
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-23 网络整理 晴天


unit6 parta let’s talk
教学年级:  六年级学生
课题名称:  unit6 the story of rain    
教材版本:  pep english book (人教版)
教学内容:  a let’s talk
授课时间:  40分钟

本课的教学主要是学习水循环的过程,重点是能够听、说、读、写“where does the rain come from? it comes from the clouds.” 能替换运用于水循环的整个过程,基本能够口头表达水循环的过程。
本节课要求学生能使用重点句“where does the … come from? it comes from ….”在水循环的整个过程自如运用,还基本能够口头表达水循环的过程。本节课对老师的创新教学有一定的难度,我主要以水污染的图片和一个水循环的生动故事来引出新课的教授,再适当地运用游戏、活动、练习、写作、对话交流等多种形式加以操练和巩固,让学生在大量的操练中掌握知识,从而突破难点,解决问题。最后用美丽的风景图做结尾,教育学生保护环境,保护水源,整节课做到前后呼应。

1.能够听、说、读、写“where does the rain come from? it comes from the clouds.” 能替换运用于水循环的整个过程。
1.本课时需要重点掌握句型:“where does the rain come from?
 it comes from the clouds。”要求学生能在水循环的整个过程自如运用。
2. 能运用“how can the water become vapour?”来问答。
2.教师准备rain,cloud, vapour and water的图片。
a) cheer up.
b)chant together.
a)ask and answer questions.
t:what can you see in the chant?
复习 “rain, cloud, sun, sea” 引出 “water”,并提出现在某些地方水污染的情况。
step 1 :
a)利用水污染的图片倡议人们保护水源,引出本课的内容“水是怎样循环的” 。
b)watch a story about the water cycle and answer some questions.
t: the little water drop wants to tell us how the water cycles.
watch the story and answer some questions.
(1)where does the rain come from?
(2)where does the cloud come from?
(3)where does the vapour come from?
“where does … come from?
it comes from…”
then read the sentences together.
c)ask and answer the three questions in pairs, then check.
操练句型“where does … come from?  it comes from…”
step 2:
a) listen and answer.
t: the vapour comes from the water. but how can the water become vapour? (听课文内容回答问题,引出句子“how can the water become vapour?”)
b) ask and answer one by one.(操练难点句型“how can the water become vapour? the sun shines and the water becomes vapour.”)12
c)read“let’s talk”together.
step 3: activities
a) fast pictures. (屏幕分别快速出现云、雨、蒸汽和太阳照射的图片,根据图片提问水循环过程。这个活动能集中学生的注意力,提起学生的兴趣,使他们能在水循环的整个过程自如运用。)
b) make a dialogue in pairs. (自由选择一个方框,并使用方框里的单词造对话,一颗星代表得一分。)

for example we choose “a”.
you can make a dialogue like this:
a: hello, mr black.
b: hello.
a: can i ask you some questions?
b: sure.
a: where does the vapour come from?
b: it comes from the water in the river.
a: where does the rain come from?
b: it comes from the clouds.
a: thank you.
b: you’re welcome.
a) 教师边提问边在黑板上逐个贴出雨、云、蒸汽和水的图片,引导学生运用”comes from”口述水循环过程。
t: where does the rain come from?
s: the rain comes from the clouds.
t: and the cloud comes from the vapour. the vapour comes from the water in the river\ sea\stream\lake.(引导学生说)

水循环图片按顺序呈现出来后老师利用箭头引导学生从运用“comes from” 表达水循环转换成用“becomes” 来表述。(让学生知道水循环有两种表达方法,并能让学生了解“come from”和“become”的区别。)

  first, the sun shines and the water becomes vapour. next, the vapour becomes the clouds. the cloud becomes the rain. the rain becomes the water in the river. (边画箭头边引导学生口述)
b) finish the blanks. then check the answers.(根据图片提示完成水循环的文章)
let me tell you how the water cycles. first, the _______ shines and the_______becomes ________. next, the vapour becomes the ________. then the cloud becomes the _________. the rain ________ the ________ in the river.

c) go around and tell the friends how the water cycles.
5.  moral education
a) tell parents how the water cycles.
b) find out the ways to protect our earth.

unit6 parta let’s talk

where does the … come from?
it comes from…

本课设计:首先,我用轻松的小诗和动画中美丽的画面到水污染的图片作为导入。目的能形成对比引起学生的共鸣,提高他们的注意力。接着,我利用了parta let’s read 的故事引出重点句子“where does the … come from? it comes from ….”。这样可以把整个parta的内容连贯起来,又可以为下面let’s read 做铺垫。操练重点句子后回到课文内容,引出难点句子“how can the water become vapour?”,再设计一个“ask and answer one by one”的活动操练难点句,这样重难点句子都解决了。接下来再设计两个活动来巩固。第二个活动“choose and make a dialogue”就已经有了一定的拓展,学生可以运用完整的对话来进行交流,而且学生可以根据自己的水平选择不同难度的单词框做对话,这样可以照顾到不同水平的学生,真正地做到教学面向全体。两个活动后我就边提问边在黑板上逐个贴出雨、云、蒸汽和水的图片,引导学生运用”comes from”口述水循环过程。水循环图片按顺序呈现出来后老师利用箭头引导学生从运用“comes from” 表达水循环转换成用“becomes” 来表达。目的是让学生知道水循环有两种表达方法,并让学生了解“come from”和“become”的区别。了解区别后进入到补充关于水循环短文的练习,然后再让学生口头向朋友介绍水循环的过程。整节课如此设计能让学生循序渐进地从听、说阶段过渡到读、写阶段,充分考虑到“听说领先,读写跟上”的原则,为下步看图写作做铺垫。课堂最后向学生展示一些美丽的风景图,告诉学生只有保护地球,保护水源,我们的环境才会变得更美丽,我们的生活才会变得更美好。跟课堂一开始出现的水污染图片形成鲜明对比,使学生更加珍惜水源,增强环保意识。



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