
七年级英语教案 2017-02-13 网络整理 晴天



贵溪市实验中学初中部新目标七年级上unit 6单元测试题时间:90分钟                     满分:120分              命题人:david    2009.10.29

题号    一. 二. 三. 四. 五. 六.  七 总 分  分值    20   30    20    20   10 10 10  120  得分                

一、听力部分(20分)i.听句子:根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的图片,将其标号填入题前括号内。读两遍。(5分)(   )1. what does your sister like?       a.           b.        c.(    ) 2. what fruit does his brother tommy like?a.            b.        c.(    )3. what vegetables does sally not like?a.        b.    c.(   )4. which one is a healthy vegetable?a.          b.       c.(   )5. what does sonia like?a.           b.                      c. ii.听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案,读两遍。(5分)(   )6.what does alan like? ___________.a. oranges                              b. pears                     c. apples(   )7.does his father like broccoli? ___________.a. yes, he does                           b. no, he doesn’t          c. no, he likes onions(   )8.what does the boy eat for breakfast ? ___________.a. french fries                            b. chicken                    c. eggs(   )9. does gina like rice and fish for dinner ? ___________.a. yes, she does                   b. no, she doesn’t        c. she likes noodles(   )10. who doesn’t like strawberries? ________.a. tom                 b. lucy                 c. the boyiii. 听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案,读两遍。(5分)(    )11. does eric like hamburgers and fried chicken?_________.     a. yes, he does                                 b. no, he doesn’t                 c. i don’t know(   )12who likes junk food very much ? ___________.a. eric’s sister                                 b. eric                                c. emma(    )13. does eric like fruit and vegetables ? __________.a. no, he doesn’t                             b. no, he isn’t                   c. yes, he does(    )14.how many vegetables does eric like?___________.     a. two                                               b. three                              c. four(    )15. does emma like vegetables?  ___________.a. yes, she does                               b. no , she doesn’t               c. no, he doesn’t eeiv 听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。(5分) 123456

name breakfast   lunch dinner jim eggs   16.________, french fries 17.____________, salad mike 18._____________, eggs   19._______________ chicken, salad 20.__________

