
七年级英语教案 2017-03-18 网络整理 晴天


牛津7b unit1 第四课时教案

教学内容(teaching content):
教学目的和要求(teaching aim and requirement):
本课类型(the type of the class) :
教学方法(teaching method):
教具准备(teaching aid preparation):
教学重点、难点和关键( teaching key points, difficult points and important points):
        通过学习这部分, 如何使学生更深地理解家的概念是关键.
教学过程(teaching process):
复习(revision): asking the students to tell whose home he or she likes best and why. by answering this question, we can get the students to review the reading part while thinking about what his or her ideal home is.it is possible to get an answer like this:
i like madee’s home best because it is fun to live in a house over a river and climb a ladder into the house every day.
asking five or six students to tell about their ideas.
引入(leading-in): q:home is important to everyone in the world. what do you think home is ?
                i might get an answer like this: i can’t feel afraid or hungry at home.
                letting the students talk about the question and have a short discussion.
                q:what makes up of a home?
                                 letting the students discuss and then picking some students to tell about their ideas. next, by showing them a picture of family members, a picture of a house and a picture of different rooms and furniture, i can make the students understand that people, houses and furniture make up of a home. and they are all important.123456789101112
                                 people  +  house  +  furniture= home
授课内容(teaching content)及练习(practise):
                 of course, without family members,there’s no home. besides family members, houses are the second most important. in a house, we usually have different rooms. basically, what rooms do need in a house for a home?
                 sitting room      dining room       bathroom      bedroom     
kitchen          study            balcony

we also need different furniture in different rooms. showing the students some pictures of furniture.( bedside table, lamp, coffee table, sofa, cupboard, armchair) which room do they belong to? …
asking the students to name out the furnitures according to the room pictures shown.
sitting room: sofa  coffee table   armchair   lamp  tv 
dining room: dining table.   chair.   napkin paper.  dinner set.
bathroom: toilet.  basin.    shower.  mirror.    towel.
bedroom: bed  bedside table  lamp  dressing table
kitchen: cupboard  cooker  microwave oven   fridge  
study: bookshelf (case)  lamp   computer  

next, looking at part b. simon is making a table showing the objects in different rooms in neil’s house,but there are some mistakes. help him find the mistakes and circle them.

asking the students to take out their family pictures and talk about your home with their deskmate…
asking some students to come to the front and talk about his or her home…

suppose you have an empty house. but you have only ten thousand yuan, what furniture would you like to buy first? and why?

小结(a brief sum-up):
asking the students to write as many names of furniture as they can while one student writes on the blackboard. at least five for each room. then checking the writing on the blackboard with the students.

                  please write something about the furniture you need or change in your house right now and why. at least 80 words

people  +  house  +  furniture= home

bedside table,       lamp,     coffee table,      sofa,     cupboard,   armchair
       ↑        ↑         ↑          ↑       ↑        ↑    
 bedroom      sitting room   sitting room      kitchen  sitting room
              bedroom                                    bedroom

教学后记(teaching postscript):

本课容量大, 并有很大扩展,听、说、读、写都兼顾到; 师生互动性强; 在授课期间, 要节奏快, 引导和启发到位, 确保学生的知识和能力都有收获.

