
小学三年级英语教案 2020-06-11 网络整理 晴天



unit 1 hello


sep. 2nd


the first period (part b  look, read and learn & d fun house <listen and circle>)

aims 1. words: a dog, a cat, a bird, a tiger, a monkey, a zebra, a panda, an elephant.    2. structures: a dog / cat /bird /tiger / monkey / zebra / panda?  or an elephant?                    yes / no. 3. function: ss can ask and answer the new words.

language focus ss are able to master the pronunciation, spelling, and meaning of these words.


tape-recorder, cards and pictures, ppt.





1. pre-task preparation

1.introduce :

allow me to introduce myself.

2. greeting: t ask ss to say something in english. t: my name is yao jinqing, you can call me “miss yao.” i hope we could get along with each other. first, let’s say “hello!” hello, everyone. can you tell me some animals, fruit or other things’ names? who can? (you can say these words in chinese.) s1: dog, cat, panda t:  good! s2: apple, banana. t:  very well! s3: mike, david. t:  ok! you are great! now, please listen to me carefully!  t: what’s this? s4: it’s a dog. t: do you like a dog? s4:yes, i do/ no, i don’t. t: good! sit down please! who can spell the word “dog” .if you can, please hand up! you please! s5: d-o-g, dog. t: ok. you’re so clever. thank you for your answer. and today we’ll learn some new words about animals. (say them in chinese and write “animal” on bb, both english and chinese) to develop their interest in english: help ss develop their interest in learning english.  





2. while-task procedure 1. present the new words 2   2. tell them the difference between “a” and “an” .have a chant : what animals do you like?  using the ppt to show some pictures of animals, they will disappear quickly. ask ss to guess. t: what can you see in the screen? ss: a bird, a dog, a cat. 1.t: ok, you are so clever. now, please look at my hand! what can you see? please hand up! s1: a bird. t: very well. sit down, please! now, please look at the word card. bird, bird,  b-i-r-d, bird. ss: bird, bird, b -i-r-d, bird. (then ss read the new word group by group, one by one) t draw a bird on the bb and write the word beside the picture. 2. t draw a dog under the dog on the bb. t: what’s this? s2: a dog. t: good! (t write the word “dog” near the picture on the bb)  please read after me dog, dog, d-o-g, dog. (t use the word card ) 12345678910ss: dog, dog, d-o-g, dog. ( ss read the word row by row) 3. t: what’s on the teacher’s desk? (t put a cat hand on the teacher’s desk)do you know? s3:a cat (with the help) t: very good! (t put the picture of “a cat” under the dog. and write the word beside the picture.) please pay attention of “a”-/a /.   /a / /a / cat. please read after me. ss: /a /, / a/, cat. (read it for four times) t: cat, cat, c-a-t, cat. ss: cat, cat, c-a-t, cat. s4:cat, cat, c-a-t, cat. s5:…. 4. t: now, let’s play a guessing game! are you ready?   ss: yes!   t: ok! let’s begin.(t ask one student come to front and act a monkey. and put the picture ,word on the bb. )   t: very good! i give you a red star for a reward. please go back to you seat. can you guess?   s5: a monkey. (with the help)   t: very well! a monkey ! please look at the blackboard carefully! and read after me.  monkey, monkey, m-o-n-k-e-y, monkey.  ss: monkey, monkey, m-o-n-k-e-y, monkey.  (ss read the word “money” group by group, one by one.) 5.t: who can try to act anther animal?  s6: i.  t: ok, you please! (tell him/her act a tiger.)    can you guess? (you can say it together.) ss: a tiger. t: good! please pay attention of “i”-/ai/. /ai/ /ai/ tiger. ss: /ai/ /ai/ tiger. (ss read the word “tiger” for three times.)  t: t-i-g-e-r, tiger. ss: t-i-g-e-r, tiger. (then ss read the word row by row. t write   the word on bb put the picture beside it.) 6. t: now, please look at me carefully! i’ll tell you some information and you can from these words to guess what animal is it? ok, let’s begin. t: the first, she is very fat, her eyes are black and she comes from si chuan .cheng du. who can guess?  t: she is a …. you please! s7: a panda. t: good! we have learned the word in last term. let’s read the word together .one, two, three, go! ss: panda, panda, p-a-n-d-a, panda.   (t write the word on the bb and put on the picture.) 7. t: now, please listen to the second: it can run fast and people can ride it go to everywhere.  there are only two colours over its body __ black and white. (t can use the  body_ language) can you guess? s8: 斑马。 t: you’re right! sit down please. ok! who knows its english name? s9: zebra (with teacher’s help) t: well done! please pay attention of this word   /i:/, /i:/, zebra. ss: /i:/, /i:/, zebra s10: /i:/, /i:/, zebra. s11:…. t: z-e-b-r-a, zebra. ss: z-e-b-r-a, zebra. 12345678910(ss read the word row by row.) 8.t: now, i’ll tell you the third. are you ready!     ss: yes! t: good! it has a big and long nose .it is very   fat. ss:大象. t: who can say it in english? good, you please! s12: an elephant. t: very well. i’ll give you a red star. thank you! please read this word carefully. /p/, /p/, /p/, /li/, /li/, /li/.elephant. ss: /p/, /p/, /p/, /li/, /li/, /li/.elephant. ( read it for four times.) t: e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t, elephant. ss: e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t, elephant. (ss read the word one by one. and t write the word on the bb and put the picture near the word.)   tell them the meaning of “a” and “an”, and “an” is used in front of “elephant”. t shows the new words and pictures on the bb. ss can read the animals’ names all by themselves. eg: s1 likes dog, he/she will read the new word “dog ”and spell it.   ss can understand and read the new words correctly. they should pay attention to this difference. t helps ss to read the words correctly and makes ss to remember the words easily.




