unit|Unit 5 Plus and minus(Period two)

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-28 网络整理 晴天


教学目标:1、 巩固数词类单词 13-20。
2、 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 what’s …plus /minus…? it’s…that’s right/sorry , you are wrong.
3、 能熟练使用数字表达:时间(半小时以内)和加减法
教学重点:1、 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 what’s …plus /minus…? it’s… that’s right/sorry , you are wrong.
教学难点:1、 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 what’s …plus /minus…? it’s…  that’s right/sorry , you are wrong.
2、能正确理解运用plus ,minus 进行加减法的运算
教学准备:1、 教具准备 课前准备  数字卡片,加减法的符号 “+ -” 
step1. free talk:
1、课前常规训练:song <<family song >>
3、花样数数:如隔5就说:it’s me ! / 接龙数/ e funhouse : 说前一个数或后一个数(可适当增加难度,如前二个等)
4、日常问答 看钟,学生问答(12和24小时制)
what’s the time now ?
it’s … o’clock.
is it time to …?
yes, let’s / no , it’s time to …
what’s the time ?
it’s ( 9:10) nine ten
it’s (8:15) eight fifteen .
work in pairs :
3:11 4:25 5:16 7:18 8:29 11:05
step2. presentation and practice
t: good morning .
s: good morning.
t: what’s the time now ?
s: it’s …
t: let’s go to the supermarket .
s: great! but how ?
t: by bike . i’d like some …. look , how much is it ?
( 出示价格表)
s: it’s xxx yuan .
一起认识商品的价格:how much is it ?
it’s xxx yuan .
t: i’d like two hambergers. how much ?
s: twenty yuan .
t: here you are .
s: thank you.
板书: 10+10= ?
t: i’d like two cakes. how much ?
s: ten yuan.
t: here you are .
s: thank you .
板书: 5+5=?
t: what’s ten plus ten ?
s: it’s twenty.
t: that’s right.
what’s five plus five ?
s: it’s ten.
t: that’s right.
* plus 加
板书:what’s ____ plus _____ ? it’s ______. √ that’s right.
t: good morning . what do you want ?
s: i’d like ….how much ?
t: (板书 12+12= 24 ) twenty-four yuan.
s: here you are .
t: thank you .
work in groups
 s: good morning.
t: good morning. i’d like two t-shirts.
s: ok.
t: how much ?
s: 40+40=80 eighty yuan.
t: sorry . here you are .would you please give me a change( 请找钱)。
( 老师用一张100元)
s:100-80=20 here you are,. twenty yuan.
t: thank you.
板书: 100-80=?
*minus 减
板书:what’s ____ minus ____ ? it’s ______.
b、 全班共有几人 _____ plus ______
c、 数一数女生有多少人
d、 男生有几人 _____ minus _____
t: what’s _____ plus / minus _____? 12
s: it’s ______ .
t: that’s / you’re right.
work in pairs
step 3. learn to say
1、 出示本课1、2两幅挂图。生看图听课文录音并跟读。
2、 尝试100以内的加减法
step 4. consolidation
1、 复习数字: can you count from … to … ?
2、 看图回答(几样物品放在一起,算价格) how much are they ?
3、 游戏:将学生分成两大组,相互出题,答对多者为赢
step 5. homework
七、 板书设计
unit 5 plus and minus
what’s the time now ? it’s ____ ______ .
3:11 4:25 5:16 7:18 8:29 11:05
what’s ____ plus _____ ? it’s ______. √ that’s right.
5+5= ?
what’s ____ minus ____ ? it’s ______. ╳ sorry , you are wrong.
unit 5 plus and minus(period two) 来自。 12


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