7b unit1 第2课时教案 reading 1
常州市第二十四中学英语组 岳茵
教学内容: 7bunit1 第2课时reading 1
教学目的及要求:1 了解不同国家居住环境的情况。
                2 获取有关不同生活方式的信息。
                3 学习描述家,描述他人的生活方式。
教学重点及难点:1 有关住宅各部分的名称,并且能了解各国不同的住宅情况。
                2 学完课文能简单描述:stephen,madee,neil,anna 的家
                3.词汇share 的用法不需详尽的在这一课时讲解,只需一带而过,但要让学生会说:share…with sb .
                4. 此外, on the balcony/on the beach/in a flat/over a river等包含介词的短语, a wooden house, get into/ get out of, be friendly to sb&句型:…while…123456789101112
1. 复习:国家名称和它的形容词以及首都。(1min)
2. 引入:观看世界上各国不同的家园并请学生发表自己的见解最喜欢哪种,不喜欢哪种,为什么?哪一种是你的梦想家园?(讨论)(3mins)
3. 呈现授课内容:(1)教师展示一幅图片,图上绘有一栋两层楼的木制别墅。教师通过介绍自己的梦想家园,呈现部分与课文相关内容。将这些内容写在黑板上,并带领学生朗读。(3mins)
                 (2)教师提问:what rooms do i need in my dream home?启发学生开动脑筋并联想已学过的知识。教授bedroom、sitting room、dining room、kitchen、balcony等。以及more things about homes.(拓展) (2mins)
 4. 练习: (1) 向学生展示卧室、客厅、餐厅、阳台、厨房的图片。教师向学生提问:(5mins)
do you live in a flat or in a house?
what rooms do you have?
what do you do in each of these rooms?…
5.阅读: 第一遍是快速阅读, 整体感知四个不同国家的小朋友的家园描述(fasting reading) 在之后对有些notes略做提醒.  (学生自学+尝试着找到答案) (3mins)
       第二遍是精读: 分段听, 然后讨论问题.(stephen与madee的问题在幻灯片上出现, neil 与 anna 的问题就不用幻灯呈现, 而用教师的口头提问形式.(详细讨论每个问题) (8mins)
6.小结(或者也可说是反馈): fill in the blanks并领着学生大声朗读这两段, 其余两段如有时间也可安排他们去填, 然后老师带领着再读, 甚至还可让能力强的学生复述四段, 老师还可在黑板上出示一些关键词或词组来引导,这都看当时的时间由教师灵活安排.(5mins)
7.拓展: (1) describe your own home to your penfriend (5mins)
(2) 能力强的学生还可以自由描述自己心中的理想家园.(9mins)
8家作: 几句日常小练习.(1mins)
板书设计:on the beach                           be friendly to sb
          on the balcony                         share…with sb
          in a flat                               get into…/get out of…
          over a river                            look out at the beach 123456789101112
          on a busy street                         chat with…
          on the seventh floor
        句型: …while…eg. i often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.
     本课活动有明确的目的并具有可操作性,以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点, 学生通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。此外,本课注重学生整体感知课文的能力培养,同时也加强对学生阅读策略的指导,为他们终身进行英语阅读学习奠定基础。
  牛津7b unit1 第三课时教案
                         教学内容(teaching content):
教学目的和要求(teaching aim and requirement):
本课类型(the type of the class) :
教学方法(teaching method):
教具准备(teaching aid preparation):
教学重点、难点和关键( teaching key points, difficult points and important points):
教学过程(teaching process):
复习(revision): asking the students to judge whose house it is according the key words giving
              beach   river   kitchen    flat
              and then talking about the house according the key words like this:
              stephen lives in a large house in long beach,california,the usa. he and his friends love to sit on the balcony and look out at the beach and the sea. he can also see the sea and the beach from the bedroom windows.123456789101112
引入(leading-in):asking the students to pay attention to these sentences:
               1.i live in a large house in long beach, california, the usa.
               2.the house is over a river. i climb a ladder into my house.
               3.my family and i often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner in the evenings.
               4.i share a bedroom with my sister.
授课内容(teaching content)及练习(practise):
1. 如何准确表达地点.
i live in large house in long beach, california, the usa.
asking the students to try to tell the place where anna lives in one sentence.
(i live in the centre of moscow. i live with my family in a flat on a busy street. the flat is on the seventh floor.)
i, with my family, live in a flat on the seventh floor on a busy street in the centre of moscow.
suppose the students have to write a letter to their penfriends abroad, they have to tell the exact places where they are living.getting the students to speak out their addresses correctly.
room102, unit3, building15, hua yuan residence on hua yuan road, changzhou, jiangsu, china.
asking the students to pratise in a form of chainwork. speaking as fast as possible.
2. 如何使用介词into
i climb a ladder to get into my house.
 in 表静态,意为 “在……之内”; into表动态,意为 “进入……”
e.g. i am in the hall. now i want to get into the lift.
asking the stuents to give as many examples as possible.
it started to rain and they went into the house.
                     she jumped into the water.
                     he changed into his uniform.
                     they worked far into the night.
                     you will get into trouble if you do that.
“into” can’t be replaced by “ in” in the above sentences.123456789101112
3. 如何使用 “while”.
anna and her family often sit in the kitchen while her mother makes dinner.
“while” 有时用来对主从句中动作进行对照或表示两个动作同时进行.
encouraging the students to use “while” to describe some situations in their daily life and study like this:
i do my homework in the study after dinner while my mother cleans up in the kitchen.
he sits quietly in class while others are excited about the teacher’s questions.
4. 如何使用share
i share a bedroom with my sister.
share something with …
asking the student to think about the question:
what would you like to share with your best friends(teacher, parents)?
it is wonderful if you can get such an answer:
i’d like to share joy as well as sorrow with my best friend.
小结(a brief sum-up):
                in term of a brief sum-up, the following exercises can be a good choice:
                fill in the missing words according to the meaning of the sentences:
1. would you like____ the buiscuits with your younger brother?
2. ____he is away from his homwtown, his wife takes care of the home.
3. jack must be ___ the park. let’s buy tickets and get __it to meet him.
4. my aunt lives ___a wooden house ___a river ___ a town ___thailand.

