
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-30 网络整理 晴天


unit 3 教学设计
1. 知识目标:
(1)能够听、说、认读句型:“what are you going to do this evening? i"m going to the cinema.”并能对其中的动词和时间短语进行替换操练。
(2)能够听、说、认读动词短语:take a trip,go to the cinema,read a magazine.
(3)能够听、说、读、写时间短语:next week,this morning/afternoon/evening;并能够听、说、认读时间短语:tomorrow,tonight.
2. 能力目标:
(1)能在实际情境中初步运用what are you going to do this morning/this afternoon/this evening/next week/tonight? i’m going to……这一句型进行交际。
(2)能够在pair work中合理安排自己的活动时间并与他人进行交流。
3. 情感目标:
重点:能够听、说、读、写let"s learn部分的四会短语;并能替换 going to do句型中的动词和时间短语对将来的活动进行表述。
难点:四会词汇的听、说、读、写以及对be going to do句型了解和替换操练。
1.教师准备动词短语卡片,如:take a trip,go to the cinema等。
2.教师准备let"s start部分的教学挂图。
step 1:热身(warm-up)
(1)教师课前放本单元歌曲“what are you going to do?”学生初步感知be to do句型。
step 2:预习(preview)
(1)教师出示课前准备好的课程表,说“look! we have so many classes in a指着monday说:“what classes do we have on mondays?"’帮助学生一起说“on mondays,we have english,chinese,math.…”再请学生回答其他几个的课安排。
教师准备好动词短语卡片,如:play spots,go hiking,do morning exercises.
the cinema,take a trip,read a magazine等以及相关道具,如电影票、杂志、背包、太阳帽等。生抽出一张卡片,根据上面的图片或文字,用动作表现出来,其他学生猜什么短语。当有学生抽到新短语read a magazine时,教师可引他借助杂志来进行表演,其他学生由此可能会猜:read a book,教师借机引入新词magazine。教师可将take a trip留到最后自己表演,借助背包、太阳帽产生可能会猜出是go hiking,教师说:“no,i"m going to take a trip.,’引出新短语take atrip。教师可设立“最佳表演奖”来鼓励学生进行创造性表演,也可设立;‘心有灵 犀奖”来鼓励学生踊跃竞猜。
(4)教师放课文的录音,学生静听一遍后跟读,(教师可对‘i’m going to the cinema.”加以解释,语法规则见教学参考资料库。)随后学生两人一组进行练习,教师引导他们主动替换对话中的时间和动词短语,进行更为广泛的操练。
pair work
教师出示pair work部分的表格,说:look!here are some activities that are good for you.please decide when you are going to do them and tell your partner.pay attention:you can do them in two weeks.1234567891011121314
step 3:巩固和延伸(consolidation and extension)
(3)学生跟录音学唱歌曲“what are you going to do?”
第二课时  教学设计
1. 知识目标:
(1)能够听、说、读、写句型:what are you going to do on the weekend? i"m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
(2)能够完成let"s try部分听录音判断对错的练习。
2. 能力目标:
(1)能在group work部分合理安排周末的旅游项目。
(2)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“what are you going to do?”
重点:学生能准确、自如地运用(并会书写)be going to do句型描述自己的活动计划与他人进行交流。
难点:听、说、读、写四会掌握句型:what are you going to do on the weekend ?i"m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
1. 教师准备一张简明地图,图中标有zoo,theme park,cinema,school,bookstore,post office,pet shop等场所。
step 1:热身(warm-up)
(1) 教师课前放歌曲“what are you going to do?”
step 2:预习\preview let" try
教师说:“the national day is coming.i have a friend in shanghai.what is she going
to do? let"s listen to the tape and find out.”教师可分三次放录音,并根据学生的际情况有针对性地提问。学生听录音、回答问题并完成判断正误的练习。可供考的问题如下(!)where is she going ②how is she going there? ③who is she going with? is she happy? ⑤what is she going to buy?
step 3:新课呈现(presentation)
let"s sing
教师接着let"s try部分说:the girl is going to be doing on the national day.she"s very happy.now let"s listen to a song and find out what the children are going to do on saturday. ok?
