
小学三年级英语教案 2020-06-09 网络整理 晴天


3a unit 11 a boy and a girl教案
3a  unit11 a boy and a girl
1、词汇:girl ,boy ,man ,woman ,nine ,ten ,from ,london, nanjing, chinese,english .
2、学习单词:man ,woman ,boy ,girl ,nine, ten ,from, london ,nanjing.
step1 warm up 
1. sing a song
2. greetings.
(hello, everyone .how are you today?)
3. free talk:
a. t: look ,this/that is my /his /her jacket .
s: it’s smart /pretty /nice/how nice .
b. t: turn off /on  the … ,please .
ss: all right /ok .
t: open /close the …, please .
ss: all right/ok /good .
c. t: some cake ?/an ice –cream ?
ss: no ,thanks /yes ,please .
d. t: what’s your name ?/your name, please?
s: i’m…
e. 学生出示人物照片以look ,this is …介绍家庭成员或朋友。比如:look, this is my father.(老师响应:oh ,he is a man.并向学生展示man的图片,解释man的意思。在学生自由谈话的过程中,渗透了本课新知:man ,woman ,boy ,girl)
step2  presentation
1、学习my name is …句型。
a. s: what’s your name, please?
  t: my name is ×××.( 老师的名字)。
 t: my name is liu tao . (老师戴刘涛的头饰)。
b. t: what’s your name?
  s: my name is ×××(指名回答) 及时纠正name的发音。
c. 同位练习,连续滚动练习问答。
d. 游戏(神耳)游戏方法: (1生双眼被蒙,多名学生围住他,争着往他耳边凑,抢说my name is …… 最后请该生把人名重复出来,看看能记住几个名字,记得最多的为大赢家,被称为“神耳”)
2、学习i’m… i’m from…
a. count (数数):one ,two ,three ,four ,five ,six ,seven ,eight, nine ,ten.
从第一个男生开始数起,每数到10,第10个同学就站起来说i’m ten . 
b. guess “ i’m ten. ”      what dose it mean?
“i’m ten .” (这句话有哪些意思?生各抒已见。确定:当要说我十岁时,可以说i’m ten ) 最后,举一反三。
c.学生练说:i’m …
d. t:i’m from huai’an . 指导学生读准from .
e.学生练说i’m from…(nan jjing、 london)
3、学习句型:i’m a chinese/english boy/girl.
a. t指着一位男生:he is a boy .ss :he is a boy .sb:i’m a boy (示意该男生说)。
b.教授句型:i’m a boy .(提示男生说:i’m a boy )全班男生齐说:i’m a boy .
c.拓宽练习:is david a boy ? who is a boy ?(男生起立:i’m a boy )
d.同样的方法教授:i’m a girl句型。(女生起立:i’m a girl)
e.学习man ,woman .
  出示人物图片,认识man与woman .并且会说:mr balck /green is a man .mrs black/miss li is a woman .
f. 学习english和chinese .
t: mrs black is an english woman . 正音:english .
miss li is a chinese woman .   正音:chinese .
s: i’m a chinese boy /girl .
 学生戴头饰: s david :i’m an english boy .i’m form london. 12345678
s nancy: i’m an english girl .i’m form nan jing .
s liu tao: i’m a chinese boy .i’m from nan jing .
step 3: have a rest : sing a song .《 i’m helen》
step4 : consolidation .
2、分组练习。my name is …i’m  a chinese boy /girl .i’m from huai’an .i’m ten /nine.
3、listen to the tape .
step5 homework .
  unit 11    a boy and a girl 
my name is …      mr green  man
i’m a chinese …    miss li   woman  chinese 
i’m from …        david     boy    english      
i’m ten     nancy    girl