 as a chinese student, you want to let foreigners know more about a chinese home. take your home as an example and write something in at least 80 words..


  beach     river     kitchen     share
   1. i live in a large house in long beach, california, the usa.
   2. the house is over a river. i climb a ladder into my house.
   3.my family and i often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner in the evenings.
   4.i share a bedroom with my sister.

教学后记(teaching postscript):

unit1  dream homes
welcome to the unit

teaching aims and demands:
new words: dream, palace, capital
teaching methods: task-based approach
teaching task:     1. to talk about cities and countries.
2. have a discussion in groups, and talk about their dream homes.
                            3. write articles about students’ dream homes.123456789101112
teaching aids: tape recorder
teaching procedures:
ⅰ. warm-up (presentation)
         1. ask if any students have lived in another country. elicit from students ideas about an ideal place to live.
2. do a mini-survey. ask students which is their favorite place to live.
ⅱ. listening
   listen to the tape, answer my question, which is eddie’s  favorite  place to live? help the ss to answer.
   listen again, ss read after the tape recorder, then act it out.
language points:
1.i’d like to live next to a restaurant.
① would like sth.= want sth.
would like to do sth. = want to do sth.
e.g. would you like some water?= do you want some water?
would you like to go with us? yes, i’d love/ like to.=do you want to go with us? yes, i do.
② next to =beside
e.g. tom’s house is next to mine.
   jack wants to sit next to me.
2. learn about homes in different countries.
① learn about
   i want to learn more about the world.
② learn from
   we should help each other and learn from each other.
③ different → same
in different classes   in the same class
ⅲ. countries and capitals
   1.ask students to study the pictures on page 3.
   2.say: the capital of china is beijing. the capital is the most important city in a country. ask students to do part b. ask them to check with others.
ⅳ. discussion (task)
   have a discussion in groups of four to talk about their dream homes. each group will choose a student to tell us about his / her dream home. why?
 language points:
  the capital of the usa is washington d.c.
    the capital of ……
 e.g. nanjing is the capital of jiangsu province.
     the capital of china is beijing.
go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson.
ⅵ. homework
1.review the contents of this lesson.
2. write articles about students’ dream homes.

unit1  dream homes

integrated skills and study skills
teaching aims and demands:
new words: bathroom, mirror , afraid , still, message
key points:  be different from      may i speak to…, please?
who’s calling?        can i take a message?
teaching methods: task-based approach
teaching task:
1.to recognize words about homes, to identify items related to homes, to under
-stand the location of rooms and furniture, to identify specific information about furniture items and to show understanding of relevant information by completing an e-mail123456789101112
2.to develop grammar learning strategies and to use a recording system to help memorize grammatical structures.
 teaching aids: tape recorder, tapes, slide projector, slides
teaching procedures:
ⅰ. warm-up
   ask the student on duty to give a free talk.
integrated skills
ⅱ.at home in britain
   ask the ss to study the pictures in part 1carefully. encourage them to ask questions about the pictures. e.g. where do neil and his family watch tv? where do you think the house is? listen to the tape, and ask the ss to order the pictures. check the answers with the whole class.
  listen to the recording again. do the “t” or “f” exercises.
1. neil and his family don’t sit in the kitchen.                  
2. there is a garden behind the kitchen.                       
3. there is a large table in the dining room.                    
4. neil’s family watches tv in the dinging room.               
5. the bathroom is new.                                   
6. there is a lamp and some posters in neil’s bedroom.           
   ask students to read the words in the box in part a2 and use them to label the things in the pictures in part a1.
   in pair, students check their answers. ask them to label as many of the other things as they can in the pictures.
ask students to read amy’s e-mail in parta3 to obtain general understanding. check their choice of words. students take turns to read the completed e-mail to the class.
ⅲ. speak up
  listen to the tape recording and read after it.
ask the ss to work in pairs to make up new conversation for leaving a message with neil’s mother using the conversation in part b as a model. ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.
ⅶ. study skills ( making a grammar pattern book)
take students through the two patterns at the top of the page.
ask students toe part a using the two grammar patterns. encourage them to use a different color for each part of speech.123456789101112
  ask students to write the two patterns on separate pages in a notebook.
language points:
1.it’s really different from the flats in beijing.
be different from
e.g. your pen is different from mine.
 city life is very different from country life.
 different(adj.) → difference(n.)
 the difference between…and…
e.g. there are many differences between english and chinese names.
2. who’s calling/speaking/that? (打电话用语)请问你是谁?
我是用this is…  e.g. this is jack speaking.
3. can i take a message?
take a message (for sb.)
4. i’ll ask him to call you back.
ⅷ. sum-up  
go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson.
ⅸ. homework
1. review the contents of this lesson.
2. do the exx of the workbook.
unit1  dream homes

