[3a大作是什么意思]3A Unit 3 This is my father(第三课时)

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-21 网络整理 晴天


1. 复习巩固并能熟练掌握本单元八个单词的单复数。
2. 能熟练掌握并运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。
3. 能听懂、会说 i can see a …/some … what do you like? i like…
二、教学重点: 教学目标1、2
三、教学难点: 教学目标4
四、教学准备: 头饰、录音、图片、挂图、字母卡片等。
step1 revision
1.sing the song 《hello!》
good morning. / hi. / hello.
step2 look and say (part c)
1.revise :
t—s1: hi, i’m … what’s your name? this is …
(先用真实姓名,再用nancy、mr black等头饰)s1—s2、s3上前表演
2.look at the pictures and say
show picture 1: who is he/she?
then some students act it out in front.(上前后先自我介绍:hi/hello, i’m …)
look and say picture 2 to picture 4 in the same way
3.look at the blackboard and try to read the sentences:
good morning/afternoon.
this is …
nice to meet you.
nice to meet you, too.
step3 fun house (part d)
1.revise the words.(动物、颜色)
t show the pictures and ask: what’s this? / what colour is it?
ss say together and do the actions.
2.teach: i can see a …/some …
(1) 请一生上前蒙上眼睛,问:what can you see? 然后手拿一个香蕉小图片给他一个人看。(s1: a banana.) t ask ss: can you see a banana? then show and say: i can see a banana.
(2) read and do the actions, then let ss try to guess the meaning.
由步骤(3)引出“some bananas”, say: i can see some bananas.
(用黑板上的小图片奖励说得好的学生:what do you like? 并引导生说i like…)
3.show the picture, practice in pairs.(看不清楚的可看书上的图)
4.ask some students say in front (point to the picture).
t:what do you like?
5.t point to the pictures, ss say together:
a banana, a banana , i can see a banana.
some bananas, some bananas, i can see some bananas.
6.listen and judge
(1) 出示人物头饰,让生认说:this is … 然后看书,分别说出他们是谁。
(2) 弄清书中图的顺序a--h,认读aa—kk.
(3) 解释题意。
(4) listen to the tape and judge.
(5) check the answer.
7.listen to the tape and say the rhyme.
step4 homework
say the fruits and make the dialogues with others after class.

unit3 this is my father
hi/hello.                  i can see a …
good morning/afternoon.     i can see some …
this is …
nice to meet you.           nice to meet you,too.

三年级学生初学英语兴趣较浓厚,但又由于年龄较小因此注意力很难长时间集中,因此我在课堂上充分运用色彩鲜艳的头饰与图片,并用小图片作为奖励,学生积极性很高。此外,还根据低年级孩子好动的特点,让他们在说单词的时候充分动起来,不仅能让他们把注意力集中,还通过形象有趣的动作强化单词在头脑中的印象,并帮助记忆。在活泼轻松的良好状态下学生的学习活动也能轻松有效地进行。而歌谣“they are all very good”对于三年级孩子来说较难,因此根据学生的状况,我只让他们进行感知并试着说一说。

3a unit 3 this is my father(第三课时) 来自。


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