516171819203.掌握字母a在开音节中的读音.

重点、难点1. 熟练掌握并灵活运用所学句型向他人祝贺生日.2. 掌握字母a 在开音节中的读音.

资 源 准 备


教  学  过  程


stepⅰ warm-up

1. greetings

2. sing a song: happy birthday to youstepⅱ revision: free-talk: talkwith the students with the sentence patterns in lesson3, such as "let"s buy a present for sally…."stepⅲ presentation1. show the title of unit 2 lesson 4t: now, please look at the screen. today we"re going to learn unit2 birthday lesson4. follow me! 2.t: now, boys and girls, look ! there are many beautiful presents here. this is a present for you. this is a present for you, this is a present for you, please show me your presents!..t: wow, beautiful presents. wow, a beautiful present. wow, a beautiful doll!..learn the word “beautiful. 3.①ask the students to open the present!t: now, three students come here! …come here!please open the present and make a sentence with " a beautiful…" ok open the present, please! …this is a present for you!... go back to your seat! who can read this word (open…)② listen, repeat and doplay a game: one by one to say open the present4.listen,read and copy5. say a rhymestepⅳ sum-up and evaluationstepⅴ homework1. 听读课文lesson4 三到五遍2. 完成课本p17 5. listen and number3. activity book lesson4stepⅵ.writing design:

unit 2  birthday  lesson 4 happy birthday! this is a present for you. open the present.                             a beautiful doll出示实物跟读磁带录音学童谣

教学反思与 建 议  这节课的新句型较少,很多句子是lesson3中的句子,所以在上新课前,我主要以复习导入,让学生们把事先准备的礼物拿出,老师随意在学生中走动,抽取一礼物,三个句子 let"s buy a present for sally. 和what about … ?    good idea. 接着再引入新课教学。这样,学生们更容易进入到新课的学习状态中。新课教学后发现this is a present for you.这句,学生老是和let"s buy a present for sally.混淆,需反复让学生认真辨认,并在具体情境中表达运用。上课时间



年 级


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课 题

       unit 3  food    lesson    5 




教 学 目 标1) new words:  grapes,  melons,  carrots,  peaches,  sweet,      2) the drills:i like … / i don’t like…./they’re not sweet. 1234567891011121314151617181920

重点、难点1.new words of part 3 and the sentences of part 2.2.use the sentences of part 2.  

资 源 准 备①some food objects or some pictures of new words... .②a  recorder . 

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2.sing a song<<apple tree>>

二 ⅱ.review the fruits. ⅲ.presentation1.show a banana to the ss and ask : what’s this ?lead to bananas  

2. show again a cake ,egg to the ss and ask :

what are these ? lead to cakes,eggs找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com3. use the same way to teach: grape/ melon/peach/carrot.4. show a toy monkey and lead to ask and answer :what do you like,monkey?  i like bananas.5.show the other toys and lead to say :i like fish .i like grapes. i like melons.i like carrots. i like peaches.6.read after the tape.

7.   7.get the students to listen to the tape on page 19 and then repeat    

8. get the students to open the books and read part 1 after the teacher .9. get the students to read together and read each other .ⅳ.practice1.                  1.read the new words2.                  2.part 3 on page213.                  3.play the gameⅴ.homework

1.      1.listen to the tape and repeat .

2.      2.finish the exercises in your activity book lesson5.

   ⅵ.writing design:

unit 3  food  lesson 5              grapes               i like ....              melons              i don"t like ....              carrots              they are sweet.              peaches             they"re not sweet. 出示水果的图片,学习相关的单词


教学反思与 建 议  课前通过带来的图片、实物等来复习之前学过的一些关于水果食物的单词,之后老师指着香蕉说i like bananas.引出教学新单词like(喜欢),接着出示单词卡片,教学grape、cattot等7个单词的教学。遇到学生大多不喜欢的食物时,引出句型i don"t like ....,再以i like .... 和i don"t like ....两种句型来复习巩固所学单词。这样学生对单词记忆更深刻,句型也渐渐熟悉接着学课文时,也轻松了很多!学习对水果食物很感兴趣,学习效果较好!学生对 carrots 和 peaches两个单词,还是记得不够牢固! 上课时间1234567891011121314151617181920



