
小学三年级英语教案 2020-06-04 网络整理 晴天


p6ais the tiger sleeping?   no! no! no! is the snake sleeping? yes! yes! yes! is the panda sleeping?  no! no! no! is the fox sleeping?     no! no! no!  is the rabbit sleeping?       no! no! no! are you sleeping?p7a1. i’m lily. i like summer. i can wear my blue dress in summer. i can swim in summer.2. i’ m binbin. i like spring. i can wear my green sweater in spring. i can plant trees in spring.3. i’m andy. i like fall. i can wear my yellow jacket in fall. i can pick apples in fall.4. i’m joy. i like winter. i can wear my red coat in winter. i can make a snowman in winter.p10 a it’s sunny in beijing.it’s snowy in harbin.it’s windy in xi’an.it’s cloudy in shanghai.it’s rainy in shenzhen. p11 ait’s a cold day, cold day.it’s a cold day, cold day.i put on my scarf and play.it’s a cold, cold day.i’ts a cool, cool day.it"s a cool, cool day.i take off my coat and play.it’s a cool, cool day.it’ a warm, warm day.it’s a warm, warm day. i take off my sweater and play.it’s a warm, warm day.it’s a hot, hot day.it’s a hot, hot day.i put on my sunglasses and play.it’s a hot, hot day.p11bwhat’s the weather like today?it’s sunny. put on the sunglasses.  ok.p12 bwindy, windy, windy day.it’s a windy day today.take your kite.go out to play.it’s a windy day today.cloudy, cloudy, cloudy day.it’s a cloudy day today.take your umbrella.dad says it’s going to rain.rainy, rainy, rainy day.it’s a rainy day today.put on your raincoat.it’s a rainy day today.snowy, snowy, snowy day.it’s a snowy day today.put on your scarf.go out to play.it’s a snowy day today.p14asummer is coming. it’s hot!zero, five, fifteen, twenty, thirty! how hot it is! it’s all white in winter.it’s cold.how cold! let me put on a coat.p15ait’s windy. let’s plant trees.it’s sunny. they’re climbing hills.how cold! let me put on a sweater.i like summer.i like to eat ice cream.p18 ajump. kick. play. throw. catch. bounce. go, go, go.bounce. catch. throw. play. kick. jump. every day.i can jump. i can walk. i can kick. i can walk.i can catch. i can throw. i can bounce. i can go.i can swim. i can run. i can skate. with every one.p18 bi can bounce very well.i can run very well.i can throw very well.i can catch very well.i can kick very well.p19 a bounce the ball.throw the ball.kick the ball to me.bounce the ball.throw the ball.catch it 1, 2, 3.bounce the ball. i can catch it, too.i can bounce and catch the ball.then throw the ball to you.1234i can play football. i can jump rope, too.i can play a pingpong game.can i play with you?p19 bthis is the way i bounce the ball, bounce the ball, bounce the ball.this is the way i bounce the ball. then throw the ball to you.this is the way i catch the ball, catch the ball, catch the ball.this is the way i catch the ball. then throw the ball to you.p20bhe can play football.she can jump rope.he can play pingpong.she can swim.she can skate.he can bounce the ball well.she can climb well.he can throw the ball well.p22aturn left, turn left.count off 1,2,3.turn right, turn right.exercise with me.exercise, exercise.attention, attention, please.exercise, exercise.now you stand at ease.

