【unit】Unit 3 At a Music lesson

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-05 网络整理 晴天


一 教学内容   
《牛津小学英语》5a第三单元第二教时(look, read and learn, look and say , look ,read and complete, sing a song)。
二 教学目标   
1 能正确的听、说、读、写词汇 sing, dance, swim, play, make.
2 能正确的听、说、读词汇 skate, ski, make a puppet, make a model
plane, play the guitar, play the violin
3 进一步掌握句型 can you … 及其回答和what can you do? i can…
三 教学重点
能正确的听、说、读、写句子 can you …? yes, i can… / no, i can’t
及what can you do? i can…
四 教学难点能正确运用 what can you do? 及其答语,并能在具体情景中以口、笔头形式进行交流。
五 课前准备
1   教具准备:
a  准备好多媒体教学的设施及投影机
b  准备钢琴、小提琴
c  准备好调查表格
2 教学准备:
3   板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题 unit 3  at a music lesson
六 教学过程
a   free talk and revision
以what’s your name? glad to see you. how are you? do you like music? can you sing songs? what can you sing? 等句跟学生打招呼、复习导入。
b   sing a song
c   presentation and practice
1   复习单词sing, dance, play the violin, play the guitar与介绍句型 can you …? 及其回答和what can you do?  i can…
at: great! you can sing and dance very well.
出示单词sing, dance,拼读
bt(手指拉小提琴的学生):she/he can play the violin.
出示单词play the violin,拼读play
ct(问拉小提琴的学生):can you play the guitar?
引导学生回答 yes , i can ./ no, i can’t.
出示单词play the guitar 
  用此句型询问几个学生后,出示句型: can you…? yes, i can. / no,
  i can’t.
d当有学生回答:no, i can’t.时,老师紧接着问:what can you do?
引导学生回答:i can…
出示句型what can you do? i can…
2   介绍单词skate, ski, swim, make a model plane, make a puppet
t: what is he/she doing?
ss: he/she is …
t: yes, he/she can …
t: can you…?
s: yes, i can. /no, i can’t.
t: what can you do?
s: i can …
3   practice
a  work in pairs
b  look, read and complete
d    sing a song
将we can sing and dance 进行改编,教唱
e   consolidation
2do a survey
can you…?
yes, i can. / no, i can’t.
what can you do? i can…















make a puppet





play the piano





play the guitar





play the violin





其  他





 t(问一学生): can you…?
         s1: yes, i can. /no, i can’t.
         t: what can you do? 
         s1: i can …
2   practise in groups
3   report
f   assign homework
     t:  boys and girls, i’m happy to see that you are so versatile. after class, you can ask your friends what they can do, then cooperate each other and give a performance to enter the party. i hope you will enter your names actively.

unit 3 at a music lesson 来自。 12


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