
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-24 网络整理 晴天


unit 4 my holiday
1.能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:learned chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, ate good food.
2. 难点是以下六个单词珠读音和拼写:took, learned, sang, danced, ate, climbed.
2. 准备五个动词短语的卡片。
1.warm up
师放第一首歌谣的录音,第一遍学生仔细听,第二遍学生跟录音说唱。2.利用农忙假假期,询问学生:boys and girls, we had a one week holiday. how was your holiday? did you have a fun holiday? where did you go on your holiday? what did you do?
学生作答, 待学生回答后,师板书: my holiday
t:where did i go, guess?
t: i went to hebei. what did i do there?
t: i went to kfc. (师拿出kfc食物盒,) i ate good food in kfc.
i climbed a mountains in hebei. i took pictures. and i sang and danced with my friends.
3.师出示本部分的教学挂图,介绍说:mike and john went to xinjiang together. mike likes taking pictures. he took many pictures. what else did he do ?手指mike学中文的图说: he likes china. he learned chinese.
4.教师放a let’s learn 部分的录音,学生跟读。
6.学生听录音,做let’s try 部分的练习。
7.老师提问:what do people in xinjiang like doing? 引导学生回答:they like singing and dancing.
8.mike and john went to xinjiang on their holiday. what did  they do there? let’s listen to them.
9.学生跟读let’s talk 录音。学生分角色朗读。

1.能够听懂、会读let’s read 中信的内容并独立完成信后的书写练习。
2. 能够完成 let’s find out部分练习。
1.重点是能读懂let’s read部分的一封信。
2.难点是能正确认读下列句子:every day i had fun with my cousins. on monday we went to a restaurant. tomorrow i’ll be back home.
1.     准备录音机及本课时的录音带。2.     准备a let’s learn 部分的动词短语卡片和五年级下册第四、五、六单元let’s learn 部分的单词卡片。www.xkb1.com
1.   warm up
2.   日常口语练习:
t: what day is it today?
s: it’s …
t:what are you going to do this weekend?
s: i am going to …
t:i will… this weekend.
师告诉学生be going to 和will 意思相近,多数情况下可以互换使用。123
师让学生用句型i am going to …this weekend. 或i will …this weekend.
3.     师问:what did you do last saturday?学生回答。指导学生用last组词。
4.     师描述自己一个星期内的活动:on monday i played football. on tuesday i played ping-pong. on wednesday i …然后师问学生:what did i do on monday/tuesday/…?让学生凭记忆回答。最后师说:i did a lot of thingslast week. everyday i had fun.板书had 和have,指导学生拼写这两个词。
5.     学生轻声阅读课文,师巡视指导,解惑答疑。
6.     师放let’s read 放let’s read 部分的录音,学生仔细听一遍,然后判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。
7.     师再放一遍录音,学生跟读。师对其中词组:had fun, went to a restaurant,be back做适当的讲解。
8.     师指导学生完成短文后面的练习。
9.     做活动手册配套练习。

1.   能够听、说、读、写动词词组:bought presents, rowed a boat, saw elephants, went skiing, went ice-skating.
2.   能够听、说、认读句子:what did you do on your holiday? i bought presents.
3.   能够听懂、说唱歌谣today i went to school.
1.     重点是四会掌握五个动词词组的一般过去式形式。
2.     难点是掌握四会单词bought, rowed 和saw 的读音和拼写。
1.   准备录音机及相关的录音带。
2.   准备a、b部分let’s learn的短语卡片。
1.warm up
放歌谣today i went to school的录音,师生齐唱。
放let’s read部分的录音,学生跟读。xkb1.com
2.师出示哈尔滨雪景照片说:i like snow. i can ski. 板书ski, 然后出示went skiing的卡片,问: what did i do in winter? 引导学生回答:you went skiing. 师板书:went skiing. 带读单词skiing.学生拼读。
3.师出示went ice-skating的卡片问:what did …do on her/his holiday? did she/he go skiing? 引导学生回答:no, she/he went ice skating.师呈现卡片,学生拼读。
4.师问:when do we go ice-skating? can we skate in summer?引导学生作答。师继续说:no,we can’t. we can row a boat in summer.师出示rowed a boat 的卡片问:what did …do on his/her holiday? 引导学生回答:he/she rowed a boat. 学生拼写。
5.师出示礼品盒问:what’s this? 引导学生回答:it’s a present.师板书present,带读。师继续说:i bought it yesterday.在present前写bought,领读。请学生比较动词原形和它的过去式,师指导书写。
6.师依次出示几张文具的卡片,提问:what did you buy in the bookstore? 引导学生用i bought…回答。
7.师放b let’s learn 部分的录音,让学生跟读。
8.师问what’s the weather like in harbin in winter? 学生回答:it’s cold and snowy. 师继续问:how can you go to harbin? 引导学生回答:i can to there by bus,by plane or by train.师:that’s right. sarah went to harbin on her holiday. how did she go there? let’s listen.123
9.师放let’s talk 的录音,引导学生回答:she went there by train. 师板书how did you go there? i went there by train.师再放一遍录音,让学生听录音跟读。

1.读懂let’s read 部分的短文并完成短文后面的练习。
2.听、说、认读句子: it was a long holiday. we left beijing on february 1st and got to harbin on the 2nd. for the last day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.
能够完成let’s check 部分的练习。

1.重点是听、说、认读句子:it was a long holiday. we left beijing on f or the last day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.
   2. 难点是认读以下单词和短语:relaxed, prepared to …, to back, for the last day of the holiday.
1.     准备录音机及相关的录音带。
2.     准备本单元a、b部分的单词卡片。
1.   师放let’s sing部分的歌曲录音,学生一起跟唱。
2.   师放let’s chant部分的歌谣where did you go on your holiday?学生有节奏地说唱。
3.   学生听录音跟读b let’s talk 部分的对话。
4.   师放let’s read 部分的录音,学生回答问题。并提出不理解的句子,师每件事疑。
5.   师板书left 和got,告诉left是leave的过去式,got 是get的过去式。
6.   师再放一遍录音,学生听录音跟读短文。
7.   师指导学生完成let’s check部分的练习。
8.   学生做活动手册配套练习



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