【6a充电线和5a的区别】6A Unit 1 Public signs 第三课时

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-07 网络整理 晴天


6a  unit1  public signs
1、 能够非常熟练地说出part b部分中的关于公共标志的所有单词。
2、 能够非常熟练地运用part c部分中的关于公共标志询问的句型。
3、 能听、说、读本单元当中出现的句型:can i …? yes, you can. / no, you cant. you should…now. / you shouldn’t …
4、 能够熟练回答我们日常生活中常遇见的问句。如:what day is it today? it‘s… what date is it today? it‘s… what‘s the weather like today?    it‘s…
what’s the time? it is…
5、能够让学生了解身边汽车、快餐店、服装、交通、电视台等等的图标,也就是说它们的 logo, 要能明白logo的含义,以此来培养学生们的合作精神和对日常生活当中出现的事物的兴趣。
1、能够非常熟练地运用part c部分中的关于公共标志询问的句型。
2、能听、说、读本单元当中出现的句型:can i …? yes, you can. /no, you cant.
you should…now. / you shouldn’t …
3、能够让学生了解身边汽车、快餐店、服装、交通、电视台等等的图标,也就是说它们的 logo, 要能明白logo的含义,以此来培养学生们的合作精神对日常生活当中出现的事物的兴趣。
1、能听、说、读本单元当中出现的句型:can i …? yes, you can./no, you cant.
you should…now. / you shouldn’t …
2、能够让学生了解身边汽车、快餐店、服装、交通、电视台等等的图标,也就是说它们的 logo, 要能明白logo的含义,以此来培养学生们的合作精神对日常生活当中出现的事物的兴趣。
1、 教具准备:
unit1  public signs (date/weather on the right)
step1、free talk and revision.
t: hello, class!            ss: hello, miss ××.
t: how are you?           ss: fine, thank you. and you?
t: i’m fine, too. nice to see you again.      ss: me, too.
t: what day is it today?    s:  it’s …
t: what date is it today?   s:  it’s…
t: what’s your hobby?      s:  i like …
2、 revision: ask some questions about the text.
(1) 出示ben和jack的图片。
t: who are they? s: they are ben and jack.
t: good, what’s the relationship between them? ( 用brothers?来提醒)
s: cousins.
t: yeah, you are very clever! what does jack know from ben?
s: public signs!
t: you are so smart, that’s right!
 are they all public signs?
ss: no!
step2、presentation and motivation .
1、pick out the public signs.(学生在练习纸上写上相应标志的序号)
2、talk about the public signs.
language focus:
what does it mean?      it means… 123
what does that mean?  it means you should / you shouldn’t…
(在此过程中老师引导学生能够运用you should / you shouldn’t…的句型且板书。)
3、 game time: guessing the public signs.
(1)you can see it in the park. it is usually on the grass.
____ keep off the grass(图)
(2)this sign is very interesting. there is a big mouth on it.___ keep quiet(图)
(3)which sign can make people know that we shouldn’t litter any rubbish?
_____ no littering(图)
4、 teach the new sentences.
t: boys and girls, do you love game time?
ss: yes!
t: me too. now please tell me what time it is now?    s: it is …
t: well done! can i go to the park now?  s: no, you can’t.
t: why?(引导学生用黑板上的句子表达)   s: you should teach us now.
t: yeah, it is my responsibility. by the way, can i sing a song for you?
s: yes, you can. ( 引导学生肯定回答)
板书: can i …? yes, you can.
no, you can’t. you should…now. / you shouldn’t …(前面已经写好)
5、 dills of p18.
t: jack is back from the zoo. what does he want to do?
let’s try to make a dialogue between him and his mom.
s1: can i go to the park?       s2: no, you can’t. you should go home now.
s3: can i have an ice-cream?   s4: no you can’t. you should have supper now.
s5: can i watch tv?           s6: no, you can’t. you should read books now.
s7: can i play computer games? s8: no, you can’t. you should go to bed now.
6、 show the different time and make more long dialogues.
(1)ask and answer according to the time on the clocks.
t: (出现钟面10:00 a.m.) excuse me? what time is it?   s: it is …
t: oh, i see. can i play football now? s: no, you can’t. you should… now.
(2)let the students write down some time to create authentic dialogues.
7、 appreciate the left logos.
1、编 p18的对话一英一中。
2、 互相合作完成剩下的练习第一项,有兴趣的同学弄清它们是什么物品的标志,弄清它们标志代表的含义,了解它们对我们了解社会很有好处哦!
3、认真复习前面教过的部分,以及预习下面将要教的part e&h部分。

public signs: __________________ logos of cars:________   logos of clothes: __________      logos of snack bars :________ 123
time1: _____ time2: _____ time3: _____ time4: _____
a: can i__________
b: yes, _____. /no,. _________. you __________ now.
(1)编 p18的对话一英一中。
(3)认真复习前面教过的部分,以及预习下面将要教的part e&h部分。



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