[6a充电线和5a的区别]6A Unit 1 Public signs The fourth period

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-26 网络整理 晴天


一  教学内容

《义务教育课程标准实验教科书·牛津小学英语》6a第一单元第四教时(e read and match, h sing a song)


二  教学目标

1  能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组take a walk, pick。

2  能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组suddenly, a note, look around, nearby, quickly, pick up, a keeper, come up, point, fine。

3  会唱歌曲the signs in the park。


三  教学重难点

1  能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组take a walk, pick。


四  教学重难点

1  能熟练地在情景中运用本课所学的句型和日常交际用语。


五  课前准备

1  教具准备:动词词组中英文正反面卡片(take a walk, look around, pick up, come up, point to),多媒体课件。

2  学生准备:事先布置学生预习本课的课文。

3  板书准备:预先写好课题unit 1 public signs。


六  教学过程

a  greeting & free talk(约4分钟)

(t出示public signs图片)

t: look at this sign. what does it mean?

ss: it means…

(t出示答案, ss核对)

b  presentation(约15分钟)

1  t: today we’ll go to the park. first, i have a request for you. that is “follow my orders”.  can you?

    ss: yes.

    (t出示准备好的动词词组中英文正反面卡片:take a walk, look around, pick up, come up, point to,请一位s上台,看t手中的其中一张卡片做出相应动作)

t(对全班说):what’s he doing? he’s taking a walk. take a walk, take a walk.(t出示该词组板书,ss 跟读并做出相应动作。)

(同法教学look around,  pick up, come up, point to)

(t引导ss说出这些词组,ss边读边记忆做动作。ss看屏幕,做连线题,左边是五个英文词组,右边是中文。ss齐读,t  可请ss做些造句练习)

2  t: good. now let’s go to the park. (ss看公园画面)

t: where’s the park keeper?(出示park keeper,带读)

is there any one nearby?(出示nearby,带读)

ss(t帮助说出): no, there’s no one nearby.

t: ok. before we get into the park. let’s look at the noticeboard on the wall.(t出示告示栏)


keep off the grass

fine ¥10


no smoking

fine ¥5


no littering

fine ¥5


no climbing

fine ¥10




t: look, there are lots of signs in the park. let’s sing a song “the signs in the park”. ss sing.

c  listen, read and say(约12分钟)

 t: (引导ss看屏幕)look, who’s he?

     ss: he’s mr smith.

     t: what happened? let’s watch a story and answer the questions below:

q1: what’s mr smith doing in the park?

q2: what’s on the grass?

q3: is there any one nearby at first?

q4: can people walk on the grass in that park?

(ss 回答问题核对答案)


d  consolidation(约8分钟)

t指导ss分组、分角色(叙述者、park keeper、mr smith)朗读表演短文。

e  homework(约1分钟)

1 read part e.

2 sing “the signs in the park.”

3 copy the new phases of part e.


七  板书设计

unit 1 public signs

take a walk              散步

look around             环顾,往四下看

pick up                    拾起,捡起

come up                  上来

point to                    指向


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