年 级


学 科




课 题

       unit 3   food    lesson 6




教 学 目 标1.复习巩固单词:grape,apple,peach,melon,fish,cake,egg,orange,banana,carrot2.复习巩固句型;i like …. /i don’t  like… 3.learn some words:noodles, hot dog ,hamburger 4.学习字母e在闭音节中的读音

重点、难点1.i like …. /i don’t  like…2.what do you like?  i like ....do you like…? yes ,we do. four hamburgers, please.

资 源 准 备1.some pictures of the words .2.a  recorder 

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1.free talk

2.greetingsⅱ.review1.some words: grape,apple ,peach,melon,fish,cake,egg,orange,banana,carrot2.ask ss to say : i like ….    i don’t like…ⅲ.presentation1. lesson  6 2.show a picture of hamburgers and ask :do you like hamburgers?lead to answer :yes , i do / we do.3.learn the words:noodles, hot dog. and tell students to pay attention to the word : noodles4.translate the text into chinese.show some pictures of food on the blackboard. ask ss to express their hobbies.5.ask ss to read after the tape on page 236.read after the teacher. 7.ask ss to read by themselves8.let’s chant.9.pay attention to the pronunciation;e  pen ,hen .red .eggⅳ.practice 1.listen. tick or cross2.evaluate yourself3.play a gameⅴ.homework1.read the text

2.   2.activity book lesson 6. unit 3  food  lesson 5

                         what do you like?  

                       i like ....                hot dogs

                      do you like ...?           hamburgers

                   yes, i do. / no, i don"t.

出示水果的图片  跟读磁带

教学反思与建 议    在上新课前以句型i like .... peaches和i don"t like ....进行巩固上节课所学食物和水果的单词,再出示教学图片,(上面有很多食物)老师指着其中一种食物说i like noodles , 问学生what do you like?引出此句型教学!有了上节课的基础,学生对此句型掌握较好!上课过程中 但发现学生对可数不可数名词掌握不够好,此方面还要多加引导!上课时间1234567891011121314151617181920



年 级


学 科




课 题

unit 4   parts  of  the  body (1)     lesson 7




教 学 目 标

1、four skill words: head eye ear mouth face nose neck 

2、sentences:touch your head. touch your eyes. touch your ears.

touch your face.touch your mouth.


1.vocabulary about the parts of the body

2.listen and act the parts of the body.

资 源 准 备

1.some pictures of new words .

2.a recorder and some pictures.

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stepl warm up


2.sing a song: apple tree

step 2 presentation

1.teach the new words on page 31

show the cards about the parts of the body,and read the following words

face ,ear ,mouth,nose,eye,head,neck,

2.the teacher touches own face,head,ear,mouth,nose,eye,neck  

 and says my face/head/ear/mouth/nose/eye/neck

3.ask the children to follow the teacher ,read and act.

step3 listen and act

1. the teacher gives the orders:

  touch your head/ear/eye/mouth/nose/face. 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com

the whole class act out when they hear the order.

2.  read aloud after the teacher,act out happily and quickly

3.  listen to the tape and repeat

4.  divide the whole class into two big groups

one group gives orders,the other acts out. then exchange

step4 play a game

teacher:first draw a face without a mouth on the blackboard and a face without a nose.

then ask some students to come to the blackboard and close their eyes with red scarf.

give orders: draw a mouth on the face.

          draw a nose on the face.

students draw while hearing the orders made.

step5 sing a song

1.  read the words of the song

2.  play the recorder and ask the children to repeat

3.  sing and act happily

step6 homework

1.  listen to the tape and repeat

2. do touch your ears/mouth/eyes/nose game with your parents or your parterner

3. do activity book lesson 7.

