unit6war and peace答案_Unit6Wasitinthewardrobe?教学设计

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-20 网络整理 晴天


unit 6    was it in the wardrobe?
was it in the wardrobe?
yes, it was./ no, it wasn’t.
it was on the television.
掌握词汇:a heater, a sofa, a lamp, a ring, on top of, look for, guess who
理解词汇:float, rock, stone, snail, ant, flea

period 1
1.能准确的使用表示方位的介词,如:in, on, beside, near, under, etc.
2.掌握句型:was it on the desk/…?
yes, it was./ no, it wasn’t.
step 1. warming-up
  1.exchange greetings.
  2.sing an english song.
  3.listen and do actions.
t: on/ in/ under/ … the desk.   ss touch according to t’s order.
step 2. revision
  1.act the phrases.
    each student says a phrase, comes to the front and acts it. 同学说一个词组,如:on the desk ,然后他就做出动作示意在桌子上。其他同学不重复的说其他介词词组。教师在黑板上画图、板书。
  2.review the phrases. consolidate the words: in, on, under, beside, behind, near, etc.
  3.a game——looking for my eraser.
    t: where is my eraser? can you help me to look for it?
    s1:is it in the pencil-box? 说完后到讲台上的文具盒里找,没有则说:no, it isn’t.游戏继续。如果找到了,则获得奖励。
step 3. presentation and drill
1.show a ring and say, “look! this is a ring.” write the word on bb, and ss read after t.
2.t hides the ring casually as if she lost the ring and says, “oh, my god! where is my ring? can you help me to look for it?” ss help t find the ring.
 t guesses where the ring was. t: was it under the bag/ near the pencil-box/…?
 help the ss answer, “yes, it was./ no, it wasn’t.”
3.write the sentence pattern on bb. read after t.
    step 4. practice
       task: make a dialogue, acting as someone lost something and others help him or her find it. use the sentence pattern and create some certain scene.
       planning: try to create certain scenes and practise with your own partners.
       report: some ss come to the front to make the dialogue.
    step 5. consolidation

period 2
1.能听懂、会说新单词和短语:a heater, a sofa, a lamp, a ring, on top of, look for, guess who123
2.能熟练掌握句型:was it in the wardrobe/…?
yes, it was./ no, it wasn’t.
step 1. warming-up
   1.exchange greetings.
   2.sing an english song.
   3.a guessing game.
step 2. presentation and drill
       1.show the picture and say, “what’s this? it’s a heater.”
         write the phrase on bb. ss read after t.
2.use the same way to teach phrases: a sofa, a lamp
3.do action and get ss to understand the meaning of the phrase “guess who”
4.use the same way to teach the phrases: on top of, look for
5.open the books at page22, listen to the tape and read after it.
6.game 1——eating watermelon(吃西瓜)  将图片贴在黑板上,或将单词板书  在黑板上。老师指图或单词读,当老师所读的和图或单词一致,学生跟读,不一致则不跟读。学生做对了,则擦掉老师的一瓣西瓜,否则,则擦掉老师的一瓣。(在游戏中将单词的音和形相结合。)
7.game 2——crossing the river(过河)  设置一条河流,河流中有几块石头,每块石头上都有一个单词。一名学生认读单词,当他读对了,同学们就一齐说:“yes, yes, yes! go! go! go!”如果读错了,就发出“扑通——”的声音,表示他掉入水中。如果全部读对了,就获得奖励。
step 3. presentation ii
1.open the books at page 21, read the story and talk about it.
2.listen to the tape and read after it.
3.read the dialogue by themselves.
step 4. practice
1.practise in pairs.
2.read the dialogue freely.
    step 5. consolidation

period 3
一、 教学目标:
step 1. warming-up
   1.exchange greetings.
   2.sing the song of “ten little indian boys”
step 2. revision
1.review the words and phrases.
game——crossing the river.
       2.ask and answer.
step 3. presentation and drill
1.show a bottle, and say, “look at here! what’s this? it’s a bottle.”
 write the word on bb. ss read after t.
2.sing the song of “ten green bottles”.
3.show the picture of part c. (or look at the picture in the book.) talk about the picture.
 help ss say the words: flag, rubbish bin, car, tree, mat, sandcastle.
    step 4. practice
1.practice in four. finish the exercise.123
1) where was the first bottle?     it was floating on the water, in front of the boy.
2) where was the first bottle?     it was in the boy’s hand.
3) where was the first bottle?     it was next to the rubbish bin.
4) where was the first bottle?     it was in the rubbish bin.
5) where was the first bottle?     it was on the top of the sandcastle.
6) where was the first bottle?     it was in front of the car.
7) where was the first bottle?     it was on the trousers/ mat.
8)where was the first bottle?     it was behind the tree.
2. a game——memory game(记忆力大比拼)
如:s1:was the fifth bottle on the mat?   s2: yes, it was. / no, it wasn’t.
    step 5. consolidation

period 4
一. 教学目标:
step 1. warming-up
   1. exchange greetings.
   2.sing the song of “ten green bottles”
   3.talk about your room.学生展示自己画的作品,谈论作品
step 2. presentation and drill
1.open the books at page 24 and read the poem.
 try to understand the meaning of the poem. help ss understand it.
2.learn to say the words: car, bridge, rock, stone, snail, ant, flea
3.read the poem.
4.answer the questions.
    step 3. practice
1.read the poem.
2.practise the dialogue.运用本单元所学的对话、句型,和自己的对话伙伴练习,准备表演对话。
3.make the dialogue.
    step 4. consolidation



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