[unit]Unit 4 What Can You Do? 第二课时

小学五年级英语教案 2022-02-27 网络整理 晴天


能听懂、会说“are you helpful at home?  what can you do? you’re helpful.”等句型,并能在实际情景中进行运用。
step 1: warm up ./ revision
t: good  morning./ good  afternoon.
ss: good  morning./ good  afternoon.
now boys and girls let’s sing the let’s chant ok? are you ready?
2、师生齐说第三册第一单元第一部分“let’s chant并一起做动作。教师: you are all clever.
now boys and girls. do you like play a guessing game? please observe the six pictures for five seconds,then please you guess “what’s behind 1”
step 2:presentation
板出“are  you  helpful  at  home? what  can  you  do? great! you’re helpful!”并带读多次。
2.教师问屏幕上的zip:zip zip are you helpful?
  zip: sure。
ss: what can you do?
  zip:i can ….
t: are  you  helpful  at  home?
s1: sure.
t : what  can  you  do?
s1: i  can  sweep  the  floor.…
t :great! you’re helpful!
3.game: mike,mike what can you do?
t:mike,mike what can you do?
m:i can i can i can cook the meals.(mike 问他想问的某位同学全班拍手说 ** what can you do?)
 m:lucy lucy what can you do?
lucy:i can i can i can sweep the floor.
4.全班听读let’s talk.部分。 
 step 3: practice
as we know the mother goat is ill,she wants a baby sitter to look after her.if you want to be the baby sitter,please you come to this meeting.i’ll divid you into eight groups.each goup has a employer,the others are employees.the employee introduce youself one by one.now one, two, go.
过程:以六人小组为单元,其中一位同学为招聘人员,其他五位为应聘人员。用上所学句型“are  you  helpful  at  home? what  can  you  do?”
&“i’m  helpful. i  can … .” 然后请听课教师给竞聘上的八位保姆发聘书(letter for appointment).
step4 extension
now class,it looks you are tired,let’s see a catoon film <tom and jerry> ok? but please pay attention what can tom/jerry do? ok,let’s have a look!
1.cai呈现学生最喜欢的卡通录象<猫和老鼠>学生选择自己所喜欢的人物并用所学语言what can tom/jerry do?tom/jerry can…交流。
the film is over ,it’s very interest,yes or no?now let’s have a debate match,ok?ok, who is tom? who is jerry? are you ready?now start from tom. game is over,let’s paise well done!well done!yeay!12
now boys and girls,today is zoom’s birthday.many animals come and say happy birthday to zoom.suppose today is your mother’s birthday.what can you do for your mother?
2.创设一个妈妈 过生日的情景让学生表达自己能为妈妈所做的事情并展示自己亲手做的礼物。
师生一起唱改编的happy birthday to you”
总结:boys and girls,you are all helepful,now you can do many things for your mother and i think in the future you can do the more things for our country.ok?
step 5: consolidation
1、做本单元配套a let’s talk部分活动手册。
2、听、读let’s talk。12


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