purpose 3.post-task activities to consolidate the new words and correct the pronunciation. 1. t can let ss read the new words for several ways, they can read them one by one, boys or girls, groups or groups and so on. 2. play a guessing game: s1: a dog / cat /bird /tiger / monkey / zebra / panda? an elephant? ss: yes / no. (the students are back-to –back. one student imitates one animal, the other guess “an elephant?” or “a monkey?” the first student answers “yes.” or “no.”) 3. let ss listen to the tape and repeat the new words, pay attention to their pronunciation, then correctly them. 4. do some exercise d fun house (listen and circle) listen to the tape and circle the correct animals. (for example: when you heard “a panda.” please circle panda, but not “tiger.”)  

5.show the rhyme and say together

bird bird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳

dog dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪汪

cat cat  是小猫,小猫 cat喵喵喵

monkey monkey是小猴,小猴monkey爱吃桃

panda panda是熊猫, 熊猫panda是国宝

zebra zebra是斑马,斑马zebra浑身是条纹

tiger tiger是老虎,老虎tiger兽中王elephant elephant是大象,大象elephant体如墙  ss can learn english well for several ways, and can imitate the pronunciation. assignment listen to the tape and read the new words for ten times. listen to the tape and prepare the next lesson. 12345678910copy each word for four times.   board writing                                          unit 1   hello  图1    a  bird        图5  a  tiger 图2    a  dog        图6  a  panda 图3    a  cat         图7  a  zebra    图4    a  monkey     图8  an elephant . teacher’s reflection 本节课的主要内容是让学生会读八个小动物的单词,所以重点是加强他们的对这八个单词的理解及拼读,能在一定程度上对这些单词的词与图进行再认及再现。这节课主要是对动物的学习,他们对动物都十分喜爱所上课效果还不错,大部分同学基本会读,但有几个单词比较有难度,如“elephant, zebra”,还有他们对“cat”这以单词的发音还不是很到位。所以在下节课中还需要加强对这些单词的听读练习,本节课上我让学生还学习了一个rhyme 他们觉得这个rhyme很好玩,所以学得也十分的开心!