teaching aims and demands:
new words: balcony, cushion, beach, sea, bunk beds, town, wooden, over, climb, ladder, quiet, rain, while, sitting room, street, share, friendly, above, dining room, grow, most, lie
teaching methods: task-based approach
teaching task:        1. to read and learn about different types of homes and lifestyles..
2. to obtain details about homes in different countries.
3. to respond to the text by making statements about the foreign students’ activities.
4.write an article to introduce their own homes, using the four home pages as a model.
teaching aids:  tape recorder, tapes, slide projector, slides
teaching procedures:
ⅰ. warm-up
ask some students to report their homework about dream homes.
ⅱ. presentation
1.use the pictures to teach the new words.
balcony   cushions   ladder  kitchen   bunk beds   sitting room
2. complete the following sentences using the new words.
⑴ two beds , one above the other, are           .
⑵ in most homes, people cook meals in the            .
⑶ we usually put the sofa in the           .
⑷         is a good place to chat with friends.
⑸ sitting on the big           is very comfortable.
⑹ we can climb the tall tree with a         .
now, let’s listen to the home pages of four foreign students, after you listen to them, please do some “t” or “f” exercises. check the answers with the whole class.123456789101112
1.stephen lives near the sea.                                  
2.there are more than ten rooms in stephen’s house.              
3.maddee lives in a wooden house in the hills.                   
4.maddee has a small family.                                 
5.neil has a tv in the kitchen.                               
6.neil’s dog sleeps in the sitting room.                         
7.anna’s flat is on a busy street.                              
8.anna shares a bedroom with her brother.                      
9.stephen’s favorite place is the balcony.                      
10.anna lives in a large flat.                                 
ⅳ. reading
ss read the articles by yourselves. then check their reading.
language points:
1.we sit on the big floor cushions and look out at the beach and the sea.
look out (of) …
e.g. don’t look out of the window in class.
look at / look around / look for / look like / look forward to / look after / look up
2. i live with my family in a wooden house.= i live with my family in a house made of wood.
wooden(adj.) → wood (n.)
e.g. we need some wooden chairs.
     this house is made of wood.
3. i climb a ladder to get into my house. =i get into my house with a ladder.123456789101112
①e.g. i often go to her house to see uncle li.
   daniel often goes to the shopping mall to play computer games.
② get into → get out of
  get into the car     get out of the car
4. i do not have my own bedroom.
  own(adj./v.) → owner (n.)
e.g. i see with my own eyes.
   who’s the owner of this pen?= who owns this pen?
5. my family and i often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.
 e.g. i am reading books while my brother is watching tv.
    she called while you were out.
6. i share a bedroom with my sister.
  share sth. with sb.
e.g. the boy shared his toy with other children
  share in sth.
e.g. we should share in our sorrows as well as joys.
7. our neighbors are friendly and we are happy here.
e.g. i’m friendly with her.
  be friendly to sb.
e.g. people are usually friendly to foreign friends.
8.simon wrote down the meaning of some of the words.
①write + n. +down=write down +n.      write it /them down
e.g. can you write down the words on your book ?
= can you write the words on your book?
ok, i’ll write them down.
②meaning (n.) → mean(v.)
e.g. what’s the meaning of “quick?= what does “quick” mean?
9.a garden is the best place to grow flowers.
e.g. it’s really a good place to go.
   i’m hungry. do you have anything to eat?
10.stephen is lying on his bunk beds.
lie → lying    tie → tying    die → dying
tell a lie
e.g. don’t tell a lie any more . it’s not good for you.
ⅴ.discussion (task)
divide the class into groups of six.  ask students to draw picture of their homes.
students look at their pictures and talk about their homes.
go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson.
ⅶ. homework
1. review the contents of this lesson.
2. write an article to introduce their own homes, using the four home pages as a model.



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