
七年级英语教案 2017-02-13 网络整理 晴天



新目标英语七年级上 unit 7 how much are these pants? 一、词汇:用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(7分)1. mr. brown ___________ (like) blue socks.2. lillian ___________(not have)the green dress.3. hello, i __________(be) john smith.4. what ___________ (be) your name? 5. how much ___________ (be) those black pants?6. excuse ___________ (i), where are my shorts? 7. what color ___________ (be) the oranges?  二、单词拼写,根据汉语注释及首字母写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一词,共10分,每小题1分)8. the bags on _____(销售)are fifteen yuan each.9. my sister likes to go to that _______(服装)store to buy clothes.10. the boy in _______(白色的), not the one in black, is his cousin.11. you can buy the shirt for eight ______ (美元) or twenty rmb yuan.12. they ______ (卖) the soccer balls for only ¥40.13. green, yellow, black and red are all c______.14. a_____ the boys like sports.15. come and see for y_______ at xingfu clothes store.16. –what’s the p_________ of this bird?   –it’s 100 yuan.17. the white pants are too s _______ for jim, but the black pants are too long for him.三、单项选择,发挥你的聪明。试试选出你最满意的(共15分,每小题1分)18. – ________ it the tv?    –it’s 2000 yuan.a. how many        b. how much        c. how about        d. how big19. i want to buy a shirt _______ my father.a. to                     b. on                     c. for                    d. in20. –can i help you?    –_________.a. thank you         b. yes, please, i want a pen.    c. you’re welcome.    d. i’m sorry.21. let’s go and have _______ his new cd.a. look at              b. a look at            c. a look               d. the look at22. jim’s _______ is red.a. shoes                b. bag                   c. socks                d. pants.23. –how much are the pants?   –________ twenty dollars.a. it has                b. it is                   c. they have         d. they are24. –are these your shoes?    –yes, ___________.a. they’re              b. they are             c. these are           d. there’re25. –the t-shirt is only ten dollars.     –i’ll ________it.a. buy                   b. take                  c. sale                   d. sell26. i like red but my brother ____________.a. likes red, too      b. doesn’t              c. does                 d. doesn’t like27. i like sports. my friend allan ______likes sports.a. too                   b. but                    c. and                   d. also28. –what color is it?   –____________a. it’s a green car  b. it’s a green        c. it’s green          d. it’s green car29. we have ________ students.a. fourty –four      b. four – fourty      c. forty – four       d. four –forty 30. how much _________ do you want?a. tomatoes           b. bananas             c. hamburgers       d. chicken31. the car is too ____, i can’t buy it.a. cheap                b. dear                  c. nice                  d. good32. they have t-shirts _________ green and black for only $13_______ the shop.a. at;  at              b. in;  in               c. with;  with       d. at;  in四、补全对话,根据对话内容在空白处填上一个合适的单词,每空一词。(共10分,每空1分)mrs brown =a                                                 salesgirl=ba: good morning!                              b: good morning! can i  33  you?a: yes, 34. i 35 to buy a sweater.            b: come this way. here are 36.a: how 37 is this white one?                  b: 49 dollars.a: how much is it in 38 money?                b: about 400 yuan.a: it’s  39  expensive (贵)                   b: but good things always cost (值)  40  .a: i know that. and 41 about that blue one?   b: that’s cheap. it’s only 100 yuan.a: ok. i’ll 42 it.五、找出与句中画线部分意义相同或相近的选项(共10分,每小题2分)。(   )43.do you have a lot of friends in your class? a.many    b.much    c.a lot    d.any(    )44.what’s the price of the black shoes?a.what about        b.what color arec.how much are      d.how many are(    )45.where do you have  dinner?a.get    b.eat     c.buy     d.need(    )46.i need to buy a hat.a.forget   b.want    c.begin   d.stop(   )47.this pencil case is cheap(便宜).i"ll take it.a.like    b.sell    c.buy    d.get 43. _________   44. ________   45. _________   46. __________  47. ___________六、完形填空,用你的智慧将下面的文章补充完整,千万要细心哦。(共10分,每小题1分)i work in a small shop. it’s near an english 48. every day students come to 49 things.in the 50. i get up (起床) at six. and then i have breakfast.i get go (到达) the  51  at about six fifty. the shop opens at seven. we sell things 52 food and drink. we have school things. 53, so there 54 often many people in our shop  55  morning to evening.i have 56 in the shop. at seven in the evening the shop is closed. we go home 57 supper.(  ) 48. a. farm         b. factory          c. school         d. river(  )49.a.buy             b. sell             c. take           d. want(  ) 50. a. evening      b. afternoon        c. noon           d. morning(  ) 51. a. classroom.   