step7 writing design:

unit 4  parts of the body  lesson 7                     touch your ....                           eye ear nose neck 

head mouth face


教学反思与 建 议1234567891011121314151617181920





年 级


学 科




课 题

unit 4   parts  of  the  body (1)     lesson 8




教 学 目 标

1、review the words: head eye ear mouth face nose neck 

2、sentences:this is your art teacher.now draw a face and two eyes.

then draw a nose and a mouth,what’s next?3.掌握字母e在绝对开音节中的读音


1.vocabulary about the parts of the body.2.the sentences on page 353.掌握字母e在绝对开音节中的读音.

资 源 准 备

1.some pictures of new words .2.a recorder and some pictures.

教  学  过  程


ⅰ.warm up

1.greetings找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com

good morning,boys and girls.

how are you today?

what is this in english?

it is an apple.

i like apples.what about you?

2.sing a song


t: touch your head/ eyes/nose/ears/face/mouth/neck ,the students act as the  teacher says.

  the students exchange their order and act out the actions


1 unit 4 parts of the body (1)    lesson 8

2.look at the vcd lesson 8 the teacher explains it to the students.

3.ask the children to follow the teacher ,read and act.

4.let’s chant

     the teacher gives the orders:

ask the students to tell the differences between hat and cat.

read aloud after the teacher.

listen to the tape and repeat.

5.read and match

learn the words long,big

explain the sentences

ask the students to read after the teacher then match.

6.listen, read and copy these words ,pay attention to the pronunciation.

   e   we   he   she    me

7.listen and circle the right picture on page 38.


1.  listen to the tape and repeat.2. activity book lesson 8.

ⅴ. writing design:

unit 4  parts of the body  lesson 8                              art  teacher draw a … and two ....                           now    then what’s next?                                           1234567891011121314151617181920播放vcd   跟读磁带

教学反思与 建 议





年 级


学 科




课 题unit 5   parts  of  the  body (2)     lesson 9



教 学 目 标1.掌握单词:leg, hand, arm, foot, feet, knee, clap, wave, stamp, bend 2.能听懂:clap your hands. stamp your feet. wave your arms. bend your knees.并按照指令做动作。3.掌握句子:how many ___ can you see? i can see …


资 源 准 备1.some pictures of new words .2.a computer   

教  学  过  程


step l warm up

1.greetings找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com

2.sing a song: head ,shoulders,knees and toes.

step 2 review

1.review no. from 1 to 10

2.play a game : touch your body.

step 3 presentation

1. unit 4 parts of the body (2)    lesson 9

2.  ask two students to the front of the class

t: how many eyes can you see?

t: how many ears can you see?

lead students to say :i can see…

continue like this:noses, necks, heads

3. learn the new words:leg

t: how many legs can you see?

s:i can see ….

t:read after me :leg .ask students to tell leg and legs

   continue to learn hand,arm,feet

    4.look at the screen and read after the vcd

how many legs can you see? i can see_____legs.

how many hands can you see? i can see_____hands.

how many arms can you see? i can see_____arms

how many feet can you see? i can see_____feet.

step 4 play a game

1.                              ask the winner to clap their hands

2.                              ask the last to stamp their feet

3.                              ask the other students to wave their arms ,bend their knees

4.                              do as the vcd. 1234567891011121314151617181920

5.                              let’s chant.

step 5 sing a song

step 6 homework

1.  listen to the tape and repeat

2. do activity book lesson 9

step 6 writing design:

unit 5  parts of the body  lesson 9

how many … can you see?  i can see ….

clap your hands.        hand

wave your arms.        arm

bend your knees.        knee

stamp your feet.        foot---feet


教学反思与 建 议本课先以“蒙眼触摸” 游戏形式复习上节的头部部位单词老师故意让学生摸到脖子以下,引出身体各部位单词教学。新句型how many … can you see?  i can see…,学生对中文意思理解不是很好,我利用了教学图片,指导学生从图意来理解,效果还不错!但这节课容量较大,特别是又增加了四个动词clap, wave, stamp, bend学生容易混淆,通过多种游戏竞猜比赛等,让学生从能听到会说,会根据指令做动作!另外学生容易忽略这几个身体部位单词的复数形式使用,下节课复习时一定多加强调!上课间



