[九年义务教育六年制小学 数学]《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语》3A 第九单元第二教时

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-22 网络整理 晴天


教案一、教学内容《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语》3a 第九单元第二教时二、教学目标:1、能听懂、会说turn on/off …及其应答语all right./ok等。2、能听懂、会说常见物品a light, a tv, a tap, a walkman.3、能使用简单的祈使句表达“请别人干某事”的意思及进行应答。三、教学重点1、单词:a light, a tv, a tap, a walkman, turn on, turn off.2、日常交际用语:turn on/off…及其应答语all right./ok等。四、教学难点1、turn on/off 的连读.2、能在情景中灵活运用本课所学的日常交际用语。五、课前准备1、教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物:包、水龙头、随身听。电视、水龙头、随身听、灯的图片、几张表示地点的图片.2、板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题unit 9 on and off教学过程一、       say a rhymet: boys and girls, now let’s say a rhyme:we are happy today.s: (齐声背诵)二、  revision1、(实物投影几幅地点的图片)t: good morning,s1.s1:good morning, miss ju.t: how are you?s1: fine, thank you. and you?t: i’m fine, too. let’s go to hong mei park.(指图上的红梅公园)s1: good/great, but how?t: by bike. s----s 三、             presentation1、play a game.(听口令做动作)t:open/close the book./ box/ pencil-box./ door./window/fridge/basket.stand up.sit down.…t:(课前把教室的灯开好)s1,turn off the light,please.(指指灯,帮助学生完成其任务)s1:all right.teach the word“light”学生跟读单词数遍t:(作关灯的动作) turn off the light.  let’s turn off the light.ss: all right.teach the word“turn off”学生跟读数遍,边读边做关灯的动作。2、show a bag to the students.t: guess, what’s in my bag?s1:a pencil.s2: a book.…t: let’s open it.ss:all right.t: oh, it’s a tap. 教师引导学生说:“turn off the tap,please.”show a picture of a light to the students.教师引导学生说:“turn off the light,please.”ss: turn off the light,please.t: ok/ all right.学生操练: turn off the light/tap,please.work in pairs like this:s1:turn off the light/ tap, please.s2:ok/all right.3、show a tv to the students.t: look, this is a tv.turn off the tv,please.s1: ok/all right.学生跟读tv,turn off the tv.ask the students to make up the dialogues.4、show a walkman to the students.t: this is a walkman. t: who can turn on the walkman?教师手指随身听)s1:all right.(教师引导学生上台打开随身听,播放出英文歌曲 ,让学生跟着音乐拍手)t: teach the word “tv” ,“turn on” 学生跟读turn on, turn on the light. turn on the walkman。 oh, nice music!.let’s have a break. sing a song,ok?ss: ok.(歌曲唱完)t: oh, let’s go on our class. who can turn off the walkman please?(一学生上台关掉随身听)make the dialogues like this:s1:hello,s2. nice to meet you.s2:nice to meet you too.s1:turn on the walkman ,please.s2: all right.12四、consolidation1、say and act work in pairs.一个学生表演动作,另一个学生说出句子。看哪一组同学在一分钟内说得又多又好,给予奖励。2 跟读课文录音第一二幅图3t: let’s learn a new rhyme”turn on and turn off.” 《易捷儿童韵律英语p32页》ss:all right.(放录音让学生听一遍) turn on the tv. let’s watch tv.turn on the light. let’s read books.turn off the tv. let’s clean the room.turn off the light. let’s go to sleep.t(新授歌谣)4、(出示不同地点的图片)例如:s1: good morning,s1.s2:good morning, s1: how are you?s2: fine, thank you. and you?s1: i’m fine, too. let’s go to bed.s2: ok.s1:turn off the light,please.s2:ok. 五、homework:回家听录音读52页3遍。

unit 9turn on /off  the  light.(图1)      all right/ok.                tap(图2)                tv(图3)                walkman(图4)板书设计

                                                       (常州市中山路小学  鞠艳提供)12


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