unit4where's my schoolbag|Unit4Where'sthebird?导学案苏教版

小学三年级英语教案 2020-06-15 网络整理 晴天


unit 4 where"s the bird?导学案苏教版

unit 4 where’s the bird?(story time)
【课型】 新授课
1. 能听懂、会读、会说desk,chair,bird,on,in,under,behind。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语where’s …? it’s not here. it’s on/in/under/behind… 。
3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。
4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论东西的位置。
【课时安排】 第一课时
课前播放歌曲“in on under”。
step 1 greeting &warm up
1. greeting
t: hello, boys and girls.
s: hello, ...
t: nice to meet you.
s: nice to meet you, too.
2. sing a song
t: do you like singing?
s: yes.
t: i like singing very much. let’s sing a song together.
(师生一起唱歌曲“in on under”)
step 2 presentation
一 学习课题
t: (手中拿着一只折起来的小鸟) now boys and girls, look, what’s in my hand now? guess!
s: …
t: look, it’s a bird. (板书bird)
look, where’s the bird? (把小鸟放在书上)
s: it’s on the book.
t: where’s the bird now? (把小鸟放在书下)
s: it’s under the book.
t: good! and where is it now? (把小鸟放在书里)
s: it’s in the book.
2.迅速带读课题 unit 4 where’s the bird?
t:today we’ll learn unit 4 where’s the bird?
3.t: now let’s play a game with the bird.(老师让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放进课桌里) where’s the bird? guess!
s: …
t: look, it’s in the desk. (板书desk,贴图,带读in the desk并示意)
now let’s play this game again. (老师再次让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放到一把椅子上) where’s the bird? guess!
s: …
t: look, it’s on the chair. (板书chair,贴图,带读on the chair并示意)
二 进入课文,尝试自学:
t: first, can you guess “where’s the bird?” let"s talk about it with your partners.
呈现学习要求:1.自己用句型“it’s on/in/under/behind… ”进行猜测。
t:who can guess“where’s the bird?”
s1:it’s in the book.
s2:it’s on the book…
(二) 第二次“先学后教” (理解课文)
呈现学习目标1:能初步理解课文内容,听懂、会读、会说日常用语where’s …? it’s not here. it’s on /in /under /behind… 。
2.和同伴讨论小鸟到过的地方,用上句型where’s the bird? it’s on / in /under / behind… 。
t:where’s the bird?
step 3 consolidation
1. read the story after the tape.
2.read the story together.
3.read the story in roles.
4. tell the story
t: you did a good job. now, look at the blackboard. (拿出小鸟的图片) look! a bird! 
s: how beautiful!
t: where’s the bird?    
s: it’s under the desk.
t: now, it’s …          
s: behind the door.
t: oh, it’s not here. it’s …
s: on the chair.
t: where’s the bird now?
s: it’s in the desk.
t: oh, look, now it’s ….  
s: in the tree.
t: can you tell the story like this? you can work in pairs.
step 4 practice
当堂训练:look and say
step 5 homework
★1. 听磁带,读故事5遍。
★★2. 用where is …?it’s … 的句型来说说物品的位置。
★★★3. 搜集一些on,in,behind,under这样的介词短语,说一说。
unit 4 where’s the bird?
                    where’s the bird?
                    it’s in/on/under/behind…



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