
七年级英语教案 2017-02-13 网络整理 晴天


课题 unit 3 总 27课时,本单元第 2 课时 日期   课型 new 主备人   复备人   审核人   感知目标 学习 目标 1. learn the words of the unit 3(from she to cousin) 2. practice the conversations。 3. can ask other’s family people. 重点 难点 1. the use of she/he aunt. 2. is this …?  yes, it is.  no, it isn’t. 3. how to introduce and ask family people.   教师活动 学生活动 时间   复备标注 启 动 课 堂 课   堂   导   入 remind the important words and phrases.  dictation from.she to cousin follow the tape to read the words.  read together.  ask someone read. 5   read and recite the importan t sentences. read the important sentences in p14. read together recite together che ck someone.     5   自学文本 自学方式 give enough time to finish 2c and 2d explain the orders clearly. ss 10    学习新知 check the answers and show their dialogues.   correct their answers. 8   交流 学习 交流 方式 talk about in groups make sure all the ss join the activity. 5   12


知识梳理 talk about       together and expla in    show a picture of a family. ask students to introduce the people in it. 5   技能迁移 ask them to make sentences. his name is ---- her nam e is----- your name is------ my name is------ 5   综合训练 教师引导 1.       hi this is ___(you)new teacher;___ (she)name is yang yan。 2.       the boy’s name is nick king.nick is his_____name. 2   板书 unit 3 this is my sister  section a   that is his brother. is that his brother? yes, it is./no, it isn’t.       教学后记          



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