
七年级英语教案 2017-02-13 网络整理 晴天


unit 3 姓名            得分          班级            
(满分;100 时间:45分钟)
(  ) 1.-who(谁)is that boy? -he is my              .
    a. father   b. mother   c. brother  d. sister
  (  ) 2. this is            teacher, mr green.
    a. i    b. my   c. me   d. we
  (  ) 3.           are my books. those are             books.
    a. it, my   b. it, your  c. these, you  d. these, your
  (  ) 4.           are my good friend.
     a. your   b. he   c. they   d. you
  (  ) 5. -              ?  -it’s a bag.
    a. what’s your name b. how are you c. what’s that d. how old are you
  (  ) 6. these       her brothers. this      her sister.
    a. are, is   b. is, are   c. are, am  d. is, is
  (  ) 7. -            that your grandmother?
    a. are, it is  b. is, it is   c.is, he is  d. are, she is
  (  ) 8. thanks        the photo of your family.
    a. at    b. for   c. you   d. your
  (  ) 9. -          those your grandparents?  -no,         .
    a. is, they are  b. are,they are not c. is ,it is   d. are, it isn’t
  (  ) 10.               is my anut and            is her uncle.1234
    a. he, she  b. it, she   c. he, it   d. she, he
  (  ) 11.              his uncle and cousin.
    a. this is   b. these is  c. that is   d. those are
  (  ) 12. her               are paul and teresa.
    a. mother  b. friend   c. brother  d. friends
  (  ) 13. -is he guo peng? -yes ,                .
    a. it is   b. he’s   c. he is   d. it’s
    (  ) 14. -good morning,miss lu! -                  .
    a. ok   b. fine, thank you c. good morning,bill d. yes, please
  (  ) 15. -what’s this? -                 .
    a. yes, it’s  b. yes, it is  c. it’s a map  d. is a map
  (  ) 16. -what color is your coat?  -                   .
    a. it’s an orange b. it’s orange  c. it’s a blue  d. it’s the green
  (  ) 17. how             your brother?
    a. am   b. is    c. be   d. are
  (  ) 18. i am david brown. my first name is               .
    a. david   b. green   c. david green d. green david
  (  ) 19. my name            mary ,             name is jim.
    a. am, her  b. is, his   c. is, her   d. am, his
  (  ) 20.           paul. what’s your name?1234
    a. i    b.my   c. i’m   d. my am
  (  ) 21. this is my book, and that is            book.
    a. he   b. him   c. his   d. he’s
  (  ) 22. -           your telephone number? -it’s 8567883.
    a. what   b. what’s   c. what are  d. is
  (  ) 23. my pencil case is red      white.
    a. /    b. and   c. but   d. or
  (  ) 24. -               ,is this your phone?   -yes, it is. thank you.
     a. good morning b. excuse me  c. sorry   d. hello
  (   ) 25. please call me            2133778.
    a. in    b. on   c. at    d. for
  (  ) 26. -what’s this in english? -                   .
    a. yes, it’s a baseball b. no,it isn’t c. it’s an eraser.  d. yes, it is
  (  ) 27. -are you lucy king? - no,           .
    a. i’m   b. i am   c. i’m not  d. i am not
  (  ) 28. these are my            .
    a. book   b. pens   c. friend   d. a friend
  (  ) 29.      those your brothers?
    a. are   b. is    c. am   d. be
  (  ) 30. - i am my mother’s            . i am a girl.
    a. daughter  b. son   c. cousin   d. brother
 1、我的          2、什么             3、他的   4、她的   5、第一         1234
6、最后的   7、电话号码   8、男孩      9、姓       10、铅笔  
11、钢笔   12、铅笔盒    13、书    14、双肩背包  15、词典  
ⅲ. 补全对话。(10小题,20分)
 a: hello! what’your  1  ?
 b: my name   2  ryan hunt.
 a: is your  3  name hunt?
 b: yes.
 a: what’s  4    5    6 ?
 b:  7  5236788.
 a: nice to  8    9 .
 b: nice to meet you,  10 .
ⅳ. 写作 (20分)
 假如你叫peter, 你给你的笔友david 写封信,信中有你家人的相片,并向david 介绍相片中的人物。注意写信的格式。



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