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课 题unit 5   parts  of  the  body (2)     lesson 10



教 学 目 标1.学习掌握生词zebra,children 。2.学习掌握句型:how many zebras are there? there are four zebras.3.学说背诵童谣:fly my kite.4.学习掌握元音字母i在重读闭音节中的读音规则。

重点、难点1. 句子 how many zebras are there? there are two.2. 元音字母i在重读闭音节中的读音规则。

资 源 准 备教学卡片,实物,vcd,多媒体课件等

教  学  过  程



1.      greeting.

2.      sing a song.(follow me)

3.      have a free talk.

4.      review the words : legs  arms  feet   hands


 how many legs can you see? 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com


1.t: what are those? s: they are monkeys.

t: how many monkeys are there?

s: there are three.

 t: how many children are there?

s : there are two.   learn the word:children.  zebra,  zebras .

t: what’s this ?

s: it’s a zebra.

t: how many zebras are there? learn the sentence

s: there are two.

2.learn the text 1,2.

a .look at the pictures ,ask and answer  

b.read the sentences

3.watch vcd 1,2

4.ask students to read the text by themselves.1234567891011121314151617181920


1.ask some students to hide under the desk ,put their hands up ,the teacher  asks questions, the students answer them.

2.the students show their pictures ,make sentences two by two.

3.learn the rhyme.

4.learn the words

      i :  pig   fish  six   swim

5.    sum up

(1)words:children, zebra

(2)sentences:how many zebras are there?

there are two.


1.do activity book lesson 9.

2.llisten to the text and read it.

3. copy the new words.

ⅵ. writing design:

unit 5  parts of the body  lesson 10

how many zebras are there?

there are four zebras.

zebra     children

(课件展示)(出示图片)(展示课件)  播放vcd 跟读vcd

教学反思与 建 议本课以歌曲follow me来复习上节所学,接着再以“touch your…”发出指令,让学生do the action。教学图片的展示很好的导入了新句型how many … are there?there are…的教学。同时还要与上节课句型how many … can you see?进行比较,让学生发现两种句型的区别。在操练巩固环节,用了许多图片让学生进行新句型的练习。上课时间



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课 题

unit 6  domestic animals   lesson 11




教 学 目 标

1)four skill words: cow,farm,horse,sheep,animal,eleven,twelve.

2)main  drills:how many cows are there on the farm?

there are eleven.

3)sing a song: old macdonald had a farm.

4)say a rhyme: baa baa black sheep    


1.new words and the main sentences.

2.talking about the picture.

资 源 准 备

1. word cards.

2. a computer and a software.

教  学  过  程


step l warm up


2.say a rhyme.

step 2 review1.t: show the picture and ask:

how many bananas can you see? i can see…bananas.

t: right.how many legs can you see?  i can see…legs.

2.follow the teacher

repeat 11.12.(several times)

step 3presentation

1. unit 6 domestic animals  lesson 11

  2. t:boys and girls,i’ll bring a new friend for you today. who’he ?oh, it’s old macdonald. he welcomes us to his farm. let’s have a look.

  show:“farm” help them say:farm farm .on the farm,on the farm

  t:ok.today let’s talk about the animals on the farm.

3. t:what can you see on the farm? i can see…

t: yes,we call them as domestic animals.

(cai shows the title“ unit 6 a domestic animals lesson 11”)

t:look,a cow is coming. teach“cow”.

ask the ss: “how many cows are there on the farm?” and help them to answer :there are eleven.  1234567891011121314151617181920

4.learn horse,horses. ask: “how many horses are there on the farm?”                      “there are four.”

5.learn sheep.ask: “how many sheep are there on the farm?”

