pepper|PEP book7 Unit3 Let's Learn

小学六年级英语教案 2019-04-29 网络整理 晴天


1. 能听、说、认读短语:take a trip , go to the cinema , read a magazine,tomorrow, tonight .
2. 能听、说、认读、写时间短语:next week , this morning ,this afternoon , this evening.
3. 能听、说、认读句型what are you going to do this evening ? i’m going to the cinema .能对其中的动词短语和时间短语进行替换操练。
4. 能合理安排自己的时间并能与他人进行交流。
1、听、说、认读、写时间短语:next week , this morning ,this afternoon , this evening.
2、能替换be going to do句型中的动词短语和时间短语对将来活动进行表述
教学难点:be going to do 句型的理解、替换操练及在实际生活中的运用
warm up
1.let’s do
read books , draw pictures , watch tv , cook the meals , writer a letter , wash clothes , play sports , water flowers , do the dishes , clean the room , play computer games , sweep the floor , play pingpang , go to bed
t: what day is it today ?
ss: it’s wednesday .
t: what’s the date today?
ss: it’s wednesday oct. 18th.
1.teach :this morning
the sun is raising, so it’s morning . it’s today morning .we can say this morning  .
2.teach :this afternoon
is it in the morning ? no , it’s in the afternoon . this afternoon
3、 teach: read a magazine
教read a magazine
4、teach: 句型i’m going to  this afternoon .
t: what are you going to do this afternoon ?
课件:出示句型i’m going to   this afternoon .同时给学生这本杂志
ss: i’m going to read a magazine this afternoon .
t: what are you going to do this afternoon ?
ss: i’m going to read books \ ……  this afternoon .
4、teach : this evening
t: what are you going to do this evening
ss: i’m going to watch tv \……
5、teach :what are you going to do this evening ?
ss: what are you going to do this evening ?
t: i’m going to go shopping \…… (whisper)     what are you going to do this evening ?
ss: i’m going to ……
6、teach : go to the cinema
在上一个耳语的环节中,最后一个学生问老师what are you going to do this evening ?
教师大声回答i’m going to the cinema at 6o’clock this evening .
7、teach :tonight
t: what are you going to do tonight ?
ss: i’m going to the bed .
t: yes .we’re students, so we go to bed early, but miss zhu is going to clean my room at 9o’clock tonight .i’m going to play computer games at 10 o’clock tonight  and i’m going to wash cloths at 11 o’clock tonight .12
8、teach : tomorrow
课件:出示10月18日和10 月19日的两张日历
today is wednesday oct. 18th..the next day is thursday oct.19th.we can say tomorrow .
ss: what are you going to do tomorrow ?
ss: i’m going to go hiking \……
9、teach : next week
t: from oct .16th to oct . 22nd these seven days are in this week . from oct . 23rd to oct . 29th these seven days are in the next week .
10、teach : take a trip
t: do you want to know what is miss zhu going to do next week ?
ss: yes .
t: ask miss zhu questions together .
ss: what are you going to do next week ?
t: i’m going to take a trip .
read the new words loudly after the tape .
write the activities on the first line , write the times on the second line by yourselves .
activities : water the flowers   listen to music   draw pictures   wash cloths  play sports   do dishes   play computer games   go to the cinema   take a trip   read a magazine
time \ date : tonight   this afternoon  this evening  tomorrow  next week   this morning
activities  time \ date
i’m going to    .
i’m going to    .
i’m going to   .
i’m going to    . .
i’m going to     .
i’m going to      .
make a schedule about your next week .
make a schedule(计划) about your next week .
my schedule
    next monday .
    next tuesday .
next wednesday .
      next thursday .
   next friday .
      next saturday .
     next sunday .12


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