【第八册英语书】PEP第八册英语 Recycle1教案 第五课时

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-01 网络整理 晴天


一、教学目标与要求1.  能听懂会说本课对话,并能在情景中进行运用。2.  能口头、笔头叙述迷路的经历。二、教学重、难点分析本课教学重点主要是让学生学会获取对话中的关键信息,培养学生再现情景,体验语言运用的能力。三、课前准备1.教师准备课文插图和mike and kathy回宾馆的路线图。2.教师准备一个大旅行箱。3.学生准备上学路线图。四、教学步骤和建议1. 热身(warm-up)(1)       播放let’s chant,学生跟说。(2)       快速反映。教师或学生指令,全体学生做出相应动作。如:turn left/ right. go straight on.    put your book near/ in front of/ behind the desk. 2. 预习(preview)教师出示一个big empty suitcase, 创设情景:i’m going to take a trip on my holiday. what do i need to prepare? 师生一起完成物品的装箱。如:sunglass, umbrella, clothes, guidebook, map.3. 新课呈现(presentation)(1)  学生提到map,教师就提问:why do i need a map?提示学生:when we visit a new city. we may get lost. so the map is useful. 教师继续提问:mike and sarah got lost today. they had no maps. what could they do?引导学生回答go to the police station and ask for help.(2)  教师板书the police station,带读几次后,提出任务:now here’s the police station. you’re policemen and policewomen. how to help the visitors?(3)   出示课文插图和mike and kathy回宾馆的路线图,鼓励学生分组讨论,表演。(4)   pair work. 把课文中的句子打乱顺序,请学生重编对话,选几组在班上说一说。(5)  听课文录音跟读。(6)  教师提供词条holiday hotel, cinema, post office,让学生在黑板上摆出正确位置,其余学生则完成书本上的draw the route to the holiday hotel. (7)  教师提出任务:mike和kathy回到宾馆后会怎么跟父母说呢?请学生发挥想象力,完成说话练习。然后要求学生打开书,完成complete mike’s travel diary.4. 巩固和扩展(consolidation and extension)(1)          做本单元活动手册配套练习。(2)          张贴几幅学生的上学路线图,请学生描述,其余学生则迅速找出相应的图片。(3)          看图找出不同点。教师出示两幅貌似相同的城市地图,请学生两人一组,讨论两幅画之间存在的不同点,简练地用英语表达。先准备几分钟,再向大家演示:如:the bank is near the hospital in picture 1, in picture 2, it’s near the post office. (4)          故事接龙。教师或学生说一个句子,大家就接着往下编。鼓励全体学生发挥想象,参与说故事的过程,要求故事离奇,有新意。故事开头句子如:today i got lost./ this summer holiday, my family had a trip.
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