 “there are  twelve.”

6. cai shows a picture of a farm.ask the students to talk about the pictures in groups.then go to the front to act

7.the teacher plays the tape, get the students to listen and repeat.

8.ask some students to read the dialogue.

step4 say a rhyme on page 52

     sing a song on page 51

step 5 homework

   1.  listen to the tape and repeat

2. do activity book lesson 11.

step 6 writing design:

               unit 6  domestic animals  lesson 11

               how many … are there on the farm? 

               there are ....   eleven   twelve

               cow--cows    horse--horses    sheep


教学反思与 建 议从学生们喜欢的农场动物引入本课的学习,三个动物单词较容易掌握,但要提醒学生sheep单复数同型的特点;两个数字eleven和twelve容易混淆不易记忆,需多花时间并多操练;另外本课重点句型的问答较长,可分解操练,从词组到短句再到长句逐步巩固。上课时间



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课 题unit 6   domestic animals     lesson 12



教 学 目 标1)four  skill  words: milk , wool, animal .friend, us .give2)main  drills: i am a cow. i can give you milk.   i am a sheep. i can give you wool .   i am a duck. i can give you eggs .   i am a hen. i can give you eggs, too .3)掌握字母i在开音节中的读音 i/ai/--- bike , five , kite , nine

重点、难点1.new words and the main sentences.2.talking about the picture

资 源 准 备1. word cards.2. a computer and a software.3.some objects. 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com

教  学  过  程


step1. warm up

   1.greetings .

2.sing the song together

step 2 .review

      1.some words ; cow ,milk ,sheep,duck,hen,egg1234567891011121314151617181920

      2.how many cows are there on the farm? there are  …


1. unit 6 domestic animals  lesson 12

2.show something to the students and say, give learn the word give.

3.show a bottle of milk and learn the word milk.

4.give the bottle of milk to a student and say :give you milk.

learn the phrase give you milk .

5.show a picture of a cow and say: i can give you milk.

6.ask some students to say the sentence i can give you milk .

7.say the sentence: hi, i am a cow. i can give you milk.

8.then do as the same way ,learn the words wool and the sentences: hi, i am a sheep.i can give you wool.

9.learn the sentences:hi ,i am a duck. i can give you eggs. hi,i am a hen. i can give you eggs,too.   10.listen to the tape and read after the tape on page 53.   11. learn the word animal.look and read on page 54.

step4.practice1 .let’s guess.      they can give us milk. are they cows?  yes.      they can give us wool. are they sheep?  yes.2. i: /ai / , five , kite , nine ,bike  (listen ,read  and  copy)3.listen and circle the right picture.

step5. summary

step6. homework

1.listen and read lesson 12 three times.   2. copy the words.     3. do activity book lesson 12.

step 6 writing design:

               unit 6  domestic animals  lesson 11

               hi. i"m a ....

               i can give you ....  milk  wool

              animal   friend   us


教学反思与 建 议本课学习继续关于农场动物作用,让学生扮演角色对话不仅积极性高,而且能让学生在活动中较快掌握句型:i can give you ....不过还要注意区分milk, wool的不可数形式,并及时归纳学过的可数不可数名词,单数复数形式的规律,帮助学生总结掌握。上课时间



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课 题

unit  7   clothes (1)    lesson 13




教 学 目 标

1.学习单词:sweater, skirt, socks, shirt, shoes

2.学习句型:put on your…. 

                 take off your….1234567891011121314151617181920



1.认识记忆新单词。找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com

2.学习句型:put on your…. 

                  take off your….