unit 1 hello


sep. 3rd


the second period (part a  learn to say & look, read and write<four letters>)

aims 1. letters: to help the ss understand the four letters: aa, bb, cc, dd. 2. structures:  to help ss learn the structure: hello/hi, i’m… what’s your name? 3. words: david, liu tao, yang ling ,mike ,nancy . 4. function: ss can use the sentences to make dialogues

language focus to help ss read and write the new letters correctly. to help ss use the structures freely.


tape-recorder, cards and pictures.





1. pre-task preparation

1. greeting: t say hello to ss.

2.review the words   t: good morning boys and girls! ss: good morning miss yao. t shows cards quickly and let ss speak out loudly in several ways. eg: t: what’s this?    s1: a dog / cat /bird /tiger / monkey / zebra / panda. or an elephant. to review the animals’ names and develop their interest in learning english.





2. while-task procedure 1. introduction 2. present the new structures 3.learn five people’s name 3. learn the new letters   1. introduce : t: hello, i’m miss yao. what’s your name? (t put a picture of cat on s2’s head and help him/her answer the question.) 12345678910s2: i’m a cat. t: good! today we will learn the new structure of unit 1. if you want to introduce yourself to others, you should say:  hi, i’m …/ hello, i’m… what’s your name? then ask one student “what’s your name?” (write this sentence on bb)and let other ss guess the meaning. s2: (what’s your name?) 意思是“你叫什么名字?” t: all right. you’re so clever. (can translate it in chinese) write the chinese on bb. (pay attention to the pronunciation of this sentence.) then let them make dialogues in pairs.

1. t: hello/hi, i’m miss yao. what’s your name?

s3:i’m david (t show a picture of david )

t: very good!

(t puts the picture in hand)

 please read after me!

then, ss read the word one by one.

2. t: now, please look at the blackboard carefully. do you know?

 (t put a picture of “liu tao” on bb.)

  ss: liu tao.

  t: you’re very good! let’s read it loudly! 

  ss: liu tao.

3.(t shows the picture of “mike” on the bb)

  t: do you know? you please!

  s4: he is mike.

  t: great! i give you a red star. “mike” good!

     ok! please read after me! mike

  ss: mike.(read it for 3 times.)

  s5: mike.


4. t puts the picture of “yang ling” on one student’s desk! and shows “nancy” on her own head.

t: hello /hi, i’m nancy.

what’s your name? s7: i’m yang ling. (with the help.) t: good! sit down, please! 5. (t puts the picture of “yang ling” on anther student’s desk.) t: hello /hi, i’m nancy. what’s your name? s8: i’m yang ling. t: very well. now please pay attention of these two people. and read after me carefully. yang ling, yang ling, yang ling. ss: yang ling, yang ling, yang ling. t: nancy, nancy, nancy. ss: nancy, nancy, nancy.  (t shows the different people’s head and help ss to review the 5 people’s names.) t shows the four letters to them, teach them how to read and write. for example: first, look at t mouth and imitate the pronunciation, then, say them loudly, at last ,t can correct everyone’s pronunciation. when write them, they should look at the letters carefully, pay attention to the forms about big letters and small letters.

ss can use the sentences to introduce themselves. they can use the sentences to talk about in pairs and make dialogues. ss can read and write the new letters correctly.




