【义务教育课程标准实验教科书一年级语文上】《义务教育课程标准实验书 牛津小学英语6B》第四单元第一课时

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-10 网络整理 晴天


一、 教学内容
《义务教育课程标准实验书 牛津小学英语6b》第四单元第一课时(复习第一至三单元词汇和语音)
二、 教学目标
1、 通过复习,熟练掌握形容词比较级 ,副词比较级以及它们的构成规律。掌握个别特殊形式的拼写。
2、 通过复习,熟练掌握有关问路的词汇和重要场所的名称。
3、 掌握字母组合ir , or, ou在单词中的读音。
三、 教学重点
1、 熟练掌握形容词、副词的比较级以及有关问路的词汇。
2、 能结合句型熟练运用词汇。
3、 能掌握字母组合ir, or ,ou 在单词中的发音。
四、 教学难点
 能辨别字母组合ir, or, ou 在不同单词中的多种发音。
五、 课前准备
  部分物品和玩具。 一张习题纸。ppt课件
  板书:revision. ---- -vocabularies
六、 教学过程
a. sing a song. ( i wish i was taller.)
t: do you wish you were taller?
s: yes.
t: oh,you can grow tall, tall, and strong .but i can’t. i wish i was taller. look, many students are taller than me.
who is taller than me? who is stronger than me?

b. listen and do.
t: now, listen carefully, follow my order
t: stand up, xx and xx. who is taller, xx or xx?
  show me your hands, xx and xx?  whose hands are bigger, xx or xx?
  show us your right leg, xx and xx?   whose leg is longer, xx or xx?
  jump up and down, xx and xx?  who jumps higher, xx or xx?

s: which is smaller, the blue rubber or the red rubber?
s: which is fatter, the monkey or the dog?
who is thinner,the boy or the girl?
who runs faster, the car or the jeep?

d. competition.
t: how old are you,xx?  how about you xx? 
  what time do you get up, xx, xx and xx?
what time do your father and mother get up?
  how tall are you,xx? how tall are you, xx?
  whose bag is heavier, yours or your friend’s?
  how many metres can you jump, xx ? and you xx?
  can you dance well? who dances better than you ?
  where is your home, xx? where is your home, xx?
  does xx run faster than xx?
t: your all did well. which group did better?
e. sum up the regulation.
 1.一般情况直接 加 er.    如: long  longer;  small, smaller.12
 2. 在重读闭音节当中,如过末尾是两个辅音夹一个元音。则双写末尾字母再加er. 如: big, bigger; fat ,fatter.
 3.如果末尾有字母e, 并且不发音。则直接加r. 如:late, later.  nice, nicer.
4.如果末尾有字母y并且前面是辅音字母,则变 y为i,再加er. 如:heavy, heavier;                     early, earlier.
 5.最后一类就是不规则的变法:如: well, better; far, farther.

f. exercise.

g.. listen and guess.
如:t: the students there are older than you. where is it?
      if  people go to farther places, they will go there, then take a train.
questions and answers.
t: is there a shopping center near your home?
  how can you get there?
  where is nanjing history museum?
  how can we get there faster?

h. phonetic symbol.
出示几组词 ,让学生归纳其字母组合的发音。
girl  shirt  skirt  sir  bird 
forty,  or  order  horse  morning
house   out   blouse  mouse  mouth
教师带读, 帮助学生体会划线部分读音。鼓励学生说出更多的例子。
指出or, ou.的另外的发音.出事一些辨音题加以练习。(课件出示)

i. assign homework.

《义务教育课程标准实验书 牛津小学英语6b》第四单元第一课时 来自。 12


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