oxford_Oxford English 3B Module 2 Unit 3——People I like 教案

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-28 网络整理 晴天


people i liketeaching material: oxford english 3b m2u3people i liketeacher: pu yingyanschool: jiading putong primary school teaching aims:1.knowledge and skills:a. using adjectives to identify people: handsome, great, friendly, brave             b. introducing person’s more information:  i like … because he/she is…                                    i like … because he/she can……can’t …but … can…2.emotion and value:educating the student’s to like the people who is great,friendly ,super and brave.materials:multimediaprocedures:procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparationhe/she is…he/she can…show a video of “my hero” and recognize some people of the program通过“加油好男儿”这档节目来引出一些人物,吸引学生注意力。 while-task procedure1.learn the word:handsomelearn the structure:i like…because he/she is…i like…because he/she can…1.      compare pu bajia and cao kefan 2.      tell them the reason--i like pu bajia because he is handsome.   --i like pu bajia because he can sing/dance very well.3.  introduce the stars they like 通过人物对比,引出handsome。 告诉学生我喜欢蒲巴甲的理由引出一些句型并让他们说说自己喜欢明星的理由。2. learn the word:greatlearn the structure…is from…1.        getting more information about pu bajia 2.        watch a video 3. introduce the family members they like通过了解蒲巴甲更多的信息来关注他的家庭,引出父母之爱的伟大。让学生说说他们喜欢父母的理由。3.learn the word:  friendlylearn the structure:…is friendly to me.1.      t:pu bajia is friendly to his friends.2. introduce their good friends通过蒲巴甲在比赛中结识了许多朋友引出朋友之间的友好,并让学生们来说说喜欢好朋友的理由。3.        learn the word :bravelearn the sentence:he can’t…but he can…they can’t …but they can…     1.        a guessing game --song xiaobo can’t hear but he can dance very well.--he can’t speak but he can do hand language.2. show some disabled people3.  show one of the special people and read a short passage 4. watch a video  通过猜谜游戏引出宋晓波,他听不见说不出,但是他的能力很强,感受他的勇敢。通过对其他残疾人的关注,来感受他们的勇敢。通过关注特奥运动员,让学生体会她们面对生活的勇敢精神。12post-task activities1.a picture book:people i like1.  read a picture book2.  fill in the blankets3.  summary   通过阅读图画书综合所学语言,并让学生体会我们要喜欢美丽、伟大、友好、了不起、勇敢的人。 2. assignment1. write: people i like2. make a picture book for the people you like3. think: what can we do for special people?写作训练并制作一本图画书,提高学生的兴趣,将课堂的内容延伸到课外。教学设计说明
我上的是牛津英语3bm2u3people i like.教材的主要内容和句型是:he/she is…he/she has…而这些内容学生在牛津英语3a中已经学过并掌握了,那么教材上的这些内容就不能满足学生们更高的学习要求。因此,我根据本单元主题结合社会信息,挖掘了教材的潜在资源,以描述人物特征的形容词为重点,如handsome, great, friendly, brave,并结合句型i like…because he/she is… i like…because he/she can….为主要句型,让学生更能表达自己喜爱人物的理由。
一、 以情感的推进为主线
二、 语言训练层层递进
一开始引出句型结构i like…because he/she is…i like…because he/she can…让学生用三句话来简单表达喜欢明星的理由。接着引出…is from…并引出父母之爱让学生用五句话来说说喜欢父母的理由。然后又通过朋友间的友好让学生用六句话说说喜欢好朋友的理由。语言层层递进,边学边用。再通过关注宋晓波等残疾人引出…can’t…but… can…并由原有的用一个形容词来表述人的特征变为两个形容词super and brave,为后面的阅读训练作铺垫。最后通过阅读图画书综合运用所学语言。
oxford english 3b module 2 unit 3——people i like 教案 来自。 12


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