小学三年级英语教案 2020-06-06 网络整理 晴天


teaching  plan

《fun with english》

   book one

unit three lesson 13

topic     lesson 13typenew lessonteaching  purpose1, learn three numbers: one, two ,three; and can ask and answer  with “are you…? yes, i am. no, i’m not.”

2, train the pupils the abilities of speaking and listening. 3, train the pupils the spirits of “unity is strength.”teaching  aims

1, learn “one ,two, three” and “are you…? yes, i am. no, i’m not.”2, train the pupils the abilities of speaking and listening.teaching difficultiesthe pupils can grasp the sentences and use it freely and correctly.teaching materials ppt, and so on.teachingsteps 

teacher’s activities

 students’ activities

design viewsstep ⅰ:organization

1.greetings in english

2.warming up(guide to have free talks)

t: train, train ,who can drive?

1.greetings in english ss: train train i can drive.( free talks)“小小货车谁来开,小小火车我来开。”以开火车的形式,轻松愉快的拉开了课堂教学的序幕。  step ⅱ :presentation1. learn the numbers: one, two, three.

 guides to count from 0 to 13 , then  show the title: lesson 13 ,and today let’s learn 3 numbers , ask and answer with “ are you,,,?” 

learn the numbers:

shows  one on tv and gives the model of reading./w∧n/

claps hands with the children from the beginning to the last one of the line with saying “one”

shows two on tv, and  guide to pronounce it t-wo-two ;/t-u:--tu:/

count the numbers: one , two, three …thirteen.

learn to read in row and then read it in groups. clap hands with the teacher one by one with saying “one”, and then clap hands with the partners, and say “one ”  learn to read /tu:/ in groups and then say it one by one.

.以数数的形式引出课题并明确本课的学习任务。这些孩子虽说刚入学不长时间,但每节课都会接触到这几个数字,例如:教师的组织教学;又如每节课前的数数,所以大多数的孩子对这几个数字的发音并不陌生,但也有个别接受能力差的孩子还需要教师一字一板的教.兼顾二者,我选择了这种方式: 和学生从头至尾单手击掌一次; 跳绳动作两次,最高能力的跳跃两次,踢毽子动作两次; 拍手三次,跺脚三次,拍桌子三次…这样一来接受能力差的孩子正式的学习了发 learn the sentences.“are you…? yes. i am./ no, i’m not”step ⅲ:summary and homework

guides the children to skip two, jump two, kick two…

guides the children to speak the numbers ”one , two” as quick as possible.

guides to learn “three”

knee /i:/ pay attention to the “th” 

says the numbers without sounds and guides the children to guess.123

guides to guess how many pencils the teacher has.

ppt: what’s missing?

the children have been to be students for two months , have you known each another? ah, some know, some don’t know, never mind today let’s learn “are you…?” ok?

guide to learn” are you…”

guides to say it from low voice to high voice, and then from high voice to low voice.

guides to play telephone game.

guides to read the sentence together and answer” no, i’m not.”

guides to learn” yes ,i am.”

guide to play a guessing game .

 and then guides to practise speaking in pairs or groups.

shows the snow white on tv, and then hides her, ask the children to guess which room she hides.guides to think of that: what are the uses of the numbers in our life except the room numbers?some of you say the telephone numbers, do you know what numbers we should dail when you meet these situations.guides to sum up the contents of the class and then sets up the homework: finding thenumbers in daily life.skip two, jump two, kick two…with saying “ two.”

speak the numbers ”one, two ” as quick as possible

learn “three” in the same way. pay attention to “th”guess the numbers by the help of the teacher’s mouth.guess the pencils “one? two? or three?” guess what’s missing?ok!learn to say “are you zhang hong?” in groups, and then say it from low voice to high voice, from high voice to low voice. and at last say it one by one.telephone game : are you zhang hong? learn to say “no, i’m not.”and then practise asking and answering in pairs” are you zhang hong? no, i’m not.”learn to say” yes., i am.”in the same way. guessing by the help the sounds or other hints .”are you…?”and then practise speaking in pairs or groups, finally act in the front of the class. one of the students choose the room number and the others ask” are you snow white? ”think of the uses of the numbers and answer.discuss and answer: 110, 119, 120, 122, 114…sum up the contents of the class.音,已经会了的孩子又不会感觉乏味,很枯燥.同时课堂的气氛异常的活跃.引导学生看单词以最快的速度说出发音,练习孩子对单词的掌握程度,同时加深单词拼写的印象.“看口型说数字” 和孩子打哑谜有趣又吸引孩子的注意力.猜猜玩玩符合6,7岁孩子的心理..孩子们争先恐后的来猜老师手里到底有几支铅笔.这一练习中,孩子们对数字one, two, three的读法不陌生,我有意侧重于让孩子认读单词,又担心个别孩子掌握有困难,影响学习英语的信心,练习数字时我用ppt设计了 what’s missing游戏,先是数字呈现的大,单词呈现相对小; 然后数字小,突出单词;最后完全呈现单词。这一来坡度较小,孩子掌握起来容易接受,课件闪烁,跳动的可爱小星星又非常吸引孩子的注意力,而鼓励的掌声对孩子又是莫大的鼓舞,增强了孩子的自信心。123要求孩子机械的重复句子,他们自然不喜欢,但从最低声到最高声,再从最高声过渡到最低声地说句子孩子们却很乐意, 一样的重复,不一样的方式取得的效果自然截然不同.玩玩练练, 孩子们为了争取自己小组获胜,又担心败在自己手里,自然很小心,很认真的说对每一个单词.在句型操练中,我选用了孩子们熟悉而又喜欢的卡通形象。孩子们有的为了早点看到这些好朋友,有的为了显示自己多么熟悉卡通,争先恐后的高举双手来猜“are you…? ” 取得了事半功倍的效白雪公主是孩子们再喜欢不过的童话形象。她的到来自然又让这些已经有些难以集中注意力的6,7岁孩子们兴奋起来。可是转眼白雪公主就藏进了房间里,这怎么可以?非得找出来不可!而且敲错房门的孩子们又可以看到其它的卡通人物,同时又很自然的让孩子们联想到数字在生活中的运用---门牌号,日历,刻度,电话号码等。为老师的下一步教学铺垫单纯的说教怎么可能引起孩子的注意?ppt上出现的这些场景(斗殴,火灾,流血,交通肇事等),孩子们很自然 的就会连想到我身边的紧急情况处理号码!即使不知道,不清楚的孩子也在同学的帮助提醒下有所了解。110,120,119,122等专用车伴着它们特有的喇叭声呼啸而至怎么不加深印象?增强孩子的自救能力是不言而喻的。handwriting on the blackboard:lesson13           are you zhang hong?three      twoone            no, i’m not.            yes, i am.      g 1   g2   g3123


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