3a  unit11 a boy and a girl
1、词汇:tall , short , thin ,fat .
2、日常交际用语:i’m …, i’m not …
1、能听懂、会说tall ,short ,thin ,fat .
2、能听懂、会说i’m …/i’m not ….
step1. warm –up .
1. greetings. “glad to see you .boys and girls .how are you? let’s sing and dance ,ok?)
2. sing a song “colour song”.
3.“头脑风暴.” 上一节课你学会了什么? what do you remember? 鼓励学生大胆用英语发言,教师给予合适的评价和激励my name is … i’m … i’m from…
step 2 revision .
1、教师自我介绍:t:my name is … i’m a chinese woman ,i’m from huai’an ,i’m ...
t: can you introduce yourselves?
step3 presentation and practice .
1、学习tall ,short .
a. 师生对比。t:i’m tall ,you’re short .
(指着班级里1高1矮学生) t:he/she is tall .he/she is short .
b. 学生跟读单词tall ,short .
c.t:(指着个别学生)are you tall /short ?
  s: yes /no ,i’m tall /short .
d.领读:i’m tall/i’m not tall .
        i’m short /i’m not short .
e. 出示人物图片:(mr green和mike ,helen和miss li) 学生根据图中人物的高矮情况练说:……is tall ,……is short .
f. listen and draw . 听指令画画。 a tall tree . a short tree.  a tall bookcase . a short chair.
2、学习thin ,fat .
a. 出示人物图片。(一胖一瘦的两个人:gao shan,yangling ) t: gao shan is fat ,yang ling is thin .
b. 指着班级一胖一瘦两个学生:×××is fat ,×××is thin .示意学生说:i’m fat ,i’m thin.
c. 学生跟读fat ,thin .
d. 教会学生说:i’m fat /thin.教法同上。
t:the monkey is thin ,the monkey is thin,the monkey is thin ,very thin ,the panda is fat ,……,very fat . 12345678
4、指名练说:i’m tall ,i’m thin /i’m short .i’m fat .(同位练习说)
4、找一找,说一说。××is tall .××is short .×× is fat .××is thin .
step4  say a rhyme : green tea. 
step5  consolidation .
1. please introduce yourselves :i’m tall /short /fat /thin .
2. listen to the tape and imitate .
3. introduce :( 学生连贯自我介绍)。
my name is … i’m a chinese boy /girl .i’m from …,i’m ten .i’m (not ) tall/short /fat /thin .
step6 homework   自我介绍(下节课,进行随堂检测)
unit 11   a boy and a girl 
图1                图2                    图3                 图4
tall          short               thin        fat . 

3a  unit10  thank you
3a unit10 thank you a 部分句型 yes, please / thank you. b部分单词。
1、能听懂、会说…, please ?/some…?/…? 以及应答语yes ,please /yes ,thank you .
2、能听懂、会说四个食品类单词:a cake ,an egg ,a hamburger , an ice-cream .
3、对学生进行文明礼貌教育,学会说thank you .
step 1  warm up
1.  greetings.
2.  revision .
a.  食品类单词:an egg, a cake ,an ice-cream, a hamburger.
b.  unit 9中的单词及句型: 
can you make a sentence like this ? (turn off the walkman ,please .etc )
3.  count : 1,2,3,…10.
4.  揭题:today ,we’ll learn unit 10 . thank you .
ss learn to say  : thank you .
t请s帮忙:open the window ,please .
  (ss):  all right .
  (t):   thank you .
step 2  presentation .
    it’s 9:00, let’s go to the supermarket .
 ss: good ,but how ?
 t: by bus .
 ss:ok ,let’s go .
t: wow ,so many things. i’d like an apple ,××,an apple ?
(引导学生说,yes ,thank you /yes ,please ).
2.  learn to say : an egg .
a. read after the t.12345678
b. ss read the word : an egg .小组 个人 全体
c.用升调来读,答语:yes ,thank you /please .
d. drill .
t示范 分组 同桌互练。
3. learn to say : a cake ,a hamburger ,an ice –cream .
a . read after the t.
b. ss shout : (训练学生口腔肌肉,培养其大声说英语的勇气 )。
c. ss check each other .
4. practise the drill .
step 3 have a rest .
listen :《hot cross buns 》
step 4 consolidation .
1.read after the tape .
2.play a game : whisper耳语。(传话)。
3.what do you like best ? (chant : cake ,cake ,i like ~)
step 5 homework.
1.listen to the tape “ green tea .”
2.sing “goodbye .”
teaching design :
unit  10  thank you
   a cake .
   图a hamburger .
   an egg
   an ice –cream
yes ,thank you .
yes ,please .