3.   3.在实际生活中能正确运用所学句型谈论服装。

资 源 准 备

some  pictures  of  new  words .

a  recorder 

教  学  过  程


step 1: warm up


2)say a chant: what’s that? what’s that? a black cat.

where’s the cat? where’s the cat? in the hat.

step 2: presentation

1) lead to learn the word hat from the chant,compare the two words :cat and hat.ask  students  to  write  the  word :hat

2) t: look! these are clothes. today we’re going to learn unit 7 clothes lesson 13.  read  after  the  teacher :clothes, clothes

3)look! these are clothes. what’s this in english? what are they in english? take  out  the  cloth  and  learn  the  word :shirt,pay  attention to the pronunciation :ir~ir~shirt.use  the   same  way  to learn  the  word: skirt    ir:ir~ir~shirt  ir~ir~skirt,ask  students  to  tell  the two  words.and  write  them  down.

4)show  the  things  to  learn  :sweater  and  socks.

5)ask  students  to  guess  the  things  in  the  box  to  learn the  word: shoes  ( sh~sh~shirt, sh~sh~shoes。)

6) read  after  the  tape

step 3: practice

1. use  many  kinds  of  ways  to  practice  these  words

2. game :what’s missing?

3. ask  students  to match the words  and  pictures

step 4: learn to say(1)

1)show  the  word:hat, act  put  on and  take off and  say  put on your….  take off your…learn  the  two  sentences  and  write  them  on  the  blackboard。

2)stick  the  pictures  under  the  sentences  while  reading them

3)competition; ask  students todo as  the  teacher  says

4)ask  four  students  to  stand  in  the  front  of  the  blackboard , do  the  actions  put  on  or  take  off ,the  other  students  say  the  sentences  by  the   teacher’s   lip-reading.  1234567891011121314151617181920

5)listen,read and play(62)(draw  the  pictures  with  the  pencil)。

step 5: learn to say(2)

1)t: your skirt is beautiful. i like your shoes. learn  how  to  appreciate   others .lead  to  the  sentence:thank you.

2)listen and repeat.

step 6: homework

1)listen to the tape and read after it

2) make  sentences  with  put on your….  take off your….

3) do activity book  lesson 13


   lesson 13   clothes


            put on your….  穿(戴)上….

take off your…. 脱掉….

hat     shirt      skirt     sweater     socks      shoes 出示实物,学习单词跟读磁带,学习单词听磁带,判断跟读磁带,

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课 题

unit 7   clothes (1)    lesson 14




教 学 目 标

1.  复习有关服装的名词 : hat、sweater、skirt、shirt、socks、shoes

2.  复习句型 :  put on … …    take off … …

3.  学习新词 :  t-shirt 、size、small、large

4. 学习句型 :  this t-shirt is too small/large.

               what size do you wear?

5.   掌握字母o在重读闭音节中的发音


1.  the new words : t-shirt 、size、small、large

2.  the new sentences:  this t-shirt is too small/large.

                        what size do you wear?

资 源 准 备


教  学  过  程


step 1  warming up

⑴ greeting.

⑵ review the following words : hat、sweater、skirt、shirt、socks、shoes.

⑶learn the word :t-shirt, explain the differences between t-shirt and shirt

⑷ play a game  step 2  presentation and practice

⑴ lead to learn the sentence from the clother in the child

   this t-shirt is too large.

   write the sentence on the blackboard and learn it.

⑵ show a small t-shirt and lead to the sentence

this t-shirt is too small.

  write the sentence on the blackboard and learn it.

⑶ ①show the label and lead size s。let students guess the meaning of  size s 1234567891011121314151617181920

     learn size s  

   ② let  students  guess  how to express  size l。

     learn size l  

   ③ask  students to say other sizes of  the  cloth , lead  to learn size m,learn  the  phrase .

   ④play  a game

⑷ show the clothes of  different  size (s、m、 l)  

t: what size do you wear?

ss: size  m,  size s,  size l

step 3  consolidation

⑴ show  the  vcd。

⑵ listen and circle the right picture.

step 4 phonetic teaching

⑴ show  the  words  dog、 doll、frog、 stop .read  after  the  teacher .