purpose 3.post-task activities to consolidate the new structures and letters, then correct the pronunciation. 123456789101. let ss listen to the tape and repeat the structure, pay attention to their pronunciation, and correctly them. 2. let ss read the structure correctly and they can act the animals like this: s1: hello, i’m mr. tiger. what’s your name? s2: i’m mr. dog. 3. listen, read and write the letters.  ss can know the letters and structures well for several ways, and they can imitate the pronunciation. assignment listen to the tape and read the dialogues for ten times. listen, read and copy the four letters for eight times. listen to the tape and prepare the next lesson.   board writing                                          unit 1 hello                          hello/hi, i’m…        what’s your name?                            你好  我是…       你叫什么名字?                                aa    bb    cc    dd teacher’s reflection 本节课新授的对话十分的简单很多同学在没有教的基础上都可以基本表达出来了,所以学生们能熟读并且能仿照课文自己自由对话。但在学习字母的时候,有些学生在书写上还有问题,特别是字母“bb和dd”,写得不够漂亮,而且这两个字母在写法上容易混淆,在回家作业上还需要多练习。


unit 1 hello


sep. 4th


the third period (part c  look and say & d fun house <act and guess & sing a song>)

aims 2. words:  a dog, a cat, a bird, a tiger, a monkey, an elephant, bobby, woof. 3. structures:  hi/hello, i’m… what’s your name? 4. function: using the sentences to ask and answer.               sing a song 《hello》

language focus to help ss use the sentences to make dialogues freely.


tape-recorder, cards, pictures and animal masks.





1. pre-task preparation

1. greeting

2. free talk 3. introduce. 12345678910  t: hello, everyone! ss: hello, miss yao! t: hello, i’m …what’s your name? s1:i’m… please introduce yourself to others (practice in groups ) s1: hello, i’m …what’s your name? s2: i’m… to help ss review the structures and let them  make some dialogues .





2. while-task procedure 1. listen to the song “hello!” 2. show the masks (animals). 3.practice 4. show the teaching pictures (c look and say )  

5. review the four letters   sing a song together. say “hello” to a dog / cat /bird /tiger / monkey / zebra / panda. eg : s1: hi/ hello dog, i’m cat.     s2: hi/ hello monkey, i’m tiger. “hi/hello… i’m … what’s your name … i’m…      (look at the pictures) t: how many people are there in the picture? ss: five t: who are they? (david ,yang ling , nancy ,liu tao ,bobby ) s3: david. s4: yang ling, nancy. s5: liu tao. t: what else can you see in the picture? s6: a dog. t: do you know its name? s6: bobby. t: you’re so clever! this dog is named bobby!    let say “hello” to bobby, ok! one, two, three, go! t-ss: hello, bobby! t: what are they talking about? now, please discuss it! i’ll give you some times. and  i’ll ask someone come to front to show it. picture1: s7_david:  hello, i’m david, what’s your name?
s8_yang ling: i’m yang ling. picture2: s9_yang ling: hello, i’m yang ling , what’s your name? s10_nancy:   i’m nancy. picture3: s11_nancy: hello, i’m nancy , what’s your name? s12_ liu ta i’m liu tao. picture4: s13_ liu ta hello, i’m liu tao , what’s your name? s14_ bobby: woof! ( then read after the t) show the four letters to them and let them read after t or together, then write them correctly to help ss learn an english song to review the words to help ss review the new sentences.   ss talk about the pictures by themselves, then i can correct them. let ss read and write the four letters “aa, bb, cc, dd” correctly.




purpose 3.post-task activities page 1 unit 1 hello.   a  listen and judge.  listen to the tape and look at the pictures, then mark, if it’s true, please draw a smiling face. if it’s false, please draw a crying face.   1. j   2. l    3. j      4  j 2. listen to the tape .(part a  part b  ) 3. read after the tape. 4. sing a song “hello!” 12345678910 develop ss’ abilities of listening. assignment listen to the tape and recite the new dialogues. listen to the tape and review the words.   board writing                                          unit 1   hello                            hi/ hello, i’m…        what’s your name?                            i’m…     woof!                                      bobby                                     teacher’s reflection 学生在复习本单元的句型时,能熟练运用句型进行对话练习,但是还不能进行比较完整的表演,语言,表情都还比较生疏,不够自然。


unit 1 hello


sep. 5th


the fourth period (exercise book unit 1)

aims 1. words: to help the ss understand the animals’ names: a dog, a cat, a bird, a tiger, a monkey, an elephant 2. structures:  let ss know the dialogues: hello/hi, i’m … what’s your name? i’m … 3. function: ask and answer.

language focus to help ss say the words correctly and make dialogues freely.


tape-recorder, cards and pictures.





