【pepper】PEP 5 Unit 4 A Let’s learn Let’s play教学设计

小学五年级英语教案 2022-02-28 网络整理 晴天


教学内容:pep 5  unit 4  a let’s learn  let’s play
知识目标:1.能够听、说、读、写动词词组cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom.
 2.能听说、认读本课时动词词组empty the trash和句子“i’m helpful! i can sweep the floor.”
能力目标:1.能听懂有关家务劳动的动词词组的指令,并做出相应的动作。如:sweep the floor, cook the meals.
         2.能够掌握i’m helpful! i can…在实际情境中使用。
教学重点:有关家务劳动的动词词组cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom.
教学难点:句型 i’m helpful! i can…在实际情境中使用。
教学步骤设计意图step i warm-up / lead-in1.      daily talkt:   please look around. what’s in our classroom?ss:  door, board, window, desk...t:   how many doors can you see in the classroom?ss:  i can see two. t:   how many boards can you see?ss:  i can see two.2.      let’s do   a. all students stand up. the teacher will give the orders and students do exactly the teacher says.     put up your hands      open your english book     show me your pencil-box                 close your eyes        look at your deskmate  b. ask five students to do the orders at the same timeopen the door          put up the pictures      turn on the light        sweep the floor      step ii presentation and practicepresentation1.教学clean the bedroom t:   oh, the board is so dirty. li mei, please help me clean the board. (li mei cleans the board). li mei is helpful. she can clean the board. i’m helpful. i can clean the board, too. (板书: i’m helpful. i can ...)ok. there is a room. i sleep in this room. there is a bed, a chair, a desk and other things in it. guess!    (如果学生猜不出来就展示一张卧室的图片)ss:  it’s a bedroom.t:   that’s right. oh, no. it’s so dirty. i have to clean it. i’m helpful. i can clean the desk. i can clean the chair. i can clean the bedroom. (板书: clean my bedroom) [ i:] [ i:] meat, peach, sea, tea, clean (ea is pronounced [ i:])do you clean your bedroom? can you clean the bedroom? ss:  yes. i can clean my bedroom. let’s chant: clean, clean, clean the bedroom.          i can clean the bedroom. (边说边做)   2.教学sweep the floort:  oh, the floor is so dirty. (bring out a mop) i’m helpful. i can sweep the floor. (板书:sweep the floor) [ i:] [ i:] jeep, feet, meet, sheep, sweep (ee is pronounced [ i:])         can you sweep the floor?ss:  yes, i can sweep the floor.      let’s chant: sweep, sweep, sweep the floor.               i can sweep the floor. (边说边做) 3.教学empty the trasht:   now the bedroom is clean. (bring out a trash bin) there are so much trash. it is full. i’m helpful. i can empty the trash. (板书:empty the trash)     [?] [?] apple, hand, bag, cat, rabbit, trash (a is pronounce[?] )     can you empty the trash?ss:   yes, i can empty the trash.let’s chant: empty, empty, empty the trash.i can empty the trash. (边说边做) 4.教学cook the mealst:    i am hungry. let’s go to the kitchen. (open the fridge) oh, a lot of food here. what would you like?ss:   i’d like to eat some fruit/ vegetables/ meat/ milk.t:    i will make the food. look! i’m helpful. i can cook the meals. (板书:cook the meals)          cook  →  _ook    [u] [u] book, look, hook, took, cook (oo is pronounced [u])     let’s chant: cook, cook, cook the meals.               i can cook the meals. (边说边做) 5.教学water the flowerst:   (draw some flowers on the board) what are they?ss:  they are flowers.t:   good. i can draw flowers. it is so dry. the flowers need some water. look! i’m helpful. i can water the flowers. (板书:water the flowers) can you water the flowers?ss:  yes, i can water the flowers. let’s chant: water, water, water the flowers.          i can water the flowers. (边说边做)12practice1. 听录音跟读let’s learn部分的五个动词词组,边听边指读到的那个词组。 2. 快指快说教师指着黑板上板书的五个动词词组,指到哪个词组,学生快速地读出该词组。 3. let’s play: look and guesst:    now let’s play a game. one student will do some gestures and the other students look at his or her gesture then guess what he or she is doing. please use the sentence “he/she can ...”. step iii consolidatio n我是家务小能手mon.tue.wed.thu.fri.sat.sun.sweep the floor      先填写表格,然后进行句型操练, 例:i’m helpful. i can sweep the floor. i sweep the floor on mondays.  step iv homeworka.       向家长说一说今天所学的五个和家务劳动有关的英语动词词组。b.      力所能及的帮助父母做一些家务活。      创设情境,以观察和说说做做,复习旧知引入新知。                          利用动作,简笔画和实物等多种形式呈现五个关于家务劳动的动词词组, 可以有效地吸引学生的注意力,提高学习兴趣,其中穿插组合字母ea,ee,oo的发音音标[ i:] [u] 的复习,利用同音素记忆关键动词,并且用编歌谣和做动作的方法加深对动词词组的理解和记忆。                        通过练读和游戏,训练学生的听音能力和反应速度。    用游戏巩固本课时所学,同时复习以前学习的其他动词词组。   以开小火车的形式进行操练,加强对i’m helpful. i can ...的句型的理解。         板书设计:
i’m helpful!
 clean the bedroom.
i can
                water the flowers.  
sweep the floor.
          cook the meals.
          empty the trash.12


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