牛津英语1b电子课本_牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals(oxford 1B)教案

小学一年级英语教案 2022-11-01 网络整理 晴天


unit 2     small animals

unit 2
small animals
language focus:  1. using numerals to count
eg. one, two, three
2. using nous to identify small commals.
   eg. bird
listening;      locate specific information in response to simple in structions.
speaking:       use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
materials:       1. 10 paper cut-outs of bees.
               2. word and picture cards 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. t:today i’ll invites you to a beautiful place, there are man animds, would you go with me? (情景)
t:ok, let’s go.
3. train
i like the sweets.
i like this new dress.
i like the new shoes.
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. draw ten flowers on the board.
shits 1~6 for reviewing.
t:one, two, three, four, five, six
2. count the pens penals rulers sweets.
eg: 1、2、3  three pens
3. write t & say
t:seven (emphasize)
(1) the whole class read
(2) read it one by one.
4. repead stop 2 for “eight” “nine” and “ten”
5. (1) t:(hold up ten fingers) count with me.
t & s:one, two, three……
(2) do pair work.
   t:(encarrage the students to get into pairs and count each other’s fingers.)
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. t:( extend arms move around)
bzz, bzz, bzz
i am a bee
t & s:i am a bee.
2. t:(extand your arms & move them up and dowm.)
i am bird
let students follow.
3. t:(put hands above your head. squat, hop)
i am a rabbit
let students copy
4. t:(stoop down slightly & pretand to jump forward)
i am a frog.
let student copy
5. repeat the number 1~6  7~10
6. play the cassette tape for students to listen to a nativw speaker.
7. play the tape again
t:say the lines & do the actions.   
ⅴ.  post-task activity
    teach another rhyme
one two, buckle my shoe
three four shut the door
five six pick up sticks
seven eight close the gate
nine ten a good fat her
        ⅵ. summany

let’s talk
language focus:  using formulaic expressions to indicate whet people see.
eg. i see a bee
speaking:       1. use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners
               2.open on interaction by eliriting a response.  1234
materials:       wall charts 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. train
i like the sweets
this new dress
the new shoes
3. read a rhyme
      1. 2. 3    i’m a bee
4. 5       bird
6. 7. 8      rabbit
9. 10                     frog
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
t:(use the picture cards to review the names for the four small animals taught in the previons lesson.)
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. put up the wallchart for page 8.
t:it was a beautiful day in spring. sam & may went to a park with their parents. spotty went with them. may saw a beautiful yellow butterfly near the flowers. “i see a butterfly” sam was interested in a flog. he said. “i see a frog.” sporty saw a rabbit hiding itself in a hole under a big tree. he was thinking: “i see a rabbit.” it ws such fun it the park.
2. t:(point to a boy). i see a boy (point to your eyes.) “see”.
3. t:what did may say?
4. t:(point to the vocabulang items on the wallchart)
t & s:i see a buiterfly
(1) train
(2) croup work
5. listen to the tape.
ⅳ.  post-task activity
encaurage students to tell others what the see in the classroom using the structure “i see a ……”
ⅴ.  sunnamy
    today we’re learned “i see……”

let’s learn
language focus:  using mouns to identify small animals.
eg. frog, rabbit
listening:       identify key words in on utterance by recognizing stress.
speaking:       pronounce words properly
materials:       word and picture cards 1b  
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. train
how are you?
how old are you?
3. review father, mother ……
4. t:today i’ll invite you to a beautiful place. there are many unimals three.
would you go with me?
t:ok, let’s go.
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. 出示 bee
师:(翁 翁 翁) listen.
i am a bee.
t:read after me.
   i am a bee.
(1) 请生读
(2) group work.
(3) bee            i am a bee.
2. 出示  bird
t:bird (twice)
   i am a bird.1234
   i am a bird
(1) 请生表演
(2) 请男、女生读
3. 出示 rabbit
i’m a rabbit
              do group work
4. frog, butterfly
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. 出示 bee, bird, rabbit, frog, butterfly 卡片
bee:    2只大眼睛
bird:    2只翅膀
rabbit:   2只耳朵
frog:    肚子鼓鼓
butterfly:  真美丽
2. 打乱顺序请生认读
3. 个别生上前
ⅳ.  post- task activity
1. 听录音跟读
2. 齐读
3. 看黑板再读
ⅵ.  homework
     read ofrer the tape.

let’s play
language focus: 
1. using formunlaic expressions to indicate what people see.
eg: i see a ……
2. using nouns to identify small animals.
eg: bee
3. using indefinite article to refer to a particular animal
eg: a bird a bee
listening:      identify key words in an utterance by recognizing dtress.
speaking:      pronounce words preperly
materials:      paper cut-outs of “bird” “bee” “butterfly” “frog” & “rabbit”
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. sing a song
eye & ears & mouth & nose.
3. read a rhyme
《i see a rabbit》
ⅱ.  pre-task preparetion
1. t:let’s begin the train
how are you?
s:fine, thank you.
   very well, and you?
2. t:(use paper cut-outs of small animals to renisr the vocabulang items)
t:what do you see?
s:i see……
3. t:open your books.
point to the half sichouette of the bird on the left.
(1) train
(2) do froup work
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. hand out a piece of paper.
write & draw a picture of these aminals.
2. t:now colour the animals.
3. harg all the paper. put them on the picture.
ask students to move around point to the animals to say.
i see a ……
this is a ……
that’s a ……   
ⅳ.  post-task activity
workbook page 8
t:draw the other half of each small animal.

let’s enjoy
language focus:  using numerals to count
                eg: three little rabbits.
speaking:       use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.
materials:       10 little paper rabbits.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up1234
1. greeting
2. read a rhyme
1. 2. 3   i am a bee
4. 5   i am a bird
6. 7. 8   i am a rabbit
9. 10   i am a frog
3. train
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10
one  two  three  four  five  six  seven  eight  nine  ten
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. divide the class into ten groups and give each group a munber. (1~10)
2. play a game.
t:i read the number.
   all the members of a group should stand up whem hearing their number.
eg: t:one
3. t:(show ten little rabbits made by themselves & count with the students.)
t:let’s learn a song about ten little rabbits today.
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. t:open your books. turn to p11.
read the verses of the song slowly.
listen & point
2. t:now repeat the verses.
       work on this for a while.
3. play the tape.
t:listen to the song
   sing along with it.
   one little.
   two little.
   three little rabbits.
   four little.
   five little.
   six little rabbits.
   seven little.
   eight little.
   nine little rabbits.
   ten little paper rabbits.
    ⅳ.  post-task activities
1. divide the class into four groups.
have each group practise singing a new song substtuting “rabbit” with other small aninals they have learned.
2. t (invits every group to sing their sings to the class.)
ⅴ.  summary



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