pepper_PEP Primary English book 7 Unit Six The story of rain教学设计

小学六年级英语教案 2019-04-29 网络整理 晴天


the story of rain是pep primary english book 7 unit 6的教学内容。第六单元是一个阅读单元,重点学习水循环的表达,涉及到的内容比较抽象,要求学生能用英语表达自然现象,是英语与自然学科的渗透整合。在此之前学生还没有学过用英语表达自然现象,但学生在自然学科中已了解过水循环的形成也通过语文课的学习了解了水循环的相关过程。因此,教师把这个教学内容分解在两个课时里进行教学。第一课时,主要是通过几个拟人的故事,让学生学会如何用英语来介绍水的循环过程。在第二课时,主要是通过拓展阅读,让学生了解水的重要性,以及现在本人还增加了拓展阅读if there’s no water what will happen?对学生进行保护水资源的思想教育。
依据《国家英语课程标准》提出的设计任务型活动,让学生积极参与,在体验中学会英语的精神,根据学生年龄特征、知识水平与教材编排情况,本人设定的核心任务是学生通过故事、试验等活动,在参与体验活动的过程中学会用句型where does the rain come from? it comes from the clouds.并能用英语表达水循环的自然现象。
pre-task: warm-up and brainstorm
1.let’s sing. “little water drop” talk:
(1)where does the french fries come from?
(2) where does the paper come from?
(3) where does the bread come from?
(4) where does the frog come from? talk. “where does the water come from?”
课开始以歌激趣,创设轻松愉快的氛围。然后从学生比较熟悉的生活现象导入,有助于学生理解where does the … come from?。同时也可以引发学生进行头脑风暴式的思考和讨论。在此基础上,展示本节课的主要任务:where does the water come from?。 学生充分运用自己在自然科学课中学到的知识回答出一些关于水循环的自然现象,但不够全面和系统。此时,教师不作归纳总结,而是提出本课时的任务——用英语系统地表达水循环的自然现象,让学生带着任务进行接下来的课堂活动。
while-task: help children understand the water cycle
1.cai: the story of rain.
t:boys and girls, you have your own understanding about this question. maybe you are right, maybe you are not. let’s watch a story: the water cycle. you will get the answers.
2.answer some questions.(pair work)
(1)what does the water drop change into when the sun heats up?
(2)are there many water drops in the cloud?
(3)are they happy in the cloud? why?
(4)when they are getting bigger and bigger, what will happen?
3.ask and answer:
(1)where does the water come from? it comes from the rain?
(2)where does the rain come from? it comes from the clouds.
(3)where the clouds come from? it comes from the vapour.
(4)where does the vapour come from? it comes from the water in the river…
(5)how can the water become vapour? …
播放动画教学课件the story of rain。通过生动有趣的小水珠之旅,整体呈现水循环现象,让学生对水循环现象有了整体的认识。12 an experiment. “the water cycle”
t: ok, now let’s do an experiment to see how the water can become vapour.
(1)t makes a model.
(2)students observe it carefully.
(3)write the report.
在自然世界里,人的肉眼很难观察到海面上的水是如何蒸发的。因此,本人设计了做实验的活动。教师准备了一套水循环实验仪器:酒精灯、量杯、杯盖,水、三脚架和石棉垫片。教师先做一次示范。学生认真观察,并作口头的实验报告,引导学生用where does the vapour come from? it comes from the water.进行问答。教师巡视指导各小组的实验活动和询问关于水循环的问题,及时反馈,及时指导。4.listen and write.
t: now, we know how can the water become vapour. let’s enjoy the story about the little water drop. take out your paper. four pictures of water cycle.
t: the little water drop has a wonderfully trip. look at this picture. can you tell the story of rain.
6.pair work: make a story of water cycle. time.
consolidation and extension work: read the passage “if there’s no water what will happen?”.
t:today we’ve learned water cycle. we all know water is very important to us.
what needs water?
if there’s no water one day, what will happen?
(1)read the passage about if there’s no water.
(2)discuss in groups. each group, two ideas.
以小组活动的形式进行拓展阅读。把短文“if there’s no water what will happen?”发给每个学生在小组中阅读,并讨论假如没有水这个世界会怎样?
 ask some questions about the passage.
t: since we know water is very important to us. but the water in the world is getting less and less. so we should protect our water and save the water.
how can we protect and save the water?
a) make a picture book about the water cycle.
b) search some information about the water cycle on tv, newspapers, magazines or inter-net. we will talk about the water on the earth next lesson.


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