【牛津小学英语5a电子课本】牛津小学英语5B Unit One A new term

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-06 网络整理 晴天


一、teaching aim(教学目标)
1. phonetics: (know)元音字母o在单词中的读音。
2. new words
(1) 3 cans: aunt, er, hope, minus, more, people, social science, tell, trick, well.
(2) 4 cans: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, a subject, chinese, science, computer studies, interesting, a week.
3. everyday sentences:
    (1) 3 cans: welcome back to school.  nice to see you.  i hope we have more.  how about you?
    (2) 4 cans: what day is it today?  it’s ….   what lessons do you have in the …?  we have … and ….   what subject do you like?  i like ….
4. song: wish you are happy every day
二、important points(教学重点)
1. words(4 cans): monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, a subject, chinese, science, computer studies, interesting, a week.
2. sentences(4 cans):  what day is it today?  it’s ….   what lessons do you have in the …?  we have … and ….   what subject do you like?  i like ….
三、teaching troubles(教学难点)
1. words(4 cans): monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, a subject, chinese, science, computer studies, interesting, a week.
2. sentences(4 cans): what day is it today?  it’s ….   what lessons do you have in the …?  we have … and ….   what subject do you like?  i like ….
四、time assign(课时安排)
all: 5课时
a部分 :                第1课时
b, c部分 :              第2课时
d, e部分 :              第3课时
f, g部分 :              第4课时
review :                 第5课时

teaching plan(教案)
一、teaching content:
unit 1, part a
二、teaching aim:
1. can listen, say, read and write the words: monday,subject, chinese, science, computer studies, interesting, week.
2. can listen, say, and read the words: hope, more, social science.
3. can listen, say, read and write the sentences: what day is it today?  it’s ….   what lessons do you have in the …?  we have … and ….   what subject do you like?  i like ….
4. can listen, say and read the sentences: welcome back to school.  nice to see you.  i hope we have more. how about you?12345
5. read, recite and act the dialogue.
三、important points:
1. the words (4 cans): monday, subject, chinese, science, computer studies, interesting, week.
2. the sentences (4 cans): what day is it today?  it’s ….   what lessons do you have in the …?  we have … and ….   what subject do you like?  i like ….
四、teaching troubles:
1. the words (4 cans): monday,subject, chinese, science, computer studies, interesting, week.
2. the sentences (4 cans): what day is it today?  it’s ….   what lessons do you have in the …?  we have … and ….   what subject do you like?  i like ….
五、teaching aid:
picture, cards, tape, recorder, blackboard assign.
六、teaching the new lesson:
step 1. free talk
1. listen to the song wish you are happy every day.
2. greeting.
step 2. revision
1. review the words a new term, a lesson, today, day etc.
2. review the sentense they are having a lesson.
step 3. presentation
1. welcome back to school. nice to see you.
 t: welcome back to school.
 s: thank you.
 t: nice to see you.
 s: nice to see you.
2. what day is it today? it’s …. monday.
 t: what day is it today?
 s: (learn the sentence.)
 t: (show a picture of“星期一”.)it’s monday.(teach and spell the sentences.)
3. what lessons do you have in the …? we have … and …. chinese, science, computer studies.
 t: how many lessons do you have in the morning?
 s: we have 3.
 t: what lessons do you have in the morning?
 s: we have chinese, science and computer studies.
4. what subject do you like? i like …. how about you?  social science, interesting, week, hope, more.
 t: we have … subjects this term. what are they?
 s: they’re ….
 t: what subject do you like, …?
 s1: i like social science.
 t: how about you, …?
 s: i like english. it’s interesting.
 t: how many english lessons do we have in a week?
 s: …. i hope we have more.
step 4. read
1. listen to the tape and read after it.
2. read after the teacher.
3. read to each other.
4. read together.
step 5. act
1. part read the dialogue.
2. group work to practise the dialogue.
3. act the dialogue out.
step 6. recite
1. recite the dialogue to each other.
2. recite it together.
step 7. homework:
1. copy the new words and sentences on the copy-book.
2. recite and act the dialogue.
3. preview part b, c.
七、blackboard assign:
unit one  a new term
part a
monday, subject, chinese, science,
computer studies, interesting, a week12345
what day is it today?                it’s ….
what lessons do you have in the …?  we have … and ….
what subject do you like?            i like ….

