topic1what more can do for you|Topic1Whenwereyouborn教案

七年级英语教案 2017-03-14 网络整理 晴天


unit 7 the birthday party
                           topic 1 when were you born
                                   section c    
 1学习关于形状的单词 shape square circle triangle vectangle oval
 2学习其它新词和短语 present hill just now ago football
 3学习描述物体的形状. 颜色. 尺寸 和用途.
  1 read 1a and answer.(读1a 且回答).
  (1)what is the present for kangkang’ birthday?
  (2)what color is it?
  2 read and translate(读并且翻译下列短语.句子)
   飞机模型          再猜            看一看      
   正确                恐怕         
 3 listen and repeat (听且跟读)
 4 read again and act out(读并且表演对话)
 5 make similar dialogue(做类似的对话)
 6 read 2a and practice after the example, then write down their own dialogue(读2a,根据例句练习然后把自己的对话写下来.)
 7 write and finish 2b(写出下列词并且完成2b)
   方型的      圆形的     三角形     长方形     椭圆形
 8 practice part 3,then act out their dialogue(练习第三部分且表演对话)
 (1)tomorrow is your birthday. how do you     (计划)         celebrate it?
 (2)        was the       yesterday?(昨天几号)
 (3) ---what’s this ? ---it’ a              (给的礼物)my friend jane.
 (4) i              (恐怕)i can’t go swimming with you .
 (5) we want to buy an mp4 to give him             (惊喜)
 2 选择最佳答案。
 (1)---sally, what’s      your present?
   ---it’s round.
  a  the shape of     b  a shape of    c  the shape for
(2) ---what      your day    one year ago?
   ---very small. but now it’s very big.
   a  was; like     b  is; like      c  looked ; like .
(3) ---        is the great wall?
   ---3 — 5 meters
a  how long      b  how wide       c  how old
(4)---eden, where were you      ?
---i was in the library.
 a  now       b  ago       c  just now
(5)---xuming, whose purse is this ?1234
---it     be tom’s .his student card is in it.
 a  must     b  can      c  may
(6)---what do you use the mp4       
---we use it to listen      music.
 a  of; for      b  for; to        c  to;
what’s                    your present?
               is it?
(2) 我们用它做什么?用来放铅笔,尺子,橡皮等等。
   ---what do we      it        ?
   ---we    it            pencils ,rulers , erasers and          
(3) 刚才它是什么形状?是方形的。
   ---what shape     it                   .
   ---it      a           .
(4)它刚才像一朵花吗? 不,不像。它像一个星星。
   was it like a flower             ?
   no,             . it was a star.
---            is it?
---it’s 24             .                                                                                                                         1234
 假如今天是你的生日,你朋友为你买了一个mp4,请描述一下你的礼物.词数60词左右.参考词汇:rectangle, look like,color, long ,wide ,use.


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