1. pre-task preparation 1. sing an english song 2. review the words 3. free talk let ss sing an english song <hello!> together. play a game let ss listen to tape about the animals’ voice, then let them guess what animal is it, say them quickly. ss: an elephant, a tiger, a zebra, a bird … t: hello/hi, i’m mr. tang. what’s your name? s1: i’m … s2: hello/hi, i’m … what’s your name? s3: i’m … help ss review the words and sentences correctly.





2. while-task procedure 1. listen and judge. 123456789102. listen, find and circle. 3. listen and draw. 4. translate these sentences.   5. choose the right answer   a. a     b. an     c./ t: hi, i’m liu tao. t: hello, i’m david. t: hello, what’s your name?   i’m yang ling. t: a monkey t: a panda t: a tiger t: a tiger, a monkey, a bird, a panda, an elephant, a tiger.

1. what’s your name?

2.i’m yang ling.

3.hi, liu tao!

4. hello, i’m mike.

5. a cat? 6.—hi, i’m a dog. —hi, i’m a panda. 1. _________ tiger.. 2. _________ panda. 3._________ elephant. 4._________ zebra. 5._________ cat. help them finish the exercise book and develop their listening skills. let them do some difficult exercise to improve their english.




purpose 3.post-task activities to review the words and dialogues 1. show a big picture of some animals and some cards with the animals’ names, then let ss match the cards and the pictures correctly. 2. listen to the tape and read the dialogues to imitate the good pronunciation.  ss can review the words and dialogues well. assignment listen to the tape, review the words and dialogues after class. copy the four letters for eight times.   board writing                                          unit 1    hello                                 hi/ hello, i’m …                                 what’s your name?                                 i’m … teacher’s reflection 学生在做听力练习的时候,前两部分都能理解,就是在连线的时候,由于他们动作太慢或是不能快速的反映出小动物,所以听完一遍后大部分学生都没有完成,只能再听一遍,并且正确率也不高,在以后的自习课上还要加强这方面的练习。


unit 1 hello!

date sep. 11th


exam analysis







优秀率 12345678910




 3675      87.5










析 1、对试卷的认识:    该试卷分为听力和笔试两部分,听力部分60分,笔试部分40分。从总体上看,试卷较简单,内容较少,主要就是第一单元上的单词和课文,但题型很多,也很多样。在听力部分上出现了选择、判断、排序和圈出单词,这些都是最基本的;在笔试部分上有句型配对题,对于学生可能有点难度。 2、学生测试情况分析:     三年级学生总体测试分数还可以,大部分学生都能考在90分以上,但也有小部分学生成绩不行,还考70多分,在两个班中还每个班有一名同学考不及格,对于这一小部分后进生,平时还要多关心,对他们必须进行个别辅导,争取与优等生缩小差距。两个班级的平均分相差不是十分明显,说明这两个班基础差不多。由于三年级学生对英语考试还不是十分的熟悉,有些学生跟不上听力的速度,导致失分,还有就是大部分学生主要是错在笔试部分的巨型配对上,有些学生还不太不会选着连起来。还有一个是他们对题目的要求不仔细阅读,也是失分的一个主要方面。 3、今后采取的措施: 1、在平时还要多练习各种题型,让他们熟悉和适应英语测试。    2、培养他们正确的学习方法,抓住课堂的每一分钟。    3、平时抓住每一位后进生,不管是在课上还是课后,多给他们一些帮助,使他们尽力能赶上班上其他学生。    4,教师在平时要求学生做作业时要及时提醒他们看清题意,以免加大错误量。12345678910


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