笔试部分(100分)                                                      二、词汇部分(30分)a)根据句意和首字母在下列句子空白处填上合适的单词。(10分)1.broccoli,tomatoes and carrots are v________.2.i have hamburgers for b___________.3.peter likes ________ (play) basketball.4.she doesn’t like junk food she eats h________ food every day.5. i have an ice c_________, but i don’t like french f_________.6.zhou jielun is a singing s____________.7.the little girl likes ________(strawberry)a lot. 8.they like _________ (eat) hamburgers and carrots for lunch.9.chicken ________(be)very delicious. 10. i usually have some ________(tomato)in the basket.b)将下列词组译成英语(10分)1.吃晚饭    _____________              2、lots of                 ____________     3、每天      _____________              4、a running star          ____________5. 一杯牛奶   _____________              6. healthy food             ____________7. 午饭吃米饭 _____________                 8. like eating hamburgers____________ 9. 吃的好    ______________                  10. don’t like chicken at all___________c)词形变化(10分)1. watch (复数)____________    2. tomato (复数)__________  3. sound(三单)_________4. potato (复数)____________  5. eat (动名词)____________ 6. ice(形容词)____________ 7.strawberry(复数)___________  8. have(三单)___________   9.run(名词)_____________10. health(形容词)___________三、单项选择(20分)(      )1. my parents like ________ very much, such as(例如) broccoli, bananas and pears.a. vegetables                                     b. fruit                               c. fruit and vegetables(      )2. –would you like some__________? – yes, just a little.         a. broccoli                                       b. tomatoes                         c. carrots(      )3.we have _________at 6:30 am every day.        a. breakfast                                     b. lunch                              c. supper(      )4.jack like pears, eggs and hamburgers _________ lunch.        a. a, in                                            b. for                                  c. of(      )5. there are _____ fruit on the table.     a. lots of                                       b. lot of                            c. a lot (      )6.-let’s go to the kfc to eat some ________, ok?-that sounds great!        a. french fries                                 b. vegetables                        c. fruit(      )7. -does dan like onions? –yes, ________. he thinks they are healthy.        a. he is                                           b. he does                           c. he doesn’t(      )8. do you like sweet potatoes?- no, _________. sweet potatoes are bad for my teeth.        a. i am not                                      b.i don’t know                    c. i don’t(   ) 9. look! that is wang jiajun. she is a _________ star. a. runing                                         b. running                           c. runner(   )10. __________ like american fried chicken.a. you, he and i                              b. he, you and i                   c. i ,you and he(   )11. the boy ________ ice cream very much. so he eats lots of it.a. like                                                b. likes                               c. doesn’t like (   )12. there is a _________ shop. it sells tomatoes, cabbages and garlic.a. fruit                                                b. food                 c. vegetable(   )13.there is some_________ in the fridge. go and get it.a.orange juice                            b.apple                         c.noodle(   )14. we eat a lot of __________ every day.a. healthy food                                   b. vegetable                        c. milks       (   ).15. -does selina like salad? – yes, she likes ________ very much..   a. they                                         b. them                             c. it    (   )16. what ______ mr wang like _______ for breakfast?a. does; eat                                   b. is; eat                      c. does; to eat (   )17. -________ does your father have ______ lunch? -chicken and tomatoes.    a. what; for                                  b. what; /                      c. how; for     (   )18. –do you like ice cream for ______ dessert?    a. a                                          b. an                          c. /        (   )19.he has ________ egg and ________ hamburger. a.a, an                                         b.an, a                     c.a, a (   ) 20. i am going on a picnic, so i make a list of ________ to buy.a. food                                             b. hamburger                      c. sports 四、句型部分(20分)a) 句型转换,每空一词。(10分)1. for breakfast, i have an egg and a hamburger.(对划线提问)                you have for breakfast ?2.li and wang like french fries.(改为否定句)      they ____ _____ french fries.3.does tom like eggs for breakfast?(否定回答)            _____ , he ________.4.there is a banana in the picture.(改为复数句)            there _____ _______ in the picture.5.emma like salad for dessert. (改一般疑问句)        ________ emma ________ salad for dessert?b)补全对话,每空一词。(5分)sandra: do you like carrots?tom: yes, i     1     .sandra: how about broccoli? do you    2    broccoli?tom: yes, i do. it’s great! do you like vegetables?sandra: no, i    3     like vegetables. well, only salad. i like salad. but i    4    . i like bananas, oranges…tom: how about apples? i don’t like apples.sandra: i like apples. and do you know what i really like?tom:      5     ?sandra:   ice cream!c) 从ⅱ栏中找出与ⅰ栏中相对应的句子(5分)                 ⅰ                                                                ⅱ(  ) 1.do you like hamburgers?                                     a. i like french fries.(   ) 2. what does he have for dinner?                b. ok, let’s go.(  ) 3.does anna like apples?                                        c. two eggs and some chicken.(   ) 4. let’s play soccer.                           d. yes, i do.(   ) 5. what do you like to eat?                                     e. no, she doesn’t.五.完形填空(10分)  i have a good friend.    1     name is lisa. she comes from the us. now she and her family   2    in shanghai. she likes many     3     here in china, especially(尤其是)chinese food. “chinese food is really     4    ”, she says. “ it’s different( 不同的)from the    5     in the us.” in america, she often      6    bread, french fries and salad. but in china, she can eat    7    of different food. lisa says. “chinese food is so delicious. it’s nice and    8    . eating is very   9    here. i     10    chinese food.”(   )1.a. my                               b. her                                c. she(   )2.a. am                                b. is                                    c. are(   )3. a. things                           b. food                                c. chicken(   )4. a. well                              b. great                               c. boring(   )5. a. food                             b. game                               c. star              (   )6.a. eats                              b. have                                c. takes      (   )7. a. many                            b. lot                                   c. lots(   )8 a. relaxing                          b. healthy                           c. more(   )9. a. interesting                     b. difficult                          c. well (   )10. a. run                             b. like                                 c. bring 六.阅读理解(每小题1分,共10分)      123456a   english breakfast is a very big meal----eggs , tomatoes , tea ,coffee…   for many people lunch is a quick(快的) meal. in cities there are a lot of sandwich(三明治) bars(快餐店). people can buy sandwiches there. students can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home.   “tea” means two things . it is a drink and a meal! some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea. they usually have supper quite early(早的) ,between 6:00 and 8:00 ,and often all the family eats together(一起). people often get take-away(外卖) meals---they buy the food outside and then bring it home to eat. (   )1. many people in england have a ______ breakfast and a ____ lunch.a. quick; small          b. little; big                c. big ; quick                  d. slow; big(   )2. students usually have lunch_______.    a. at home                        b. at school                c. outside                         d. in the restaurant (   )3.what don’t they have when they have afternoon tea?    a. chicken                b. sandwiches            c. cakes                           d. a cup of tea.(   )4.how long do they have the evening meal?    a. six or eight hours.   b. half an hour            c. we don’t know.               d. about two hours       (   )5.when they get a take-away meal .they eat it _______.   a. at home   b. in the school   c. outside   d. in the bars123456bmy name is sally. i’m from england. i like eating and i often eat well. every morning, i like coffee, french fries, an egg and an apple for breakfast. i have lunch at school, i have a quick lunch—a hamburger, some salad, ice cream and so on. and i have dinner at home. i have chicken with some vegetables. i often watch tv in the evening. sometimes i play computer games.(   )6.sally is _________.a. a teacher.                                      b. a chinese student                    c. an english student(   )7. what does sally like for breakfast?__________.a. coffee and french fries                 b. an apple and an egg                c. both a and b(   )8.sallu has lunch _________.a. at school                                       b. at home                                  c. in the restaurant(餐馆) (   )9. sally has ________ for lunch.a. hamburgers                                          b. chicken with vegetables           c. chicken with fruit(   )10.what does sally often do in the evening? she often__________.a. watches tv                                   b. plays sports                                   c. plays computer games七.书面表达。(15分)下表显示的是你家的三餐喜爱的食谱,请以“my family’s favourite food”为题写一段短文,介绍你和你家人的饮食习惯(包括他们喜欢或不喜欢吃的食物、饮料、水果等)。不少于60字.123456

favorite meal favorite food favorite fruit breakfast coffee, chicken strawberries, pears lunch hamburger, cola, french fries apples, bananas dinner salad, vegetables, meat, broccoli, dessert oranges, peaches, water melon

