【pepper】PEP Book 5 Unit 4 What can you do?

小学五年级英语教案 2022-02-28 网络整理 晴天


pep  book 5  unit 4 what can you do?  a let’s learn
haitang primary school     zhou ye
      (1): 能听说认读本课词组:water the flowers, sweep the floor, empty the trash, clean the bedroom,cook the meals.
      (2): 听懂会说句型:what can you do?i can…并能在具体语境中运用.
教学重点:water the flowers, sweep the floor, empty the trash, clean the bedroom,cook the meals.几个词组的认读。
教学难点:词组empty the trash的发音及what can you do?i can ….句型的运用。
step 1: warming up
1:free talk:what’s your name? nice to meet you.
2:say “hello” song
step 2:presentation
1:today we will come to see miss white with john,amy,chenjie.(to put up a picture of miss white’s home on the door)
1):water the flowers:we should buy some presents for miss white .what about flowers?but it looks a little dry,let’s water the flowers.
2):sweep the floor:let’s knock the door.oh,the door is open,let’s come in.wow!so much trash,let’s sweep the floor.(one student sweep the floor and others students say together)
3):empty the trash:now we should empty the trash.(the same way as sweep the floor)
4):clean the bedroom:where is miss white?oh,she is in the bedroom,but she is ill today,let’s clean the bedroom for miss white.
5):cook the meals:what time is it?it’s ten.it’s time to cook meals.
2:let the students put the words which i give it to them when they read the word well on the board and put them in the right place.teach them to read again and then read together with the hands do the actions.
step 3:practise
1:guess game:john,amy,sarah….help miss white do many things.let’s guess what can they do?
2:they help miss white do many things.what about you?what can you do?
3:chant together.
4:if your mother is busy or ill,what can you do?talk about it and write down .
5:let’s say together:i can help you mom,i can help you dad.
step 4:homework
to make a card to your mother.
                            海塘小学  周烨
(1)能听说认读本课词组cook the meal,sweep the floor,clean the bedroom,water the flowers,empty the trash.
(2)听懂会说句型:i’m helpful,i can…并能在具体语境中运用.
在这堂课中,首先我是让学生在课前听一下课文前面的这个chant,基础好的同学基本上能了解这堂课要说些什么,之后我又通过和学生互相问答what’s your name?i’am…来引出john,amy,chen jie等人,然后再通过一首hello 歌来活跃一下气氛,通过一起和john,amy,chen jie等人去看望miss white,然后需要买一些礼物,我就顺势说what about flowers?引出花朵,然后又通过花干来引出我们先浇花。第二个单词我引的是sweep the floor刚开始我引的时候说的话很难让学生理解,后来在试教的时候其他几个老师给我提意见说可以在门上画栋小房子,然后在门后放了很多垃圾,在推门进去后看见很多垃圾就直接引出了词组sweep the floor,然后自然而然的引出了词组empty the trash,因为这个词组的读音比较困难,所以我通过一定的活动来进行巩固。然后是通过where is miss white?she is in the bedroom?the bedroom is a little dirty.let’s clean the bedroom for miss white.最后一个词组cook the meals我是直接通过上个环节的图片上问时间what time is it?it’s 10.so we can cook the meals.在让学生站起来读单词的时候我奖励给学生单词卡,在教完所以的单词后,因为我考虑到学生可能未必能掌握的很好,因为我奖励给学生的卡片真是我这节课所教的几个词组,然后我就让学生把单词卡片贴在正确的位置上,这样在读几遍来加强和巩固。
在practise部分,我设计了4个活动,第一是猜john,amy,chen jie等人帮miss white做了什么?通过个人,2人一组,4人一组来猜测,看谁猜的对。之后我又用they  can do many things for miss white,what can you do?提问学生,之后又用全体同学问站起来的这个同学会做什么?在他会做家务活的时候给予一点点奖励,这样有利于学生积极性的发挥。第3个活动设计是一个chant.通过琅琅上口的chant来让学生更好的记忆单词.最后一个活动是一个书写的,让学生能帮妈妈做的事情写下来.到达听,说,读,写的目的.


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