⑵ let  students  to  find  out  the  regularity  of  the  letter  o pronunciation in the  words

⑶ sum up  the  pronunciation of  the  letter  o

⑷ read  after  the  tape

⑸ practice : read  the  words

step 5 sum up and evaluation

step 6 home work

⑴listen to the tape

⑵do a survey(67)

⑶do activity book lesson14。


 lesson 14   clothes

                  this t-shirt is too small/large.

               what size do you wear?

t-shirt 、size、small、large


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课 题unit 8 clothes(2)    lesson 15



教 学 目 标

1) two  skill  words:  whose, jacket.

2) the  drills:

whose jacket is this? it is hu ping ’s.

whose sweater is this? it is wao tao’s.  


part 1 learn to say

talking  about  the  drills  skillfully.

资 源 准 备

1)some  pictures  of words .

2)a  recorder. 

教  学  过  程


stepl warm up


2.say a rhyme.

step 2 review

1.the  clothes  learned   in  unit  7.the  teacher  shows  some  pictures  of  the  clother  and  asks  students  to  spell  them  out.

2.game :put  the  cards  away  and ask  students  to  guess  the  last  one .


1.unit 8 clothes(2)    lesson 15 1234567891011121314151617181920

2. show a book on the desk and ask :whose book is this ? and then show a jacket ,ask whose  jacket  is  this?lead  to  learn  the  word  jacket.jacket 3.lead  in : review  the  stationaries :     what’s  this ?  it’s  a  ruler /a  pencil…     whose  ruler/pencil…is this ?it’s  xiaoming’s .( ben’s / wangtao’s…)4. read  and  repeat : it’s  sally’s ./ben’s/kate’s/ wangtao’s.5.①whose  jacket  is  this ?     it’s  hu  ping’s .     ②ask  and  answer (p71)whose  jacket  is  this? it’s hu ping’s.whose  sweater  is  this? it’s wang  tao’s.catch. thank  you ,mr. wang.6. learn  to  say : read  after  the  tape.7.say  a  rhyme.who’s  the  girl  wearing blue?   who’s  the  girl  wearing blue?   she’s  my  little  sister  sue   what’s  she  doing  at  the zoo?   she  is  looking  for  her  shoe.step4.practice   1.ask and  answer  on  page  71.  2.play  a  game .3.summary  : whose  谁的step 5.homework:1. make  the  sentences  in  oral.  2. listen to the  tape  of  lesson  15.  3. do activity book lesson 15 板书设计:           unit 8 clothes(2)    lesson 15

          whose jacket is this? it is hu ping ’s.whose sweater is this? it is wao tao’s.    出示卡片,复习单词跟读磁带,学习课文

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课 题

unit8  clothes(2)    lesson 16




教 学 目 标1)复习单词: red, yellow ,green ,orange2)复习句子:whose jacket/sweater/shirt is this? it’s hu ping’s.3)学习句子:mom,i like this red sweater. and i like the yellow color.ok ,let’s buy this one.3)掌握字母o开音节中的读音 o


 part 1 learn to say

talking  about  the  drills  skillfully.

资 源 准 备

1) some  pictures  of words .   

2)a  recorder. 

教  学  过  程


step1. warm up


2.say a rhyme.

step 2 review1) review  the  colors:green  blue  white  black  pink  yellow orange                   red2)ask students :what color is this sweater?tt’s red/blue…


1.unit 8 clothes(2)    lesson 162.the teacher plays vcd and asks students to watch it carefully .ask some   students to say the meaning of  part 13.the teacher translates the sentences into chinese and the students read after the teacher4.read  after  the  tape ,pay  attention to the tune  mom, i like this red sweater.    what  size ?  size  s . it’s  too  small.  look,size m. and  i  like  the  yellow color.   ok. let’s buy this one.5.ask some students to read the text6. sing  a  song (1)first ,translate  the  sentences in the song(2)second.read after  the  teacher (3)learn the song7.o – nose  phone  go  no step4.practice1.listen and connect part 5 of page 772.play  a  game.  who  is  wearing  green  today?   i’m  wearing green today.3. summary: wearing  正穿着step 5.homework:  1. listen to the  tape  of  lesson  16  2. do activity book lesson 16