 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  贵溪市实验中学初中部新目标七年级上unit 6单元测试题听力材料一、听力部分(20分)i.听句子:根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的图片,将其标号填入题前括号内。读两遍。(5分)1.i like hamburgers but my sister likes chicken.2.his brother tommy likes strawberries.3. .sally likes eating tomatoes, carrots and potatoes.4.broccoli is a healthy vegetable.5.sonia likes ice cream very much..ii.听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案,读两遍。(5分)1.    w: hi, alan, do you like oranges?      m; no, but i like apples very much.2.    w: does your father like broccoli?     m: yes, he eats it every day.3.    w: look! those are eggs, do you like them?     m no, i don’t. i like french fries for breakfast.4.    m: let’s have rice and fish for dinner gina.     w: but i don’t like fish. i like noodles with eggs.5.    m: tom like strawberries, but i don’t like them. what about you, lucy?     w: i like strawberries very much, too.iii. 听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案,读两遍。(5分)w: eric, what are those on the table?m: oh, they are hamburgers and fried chicken.w: where did you buy them?m: my father takes me to the kfc this afternoon.w: do you like eating them. eric?m: no, i don’t. they are junk food. they are not healthy. but my sister likes them very much. she likes french fries, too.w: then what do you like?m: i like fruit and vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and broccoli. what about you, emma?w: i don’t like vegetables. i like ice cream. i eat it every day after dinner. do you like ice cream, eric?m: yeah, i like, too. let’s go to eat ice cream.w: that sounds great!iv 听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。(5分)my name is jim. i’m from america. now i live in guixi china with my family. my brother mike and i like chinese food very much. we both like eggs for breakfast. mike likes oranges for breakfast, too. but i don’t. we like hamburgers for lunch. i like french fries but mike doesn’t. we like chicken for dinner, we like salad, too. mike likes ice cream for dessert, but i don’t eat ice cream at all.   贵溪市实验中学初中部新目标七年级上unit 6单元测试题答案:一、听力部分(20分)i.听句子:根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的图片,将其标号填入题前括号内。读两遍。(5分)1-5 acbabii.听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案,读两遍。(5分)6-10 caabciii. 听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案,读两遍。(5分)11-15 baccbiv 听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。(5分)16. hamburgers   17. chicken   18. oranges   19. hamburgers   20. ice cream笔试部分(100分)二、词汇部分(30分)a)根据句意和首字母在下列句子空白处填上合适的单词。(10分)1.vegetables   2. breakfast   3. playing   4. healthy   5. cream fries   6. star   7. strawberries   8. eating   9. is     10. tomatoesb)将下列词组译成英语(10分)1.have dinner 2. 许多 3. every day 4.一个赛跑明星5.a cup of milk 6. 健康的食物7.have rice for lunch 8. 喜欢吃汉堡包9.eat well 10。一点也不喜欢鸡肉c)词形变化(10分)1.watches 2. tomatoes   3. sounds   4. potatoes 5. eating 6. icy   7. strawberries 8. has   9. runner   10. healthy 三、单项选择(20分)1-5   caaba    6-10 abcba     11-15 bcaac   16-20 cacba四、句型部分(20分)a) 句型转换,每空一词。(10分)1.what do   2. don’t like 3.no doesn’t   4. are bananas   5. does like b)补全对话,每空一词。(5分)1.do   2. like    3. don’t    4.like    5. whatc) 从ⅱ栏中找出与ⅰ栏中相对应的句子(5分)1-5 dceba          五.完形填空(10分)1-5 bcaba     6-10   acbab六.阅读理解(每小题1分,共10分)      123456a 1-5 cbadab6-10 ccaba                七.书面表达。(10分)下表显示的是你家的三餐喜爱的食谱,请以“my family’s favourite food”为题写一段短文,介绍你和你家人的饮食习惯(包括他们喜欢或不喜欢吃的食物、饮料、水果等)。不少于60字.  one possible version:my family’s favourite food  we have three meals a day. for breakfast. i like coffee and chicken. but my parents don’t like chicken, they like bread and milk. we like some fruit like strawberries and pears, too. for lunch, i have hamburgers, cola and french fries. and my parents also like them very much. we have apples and bananas, but i don’t like bananas. i only eat apples. for dinner, my parents’ favourite food is salad, vegetables, meat and broccoli dessert. but i don’t like vegetables. i like hamburgers , potato chips and fried chicken very much. our favorite fruit for dinner is watermelon. sometimes we eat oranges and peaches after dinner. my favorite desert is ice cream. 123456


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