
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-09 网络整理 晴天



6b. unit 2 c部分work in pairs


1            掌握副词以及比较级的正确用法。

2            熟练掌握四会单词的运用.

3   熟练运用四会句型:ben runs faster than jim . do the boys jump higher than the girls? yes ,they do. does jim swim slower than david? no, he doesn’t.


1   能正确理解、掌握四会单词late later,early earlier, far farther..

2   并能熟练运用四会句型:  ben runs faster than jim . do the boys jump higher than the girls? yes ,they do. does jim swim slower than david? no, he doesn’t.


1   准备录音机和本课c部分的投影片。

2   课前写好本课的课题。


a   sing a song. 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲

b   free talk. 师生交流

t:   good morning, boys and girls.

ss:  good morning,

t:   nice to see you again.

ss:  nice to see you, too.

t:   what day is it today?

ss:  it’s monday.

t:  are you  as tall as xxx??

t:  who is taller ,you  or tom??

t:  who is younger ,you  or su yang ??

s:  i’m younger than su yang .

t: do you  run fast?

  doyou jump high?

  do you  swim fast?

c   revision复习会话

1   看a部分投影片,师生问答,讨论会话。

2            让学生试着复述a部分第一段。

3            复习句型heis not as strong as tom .

4            学生小组内表演会话。

5            投影副词以及比较级,学生起升降调朗读。

d   presentation and drill新授和操练

1   教师出示c部分的图片创设情景引出句型的操练:

t:look .the boys jump higher. the girls jump lower .

t:  do the boys jump higher than the girls?

ss: yes ,they do.

这时学生就很容易回答了。用同样的方法操练其他的副词。(low lower, slow slower, late later, early, earlier, , well better)

2     教师继续创设情景让2个学生比赛引出句型第三人称单数

t:does jim swim faster than david ?.


(far farther,……)

3.   教师和学生操练2组后,让学生模仿自己练习。

4   教师先让掌握比较好的学生做示范。然后同桌问答12

5   教师板书句型四会句型,由学生集体朗读。

6   talk in pairs then ask and answer.

e   practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1            出示c部分的投影片,看图1,师生会话。

do the boys jump higher than the girls? yes ,they do.

does jim swim slower than david? no, he doesn’t.

2            根据实际情况学生分组讨论,后分小组汇报。

3            自己创设情景运用句型表演。

六  布置作业:


七、 板书设计

unit 2    more  exercise

do the boys jump higher than the girls?

yes ,they do.

does jim swim slower than david?

no, he doesn’t.


牛津小学英语6b教案——unit2 more exercise 第三课时 来自。 12


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