3a  unit11 a boy and a girl
主备人 张稚琴
1、词汇:long ,short ,big ,small .
2、日常交际用语:my hair is long ,my eyes are small .
3、look and say .
1、能听懂、会说my …is /are
2、能听懂、会说long,short ,big ,small .
3、能看懂c部分图意,会用he’s /she’s …his /her ….
step 1 warm-up 
1. greetings .
(good morning /afternoon ,class .are you happy ? do you like english ?) 
2. sing a song “a b c song .”
3. 随堂检测:1)小组长检查上节课的口头作业“自我介绍”.
step 2 revision 
1. listen and act .
t: touch your eye . ss: touch my eye .
t: touch your hair .ss : touch my hair .
t: touch your ear . ss: touch my ear .
t: my hair is short /long .my eyes are big /small . 
2. 游戏:(猜猜我是谁)
游戏方法:一生双眼被蒙住,其余学生捏住鼻子(使声音改变)作介绍。 i’m tall/ short /fat / thin. my hair is …my nose is … my eyes are … who am i ? 眼睛被蒙的学生根据以上信息判断作自我介绍的学生是谁 。
step3 presentation .
1.学习long和short .
 a. 教师出示一把长尺子和一把短尺子:t:this ruler is long .that ruler is short .
 b. 学习单词long ,short .注意正音
c.  t: my hair is long /short .
   ss: my hair is long/short .
 d.练习:学生举例说明:如my dress is long, my pencil is long ,my rubber is short …
2.学习big和small .
 a. play a game : what’s in the box ?
 b.this box is big .  that one is small .
   this orange is big .that one is small .
 c. 学生跟读单词big ,small . 并用手空划大小圈,表示big和small.
 d. t: my eyes are big /small . 12345678
 ss: my eyes are big /small . eyes正音[aiz]
e.练习:the bus is big ,the car is small .the tiger is big ,the bird is small …
3. 指名读单词,检查单词掌握情况。
step 4 listen to the tape :rhyme “my friends”
跟录音练说歌谣“my friends .”
step5 consolidation .
教师出示几张物品的图片(或实物),学生看图说话,the apple is big . the boy is fat …..
2. look and say .(部分内容)。
1)he is tall .  2) her pencil is long   3) she is fat .   4) his pencil sharpener is big .
3. sing a song “goodbye.”
unit 11                    a boy and a girl .
                my hair is long /short .
my eyes are big/small .

3a  unit11 a boy and a girl
主备人 张稚琴

1. fun house .
step1 warm-up .
1. 随堂检测: 上节课布置的口头作业读课文。1)小组长检查。 2)抽查。
2. sing a song : colour song .
3. say a rhyme :my friends .
4.pass the pictures and read the words:
man ,woman ,boy ,girl ,fat ,thin, big ,small ,long ,short ,eye ,hair ,tall, short .
step2 review .
竞赛: 插红旗。比赛方法:每组派一名学生到板前排列词卡(本课的八个形容词)每两个意思相反的词放在同一个圆圈内,最先排好的,且无误的一组可以得到一面小红旗。
step 3 presentation : d fun house .
1. listen and act .
t: open your book .close your eyes .
  turn on the light .turn off the light .
  put up your hands .put down  your hands .
2. listen to the tape and number .(d fun house ).
a. 先看四幅图:t:what can you see ?
    s: i can see …
b. 听录音编号:
3. listen and guess .(教师编谜语学生猜)
如:a. i’m very fat and big ,my nose is long ,who am i? 
    b. i’m white ,my ears are long ,my tail is short ,my eyes are red ,who am i?(兔子)
    c. i’m very thin ,my tail is long ,i can climb .who am i? ( monkey )
4. say a rhyme : my friends .
step 4  do the workbook .
1. listen and respond .
a. free talk . (复习unit 7¬¬---unit 11的对话)
2. listen and draw .
a. 听音贴图片:a zebra ,a tiger ,a bird , an elephant .
b. 游戏:listen and point .
c. 听录音,连线。
3.  listen ,find and draw .
a. 猜猜。
  师出示图片,遮住部分画面,生猜猜是什么 12345678
a short  skirt   a new fridge   a tall man   an egg .
b. 听录音画画。
4. listen  and match .
a. 出示人物图片(或衣服图片),全用this is …作介绍。
b. 听录音连线。
5. listen ,find and circle .
unit 11  
a boy and girl 
 my name is …
 i’m a chinese boy /girl .
 i’m from …
 i’m ten .
 i’m …
 my …is /are …  

