【5b是多大】5B Unit 3 Hobbies

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-07 网络整理 晴天


1.能听、说、读、写词组collect stamps, make model ships, make clothes, grow photos, take photos,并能在对话和句型中正确地运用词组。
2.能正确地理解并运用句型do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. i like … 和he/she likes ….
3.会唱英语歌曲do you have any hobbies.
1. 能理解和掌握主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式.
2. 能理解和掌握like和likes后面的动词形式。
仪器教具  录音机(磁带)、多媒体
step 1 free talk
1. boys and girls, i can dance,what can you do? i can …
  i like english. what subject do you like? i like …
  i like dogs ,what animals do you like? i like …出示一些动物的图片。
  teach:  animal  领读、齐读。
2.t: boys and girls, i like singing . what do you like?
s: i like running/jumping/swimming/playing basketball/singing/…
t—s  s---s  ask and answer in pairs.  check
step 2 presentation  and practice
1.   teach: take  photos
t:boys and  girls ,what’s this? s:it’s a camera .(多媒体呈现)
t:yes ,it’s a camera .i like camera very much. because i like taking photos.多媒体出示图片。领读、齐读。
2.teach: hobby  hobbies
t:i like taking photos ,do you like taking photos?问两个同学。
t: oh ,so we have the same hobby . (教师重复读hobby两遍)
 t:can you read these words:呈现doctor   hot   clock,read these words together.these“o”prounced /  /.”y “ prounced /   /.who can read this word?
3.teach :beautiful  growing flowers
t: boys and girls,i like taking photos .these are my photos.(show some flowers).
look ,what can you see in these photos?
s:i  can see some flowers.
t:yes .i like flowers.they are so beautiful. 领读、个别读、齐读。and i like growing flowers,too.(多媒体出现)teach:grow flowers.
t:do you like growing flowers.s:yes.
4.teach: stamp , collect stamps
t:boys and girls ,these are flower photos. look ,what are they?(出示花的邮票)
yes ,they are flower stamps .teach:stamp  cap camp camera .领读、个别读、小组读、齐读。
t:they are so beautiful.so my another hobby is collecting stamps.teach:collect stamps.领读、个别读、男女生读、齐读。
t:boys and girls ,we can collect many things in our daily life .(show some pictures)we can collect model cars…  s says
t:i collect so many stamps .you know ,i like animals .do you like animals?let’s have a look at my animal stamps. show some animal stamps
i collect another stamps .do you want to have a look?(show some ship stamps)
  teach:  animal stamps  ship stamps12
  t:引导学生回答:they are very interesting. boys and girls ,we know  ,this year is the year of the mouse also is  the olympic year.we will hold the 29th olympic games  in beijing. so we are very excited.look,i have some special stamps.(出示福娃邮票)。
5.teach:do you have any hobbies?
t:boys and girls ,my hobbies are singing .taking photos and collecting stamps.do you have any hobbies?(多媒体呈现句型)
s: yes, i do. i like running.
  t: boys and girls, i think all of you have some hobbies. now ask your partner’s hobby.
  s: 学生同桌进行操练句型“do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. i like …(ing)”
  t: 检查学生刚才的操练情况。
6.teach :he likes …  she likes… 
t:xx likes…,do you know them? what are their hobbies?
t ask s answer teach: go shopping  make model ships make clothes(让学生问答)
step 3 sing a song :hobbies.
  now, let’s have a rest. sing a song :hobbies.
step 4 do a survey
t:boys and girls ,just now we talked about liuxiang  and yaoming’s hobbies. now, i want to know your hobbies. we have some other hobbies. for example: watch tv  read newspapers  play chess …
open your book, turn to page28, you can ask your good friend’s hobbies. if your good friends have some other hobbies, you can write the phrases in your book.
now you can ask your good friend’s hobbies or the teacher’s hobbies.
t: who’s your good friend?
s:he’s/she’s xx.
t:can you report your good friend’s hobbies. you can say xx likes …
s:xx likes …
t:ask some students report the teachers’ hobbies.
step5 read and say
1.boys and girls ,ben .yangling and mike are coming ,too .oh,ben has many beautiful stamps .i think his hobby is collecting stamps.
what is he doing ?ss: he is showing his stamps to mike and yangling.
what are they talking about?let’s listen to the tape and answer the  questions
2.read the text 跟读
3.do some exercises  according to the dialouge and fill in the blanks.
step6 summary
today we have learnd unit3 ,we have learnd these new phrases and sentences ,let’s read together.
5b unit 3 hobbies 来自。 12


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