p23 athe tiger can run.the fish can swim.the rabbit can jump.the monkey can climb.the bear can skate. the dog can catch.p26 aspring is warm.spring is green.summer is hot.summer is bright.fall is cool.fall is golden.winter is cold.winter is cold.winter is white.bboy a: what season is it?boy b: it’s summer.p27 agirl: what season is it ?boy:it’s winter.girl: what’s the temperature?boy: it’s 0 degree.girl: what do you wear?boy: i wear a coat and trousers.p31 a lucky: it’s a very hot summer day.angel: yes.it’s going to rain.lucky: really?angel: yes. look at the ants.angel: look at the swallows and         dragonflies.angel: look at the fish.lucky: it’s raining. it’s cool.angel: go home.p39alook at the yellow clock.it’s a circle.what time is it?it’s 9:00. it’s time for bed.look at the purple clock. it’s square. what is the time?it’s 6:30. it’s time for tv.look at the red clock. it’s a triangle. can you tell me the time?it’s 7:30. it’s time for school.look at the blue clock.it’s a rectangle. is it 12:00?yes. it’s time for lunch.p42 ai go to school at 7 o’clock.i have english classes like you.and i eat my lunch,eat my lunch,eat my lunch,too.i go home and eat my supper.i watch tv like you.and i go to bed,go to bed,go to bed, too.bteddy bear, teddy bear,get up now.teddy bear, teddy bear,wash your face.teddy bear, teddy bear,eat your bread.teddy bear, teddy bear,go to school.teddy bear, teddy bear,go to bed.p43 awhen do you get up every day?i get up at 6:50.when do you go to school?i go to school at 7:30.when do you go home?i go home at 5 pm.when do you watch tv?i watch tv at 7 pm.when do you go to bed?i go to bed at 9 pm.p44 a i wash my face every day.i swim every day.i play ball every day.i sing songs every day.p44 bevery day, i get up.1234every day, i get up, wash my face.every day, i get up; wash my face; brush my teeth.every day, i get up; wash my face; brush my teeth, eat breakfast.every day, i get up; wash my face; brush my teet, eat breakfast; go to school.every day, i get up; wash my face; brush my teeth, eat breakfast; go to school; eat lunch.every day, i get up; wash my face; brush my teeth, eat breakfast; go to school; eat lunch; go home.every day, i get up; wash my face; brush my teeth, eat breakfast; go to school; eat lunch; go home; watch tv.every day, i get up; wash my face; brush my teeth, eat breakfast; go to school; eat lunch; go home;watch tv; and then i go to bed.p46 ai work in daytime.i get up in the morning.we get up in the evening.me too.i work at night.i get up in the morning.i get up in the evening.p47 ai’m lily. i usually go home at 5:00. i usually go to bed at 9:00.i’m andy. i usually get up at 7:30. i usually go to school at 7:50.i’m bill. i usually eat lunch at 12:00. i usually watch tv at 6:00.i’m joy. i usually brush my teeth at 6:50. i usually eat breakfast at 7:10.p50 a  wednesday, thursday, friday.thursday, friday, saturday.saturday, sunday, monday.we learn every day.p 52 ait’s friday! it’s 6 o’clock.let’s go out and swing.it’s saturday! it’s 7 o’clock.let’s stay at home today.p52 awhat do you want to do on saturday?i want to have an english lesson on saturday.what do you want ot do on wednesday?i want to go out and swim on wednesday.what do you want to do on monday?i want to play football.what do you want to do on thursday?i want to sing songs on thursday.xiaohua, what do you want to do on friday?i want to play pingpong on friday.nice to see you, lucky! what do you want to do on sunday?en…en…i want to sleep on sunday.dongdong! what do you want to do on tuesday?oh, i like basketball. i want to go out and play basketball on tuesday.p52 bwhat day is it?it’s sunday today.what’s the weather like?it’s sunny and hot.what do you want to do?i want to go out and swim.p55 aon sunday i go to the zoo.on monday i go to the bookstore.on tuesday i go to the playground.on wednesday i go to the swimming pool.on thursday i gjo to the park.on friday i go to the park.on saturday i stay at home and watch tv.p55 bi like monday. i play football on monday.what do you want to do on tuesday?i want to go to school and have english class.today is sunday. i want to go to the bookstore.what’s the weather like today?it’s hot and sunny. i want og go out and swim.it’s saturday. i want to go to the zoo.1234p 58 ado you eat lunch at 2 o’clock?do you go home at 3?do you watch tv at 6:30?can you play with me?p59 ahi, andy. what do you want to do on the weekend?i want to go to the park and climb hills.hi, binbin. what do you want to do on the weekend? i want to play to football and swim.hi, yaoyao. what do you want to play on the weekend?i want to play pingpong and jump rope.hi, joy. what do you want to do on the weekend?i want to watch tv and fly a kite.p63 a  it’s 7. it’s time for breakfast.i’m hungry.i like to brush your teeth and wash your face. the cake is good. the apple’s delicious.we are hurry up!it’s 8. it’s time for school. what are you doing there?i’m hungry. it’s time for lunch.bear! bear! it’s 4. t’s time for home. 1 plus 4 is… it’s 7. it’s time for supper.great!it’s 9. it’s time for bed.i can’t sleep. it’s time for a walk.1234


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