3a unit12  review and check
复习unit 7—9
教学目标 :
1. 使学生会说7——9课的24个单词。
2. 使学生会使用交际用语。
3. 提高学生学习英语的兴趣。
step1  warm-up
a .say rhymes 《we are happy today. 》
《let’s learn a b c.》
《green tea. 》
b. greetings .
t: good morning /afternoon ,class .
ss: good morning /afternoon .
t: how are you today ?
ss: fine ,thank you .and you ?
t:  i’m fine, too. /me ,too .
step 2  revision .
a. stand up 
b. hands up
c. open your mouth
d. close your eyes e. sit down.
b、free talk .
step 3  practise .
a  unit 7 
a.游戏:draw and guess (通过老师的几笔,让学生猜,师画的是什么衣服?)
b.show the wall picture .look at the picture and try to act .(练习clook and say )
practise in pairs .
check . (学生到讲台前表演对话)
b  unit 8
a. 游戏:look and guess . (通过老师或学生的表演,让其它人猜在哪里? 在游戏中复习a zoo, a park , a cinema, a supermarket .the great wall .)
b. play a game .
e.g s1: let’s go to the zoo.
   s2: good ,but how?
   s1: let’s go to the zoo by bus .
c unit 9
a. listen to the tape and repeat .
b. play a game :draw and guess .
e.g s1: what is it ?
   s2: it’s a plane.
step 4随堂检测: 检查本课所复习的内容。
step 5 homework .
listen to the tape from unit 7 to unit 9.

教学内容 :
unit 10—11
step1  warm-up .
a. sing a song “ colour song .”
b. greetings
t: hi, boys and girls ,how are you ?
ss: fine ,thank you ,and you ?
t: i’m fine ,too. /me ,too .
step2  revision .
a. touch your body.
t: touch your hair .
ss:touch my hair .
t: touch your nose .12345678
ss: touch my nose .

b. free talk .
step3 practise .
a  unit 10
a.游戏:“闻、尝、猜 ” ,通过游戏让学生猜食物或饮料,并操练之中的主要句型。
b.listen to the tape and repeat .
c.look at the picture and try to act .(c look and say )
practise the dialogue in groups .
a  unit 11
a.反口令练习:复习unit 11中的单词,如师说:“i’m thin.”生就说 “i’m fat .”
b. listen to the tape and repeat .
c. introduce .
t: please introduce yourself to others .
e.g s1: my name is...
i’m a chinese boy .
i’m nine .
i’m tall .
my eyes are big .
step4 have a rest .
  say a rhyme “they are all very good .”
step6 homework
listen to the tape from unit 1 to unit 11.

unit 12  a.listen and colour , b.listen and circle .
教学过程 :
step1 warm up
a. sing a song “colour song .”
b. say a rhyme “let’s learn a b c.”
c. greetings .
step2  revision .
a. free talk .
复习以下句型:look ,this is … it’s smart /…
              let"s go to …
              some cake? yes ,please ./…
b.游戏:look and guess
b. 随堂检测。
1.t: i speak in chinese .you must speak in english .
 1) 看,这是我的连衣裙。
a hamburger            一杯橙汁
a cup of tea             咖啡
jacket                 茄克衫
dress                  一杯茶
skirt                   一个汉堡包
coffee                  连衣裙
a glass of orange juice     短裙
step 3 have a rest .
say a rhyme “green tea .”
step4  presentation .
1. listen and colour .
a. show the colour pencils . ask : what colour ?
b. look at the picture . do you know what they are in english ?
c. listen to the tape and colour .
d. check .
2. listen and circle .

unit 12  c look and say .
what are they saying ? talk to your partner(s).
教学过程 :
step1 warm up .
1.greetings .
2.say a rhyme “we are happy today .”
3.sing a song “hello ,how are you ?”
step2 revision .
1.introduce .
用四句话介绍自己。my name is …
                  i’m a chinese boy /girl .
                  i’m nine ./ten .
                  i’m tall /short .
2. play a game .
3. show the picture .
t: what can you see?
s1: i can see a hamburger .
s2: i can see a cup of coffee .
step3 presentation .
1. the t shows the wall picture .(c look and say ).
2.do you know who they are ?
3.group work .
ss discuss : what are they talking about ?
4.check .
picture1 yang ling :look at my skirt.
         mike :  it’s short .
picture2 yang ling : look at this dress .
          mike : how nice !
5. try to act .
step 4 workbook .
    a.listen and respond  .
b.游戏:look and guess
一学生做出某一动物的特征,其余学生猜是何动物,以此复习动物类单词,帮助完成listen and draw .
c.listen , find and draw .
d.listen and match .
e.listen ,find and circle .



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