b. school           c. shop           d. club(  ) 52. a. with         b. like             c. for            d. about(  ) 53. a. too          b. also             c. and            d. but(  ) 54. a. are          b. have             c. see            d. come( )55a.in                b. on               c. at             d. from(  ) 56. a. supper       b. breakfast        c. tea            d. lunch(  ) 57. a. to           b. at               c. with           d. for七、阅读理解。(共20分,每小题2分)123ait is sunday afternoon. mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. her mother wants to buy some food for supper. mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. they come to a shop.“what does your shop sell?” mary asks, “a lot of things.” the girl in the shop says. “you can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too.”mary and her mother go in. there are many people in the shop. mary finds a nice white skirt.“how much is the skirt?” mary asks the girl in the shop.“it’s eighty yuan.”“that’s too dear. can i find a cheap one?”“what about the green one? it looks nice. and it’s only thirty yuan.”“ok, thanks a lot.”“you are welcome.”after that, mary buys some school things, too. here mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish. they get home very late.(  ) 58. mary goes to do the shopping with her mother on ________.a. saturday afternoon b. saturday morning c. sunday morning   d. sunday afternoon(  ) 59. mary wants to buy a new skirt and _________.a. some food         b. some drinks       c. come clothes     d. some school things(  ) 60. the white skirt is __________.a. ¥30                b. ¥110               c. ¥80                d. ¥100(  ) 61. mary buys a _________ skirt.a. white                b. green                c. red                   d. dear(  ) 62. the green skirt is ___________.a. nice but dear      b. nice and cheap   c. not nice but cheap   d. not nice or cheap bmr. king goes to a dinner party. he is wearing old clothes. he comes into the room. but people in the room don’t look at him. they don’t ask him to sit at the table.mr. king goes home and puts on his good clothes. he goes back to the party. everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him. they give him very good food to eat. mr. king takes off his clothes, and puts them in the food and says, “eat, clothes!”the other people ask, “what are you doing?”he answers, “i’m asking my coat to eat food. i am wearing my old clothes. you don’t look at me. you don’t ask me to sit down. now i’m in these clothes. and you give me very good food. now i see, you give the food to my clothes, not to me!”(   ) 63. mr. king goes to the dinner party, but people in the room don’t look at him. because __.a. he doesn’t come by car    b. he is young  c. he is wearing his old clothes  d. he is old(   ) 64. mr. king goes home to _______ his ________ clothes.a. put on; good          b. puts on; fine      c. take off; good           d. wear; good(   ) 65. mr. king goes back to the party. people in the room stand up and smile at him because_____.a. he is wearing his old clothes            b. he comes by a very good carc. he is wearing his good clothes         d. he is putting on his good clothes(   ) 66. mr. king takes off his good clothes, and ________ them _________ the good food.a. ask; to eat   b. asks; to eat    c. lets; to eat     d. ask;  eat(   ) 67. mr. king says the good food is _______.a. for he       b. for his good clothes   c. for me     d. for him八、任务型阅读,读下面的文章,并在后面的横线上填上相应的答案,使句意符合短文意见。(共8分,每小题2分)what color are their sweaters?kate, jim, rose and bill put their sweaters on the table. the sweaters are white, blue, red and black,. we know, the boy’s sweaters aren’t red and the girls’ sweaters aren’t black. what color is kate’s sweater? i don’t know. but i know it is not blue. bill says, “my sweater is white.” then what color are their sweaters?68. kate’s sweater is ___________                    69. jim’s sweater is ___________70. rose’s sweater is ___________                    71. bill’s sweater is ___________九、作文(10分)   1 kilo of chicken legs        2 kilos of tomatoes        2 big bottles of coke 根据下面的shopping list 写一则买东西的对话。     提示词: list 清单   kilo公斤   bottles瓶123

   新目标英语七年级(上)unit 7 how much are these pants?参 考 答 案 一、一、词汇:用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(共7分,每小题1分)1. likes  2. doesn’t have  3. am  4. is  5. are  6. me  7. are二、单词拼写(共10分,每小题1分)8-12、sale  clothes  white  dollars  sell  13-17、colors  all  yourself  price  short三、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)18-22、d c b b b         23-27、d b b b d        28-32、c c d b b四、补全对话(共10分,每空1分)33-37、help  please  want  sweaters  much38-42、chinese  too  much  how/what  take五、找亲戚(共10分)43-47、acbbc 六、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)48-52、c a d c b         53-57、a a d d d七、阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)58-62、d d c b b        63-67、c a c b b八、任务型阅读(共8分,每小题2分)68-71、red  black  blue  white九、作文(共10分) 123


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