板书设计: 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com

             unit8  clothes(2)    lesson 16          whose jacket/sweater/shirt is this? it’s hu ping’s.出示单词卡片,复习单词播放光碟,学习课文跟读磁带,学习句型听力练习

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课 题

unit  9  children’s day  lesson 17




教 学 目 标

1) six  skill  words: dancing,  running,  swimming, drawing, playing, flying

2) 介词短语:on the swing,on the slide

3)  现在进行时态的构成和用法。

4) the  drills:

linda is singing.

three girls are dancing.

bill is drawing.

kate is playing on the swing.

ben is playing on the slide.  


1)dancing,  running,  swimming, drawing, playing, flying


资 源 准 备

①some  pictures  .

②a  recorder and a tape1234567891011121314151617181920

教  学  过  程


step 1 warming up

1. greeting.

2.have a chant  “i can sing”

3. review the following words : sing、dance、draw、run、swim、fly

  ask students to spell out these words in many different ways.

step 2  presentation

1.show the title of  unit 9   children’s day  lesson 17

2.play a game :ask some students to do actions while the other students say the  words

  s1 is dancing . t:she is dancing.  lead in the new sentence and write it on the blackboard.read the sentence .then learn the sentences : he is running / swimming/flying a kite/drawing  in the same way.

3.learn the phrases:  on the swing、on the slide

   show the pictures to learn the words

   swing – on the swing – play on the swing

   slide – on the slide – play on the slide

4.read after the tape

step 3  practice

⑴ p80 part 2 look and say

  the whole class read the phrases and ask students to find out the similar.

then learn the sentences.

⑵ part 2 look and say

step 4 consolidation

⑴listen to the tape of part1

   first,ask students to sum up the meaning

   second,ask students to read the text

   third,the whole class read the text

⑵sing a song  “happy children’s day”

step 5 sum up and evaluation

step 6 home work

⑴listen to the tape and read after it。

⑵finish off the activity book of lesson17。blackboard design               unit  9  children’s day  lesson 17

                    linda is singing.

three girls are dancing.

bill is drawing.

kate is playing on the swing.

ben is playing on the slide.


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课 题

 unit  9  children’s day  lesson 18




教 学 目 标

1) words: boat ,lake ,seesaw

2) review the phrases:on the swing,on the slide

3) 复习现在进行时态的构成和用法。

4) the  drills:

they are running.

sally is playing on the…

wang tao is playing on the..

chen ling is playing on the …

hu ping is playing on the …




资 源 准 备

①some  pictures  .

②a  recorder and a tape

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step 1 warming up

1. greeting.

2. sing the song :“ happy  children’s  day.”

3. review the following words : sing-singing、dance-dancing、draw-drawing、run-running、swim-swimming、fly-flying ,play-playing

  ask students to spell out these words in many different ways.

step 2  presentation

1.show the title of  unit 9   children’s day  lesson 182.the teacher asks a boy and a girl to do the actions and then ask the other students: what  is he/she  doing? lead the students to answer : he  is  drawing. she  is  drawing .--- they  are  drawing . (他们)3.ask students to open the book on page 85,part 3 , look and say .write the phrases on the blackboard :in the park, on the swing,on the slide 4.read the phrases then ask students to make sentences with them

step 3  practice1.do the exercise on page 84 part 2 look, tick  and cross.look at page 83 and answer these questions,yes or no2.listen, read  and copy  these  words .      u-- run  duck  uncle  but3.part 5 listen  and  circle  the  right  picture

step 4sum up

they are running.

sally is playing on the…

wang tao is playing on the..

chen ling is playing on the …

hu ping is playing on the …

step 5home work⑴copy the words⑵finish off the activity book of lesson18。blackboard design                unit  9  children’s day  lesson 18

sing-singing      dance-dancing    swim-swimming

draw-drawing                      run-running



they are running.

u-- run  duck  uncle  but


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