unit18 beauty|Unit18CouldYouTellMetheWaytotheZoo?

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-22 网络整理 晴天


unit 16 could you tell me the way to the zoo?
i. objectives
1. work with language
2. vocabulary: tv station, train station, police station, market, cinema, bank, bookshop, restaurant, post office, hospital, tourist, straight
3. language focus:
   could you tell me the way to the …?
   turn right/ left out of the…
   go straight ahead.
   take the first/ second/ third … right/ left.

ii. procedures:
a) pre-task
(1) i am a tourist. i am walking along the road. there are many buildings here. i can see shoe shops, factories, parks, schools and shopping centers. (课件呈现)

b) while-task
(1) game: match the pictures and the new words
(2) learn the new words and remember
(3) look at the pictures and write down the words
(4) and write: first, second, third, fourth, fifth … next to the pictures.
(5) present left and right.
(6) game: simon says (left hand & right hand)
(7) chant: turn left. turn left.
          turn right. turn right.
          go straight ahead. go straight ahead.
          are you right? yes, i am right.

(8) (look at the map)t: i am the tourist. i live in the hotel. i want to buy some books about guangzhou. could you tell me the way to the bookshop?
ps: yes.
ps: could you tell me the way to the bookshop?
t: turn right out of the hotel. go straight ahead. take the first left. the bookshop is on the right.
(9) whole class read the sentences then read in pairs.
(10) copy the sentences on the textbook.

c) post-task
(1) group work: asking the way.
(2) ask some groups to present their dialogue.

d) homework
(1) copy the new words.
(2) make dialogues with: could you tell me the way…?

left  right   ----could you tell me the way to the bookshop?        bank
              ---- turn right out of the hotel.                     bookshop
straight          go straight ahead.                              hotel
tourist           take the first left.                             cinema1234
first             the bookshop is on the right.                    market
second                                                           hospital
third                                                             restaurant
fourth                                                           post office
fifth                                                             tv station
                                                                train station
                                                                police station

unit 16 could you tell me the way to the zoo?1234
i. objectives
1. unit 16 dialogue
2. vocabulary: excuse me. sorry, then, by the way, you’re welcome.
3. can ask the way.

ii. procedures
1. warming up
(1) t: boys and girls. are you happy today? let’s sing. (rabbit dance.)
(2) t: very good. let’s chant together.
turn left for the school. turn right for the bank.
straight on for the pool. you have the map to thank.
turn left for the car. turn right for the camp.
straight on for the park. you have the map to thank.

2. pre-task
(1) t: first, let’s play a guessing game. what word is it?
(cinema, restaurant, market, hotel, hospital)
how do you spell…? you get one point.
here’s a map. please stick … on the right place. (match chinese and english)
whole class spell the words.
(2) let’s go on with our game. look, what word is it? how do you spell…?
stick … on the map, please.
(3) look at the map, please. if you’re a tourist at the hotel. could you ask the way? (ask to pupils)
---- could you tell me the way to the …?
---- turn…
go straight ahead.
take …
the … is on the…
(4) i’m a tourist now. could you tell me the way to the zoo? this is our new unit. unit 16 could you tell me the way to the zoo?
teach: zoo
is there a zoo on this map? no. so let’s sign the zoo on another map. look at here. and you have the map too. please listen to the dialogue and sign the zoo on this map.
(5) listen again and let’s check. is that right? are you right? raise your hands if you’re right.
(6) this time. open your books. listen to the dialogue and find out the new words. let’s learn the new work together. (excuse me. sorry, then, by the way, you’re welcome.)
(7) practise: look at the map. if here’s the guangzhou zoo. i’m the tourist at the hotel. excuse me. could you tell me the way to the guangzhou zoo?
by the way, is the night zoo near here? yes or no?
(8) listen to the tape and read the dialogue.
(9) whole class read the dialogue.
(10) read the dialogue with your partner. if you’re ok, raise your hands.
(11) ask one or two pairs to read the dialogue.

3. while-task and post-task
(1) i’m going to the night zoo this sunday. but i want to go to the restaurant now. look. what’s in the restaurant? a mouse. let’s help the cat to catch the mouse. the mouse is running out of the restaurant. for example. i’m the cat. i’m at the restaurant. …you’re the mouse. …i’ll ask you: where’s the mouse? you should tell me: at the…   how can i get there?1234
… please come here and draw the route where the mouse is running?
(2) practise in groups.
(3) ask a group to act out their dialogue.
(4) that’s great. the cat can catch the mouse. let’s go to the mcdonald’s to have a celebration together. oh, ben, janet and their parents are at the mcdonald’s too. what are they talking about? look at the dialogue and complete the map. which shop is the clothes shop? which one is the shoe shop? how about the flower market and the bakery? write a, b, c and d on the map.
(5) check the answers.
(6) let’s complete the form together. for example…
(7) please design another shopping route for ben and his families with your friends.

4. homework
(1) design the shopping route with your friends and make a dialogue.
(2) listen and read unit 16 dialogue.
(3) remember the new words.

             unit 16 could you tell me the way to the zoo?
---- could you tell me the way to the…?                 excuse me.
---- turn…                                            sorry
go straight ahead.                                 then
take…                                            by the way
the … is on the …                        ----thank you very much.
                                        ---- you’re welcome.



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