teaching plan(教案)
一、teaching content:
unit 1, part b, c
二、teaching aim:
1. review the words: monday,subject, chinese, science, computer studies, interesting, week.
2. can listen, say, read and write the words: tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday.
3. review the sentences: what day is it today?  it’s ….   what lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon?  we have ….
4. make up and act the dialogues.
三、important points:
the words (4 cans): tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday.
四、teaching troubles:
  make up and act the dialogues.
五、teaching aid:
picture, cards, tape, recorder, blackboard assign.
六、teaching the new lesson:
step 1. free talk
1. listen to the song wish you are happy every day.
2. greeting.
3. act the dialogue of “part a”.
step 2. presentation
1. look, read and learn.
 show the picture of part b, learn the new words.
 t: what day is it today?      s: it’s tuesday. (learn the word “tuesday”.)
 teach the words “wednesday, thursday, friday” in the same way.
2. ask and answer.
 show the picture of part c, ask and answer.
 t: what day is it today?                                     s: it’s ….
 t: what lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon?        s: we have ….
step 3. read
1. listen to the tape and read the words after it.
  2. read after the teacher.
  3. read one by one.
  4. read together.
step 4. act
1. make up four dialogues.
2. pair work, prepare for acting the dialogues.
3. act the dialogue out.
step 5. homework:
1. copy the new words and sentences on the copy-book.
2. act the dialogues.
3. preview part d, e.
七、blackboard assign:

unit one  a new term
part b, c
tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday
what day is it today?                  it’s ….
what lessons do you have in the …?     we have ….
八、teaching comment:
social science的发音不够准确,还需及时纠正。

teaching plan(教案)
一、teaching content:
unit 1, part d, e
二、teaching aim:
1. can listen, say and read the words: minus, tell, er, trick.
2. review the sentences: what subject do you like?  i like ….
3. read, recite and act the dialogue.
三、important points:
review the sentences (4 cans).
四、teaching troubles:
    read, recite and act the dialogue.
五、teaching aid:
picture, cards, tape, recorder, blackboard assign.
六、teaching the new lesson:
step 1. free talk
1. listen to the song wish you are happy every day.
2. greeting.
3. play a game polly says.
4. act the dialogue of “part c”.
step 2. work in pairs
  1. show the picture of part d, ask and answer with “what subject do you like?”
  2. ask and answer to each other.
step 3. look and read
  1. show the picture of part e, listen to the tape and read after it.
  2. read after the teacher.
3. part read the dialogue.
4. read together.
5. pair work.
6. act the dialogue out.
step 4. recite
1. recite the dialogue to each other.
2. recite it together.
step 5. homework:
1. copy the new words and sentences on the copy-book.
2. recite and act the dialogue.
3. preview part f, g, h.
七、blackboard assign:

unit one  a new term
part d, e
what subject do you like?
i like ….
八、teaching comment:
teaching plan(教案)
一、teaching content:
unit 1, part f, g, h
二、teaching aim:
1. the pronunciation of “o”.
2. review the words (4 cans) in this unit.
3. review the sentences (4 cans) in this unit.
4. sing the song wish you are happy every day.
三、important points:
review the words(4 cans).
四、teaching troubles:
the pronunciation of “o”.
五、teaching aid:
picture, cards, tape, recorder, blackboard assign.
六、teaching the new lesson:
step 1. free talk
1. listen to the song wish you are happy every day.
2. greeting.
3. play a game polly says.
4. act the dialogue of “part e”.
step 2. listen and repeat
  1. read the four words together.
  2. read the sentence to each other.
  3. read the sentence together.
step 3. design a timetable you like
  1. show the picture of part f.
  2. ask and answer with “what lessons do you have on monday/…?”12345
3. ask and answer to each other.
step 4. sing a song wish you are happy every day.
  1. listen to the tape and sing after it.
  2. sing after the teacher.
3. sing it to each other.
4. sing it one by one.
5. sing it together.
step 5. homework:
1. copy the new words and sentences on the copy-book.
2. sing the song wish you are happy every day.
3. preview unit 2.
七、blackboard assign:
unit one  a new term
part f, g, h
monday, subject, chinese, science,
computer studies, interesting, a week
八、teaching comment:

牛津小学英语5b unit one a new term 来自。 12345


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