let"s talk
(1)对唱结束后,教师出示标有动物园、电影院等地点的简明地图,并圈出动 园所在位置,说:“the boy/girl(根据歌曲录音中的声音)is going to zoo.his/her home is here.(教师指着地图中离动物园较远的某一地点)is it far from the zoo?”学生回答:“yes,it is far from the zoo."教师再问:“how can he/she get to the zoo?”引导学生回答:“by bike/bus/taxi.”等。
(2)教师放let"s talk部分的录音,学生跟读并分角色朗读。学生开展组与组之间的朗读比赛,教师鼓励学生对对话中的时间和地点进行替换。
(3)教师出示打乱顺序的单词卡片,如:what ,do,going,are, the,to,you,weekend. 又如:i,going,visit,to,am,my,this,grandparents,weekend。要求学生在最快时间内组合成句。师生一起拼读其中较难的单词如:weekend,grandparents,visit。1234567891011121314
group work
教师出示当地旅游图,师生可先就旅游景点自由会话,如:“where is it ? how do you go there?”等。
然后教师布置任务now you are a tour guide.please write a schedule for this weekend.
see who can design the best schedule for us.
step 4:巩固和延伸(consolidation and extension)
第三课时  教学设计
1. 知识目标:
能够读懂let"s read中的段落。
2. 能力目标:
(1)根据let’s read部分的内容写出提纲式的liuyun"s weekend plan.
3. 情感目标:
重点:阅读段落并根据段落内容进行第三人称的转述,掌握第三人 称吋be going to do句型的用法。
step 1:热身(warm-up)
(2)师生同唱歌曲“what are you going to do?”
(3)教师出示第二课时中the great wall,theme park和当地部分名胜及各种如bookstore,pet shop的图片(包括生词supermarket)。先请一名学生示范问答,如:what are you going to do this morning ?i"m going to visit the great wall.how do you get there? by train.…教师鼓励学生踊跃提问,而非师生间单向问答。
step 2:预习(preview)
教师请几名学生介绍自己的周末安排。在学生介绍的过程中,教师可根据提出更细节性的问题,姐“when are you going to get up on saturday? where are you going on saturday morning ?how are you going to the zoo?”等。在一名学生答之后,教师给予评价,如:“wonderful !you"re going to have a busy weekend,are you?”等,并向其他学生提问:“what is a going to do on saturday morning? he is going with?”等,引导学生将第一人称改为相应的第三人称进行回答,生回答的内容以短语形式填人课前准备好的表格中.完成表格后,教师说: “amy is going to have a busy weekend.”板书have:weekend,引导其他学生以“i"m going to have a busy weekend.”为开头介绍周末安排,并邀请其他学生做简单记录,对于其中涉及的非四会词汇或其他的词汇可师生一起拼写。
step 3:新课呈现(presentation)
let"s read
(1)在几名学生汇报完周末活动安排后,教师广泛而快速地询问其他学生:what are you going to do on saturday/sunday morning?”等,确认学生能正确使用句型:“i"m going to…”来回答。1234567891011121314
(2)教师接下来说“liu yun is going to have a busy weekend,too.what is she going to do? please read the passage and answer my questions.”教师可以根据段落内容顺序设计问题,让学生朗读一遍课文后依次口头回答。
(5)学生独立填充liu yun"s weekend plan,并在组内互相讨论,交流与校对。
step 4:巩固和延伸(consolidation and extension)
(1)学生模仿跟读let"s read的录音,并把自己的朗读录音后交给教师。
第四课时  教学设计
1. 知识目标
(1)能够听、说、认读单词或词组:dictionary,post card,newspaper,magazine,comic
book;并能够书写post card;newspaper和comic book。
(2)能够听、说、认读句子:“what are you going to do? i"m going to buy an english book in the bookstore.when are you going? this afternoon.”并能进行关键词的替换练习。
2. 能力目标
(1)能够用所学句型“what are you going to buy? i"m going to buy…”进行let"s play部分的购物活动。
(2)能够听懂并会吟唱let"s chant部分的歌谣。
(3)能够了解音标/a:/,/q/,/w/,/t/,/m/,/n/,/n/的音和形并会朗读相关例词;能够完成read and match部分看图、读音标、辨词形后连线的练习。
3. 情感目标
1. 教师准备本课时有关于歌曲、故事、游戏的课件。
2. 教师准备单词卡片及有关书籍。
3. 学生准备本节课有关书籍。
step 1:warm-up
(1)师生会话,引导学生用第三册的歌曲“how many books do you have?”来提问。
(2)学生齐唱歌曲:how many books do you have? 教师自编歌词给予回答。
学生:how many books do you have? do you have, do you have? how many books do you have? big or small?
教师:i don"t have any books, any books, any books. i don"t have any books, and i"m going to buy.
(3)就歌曲提问学生:how many books do i have? what am i going to do?
step 2:presentation
a. 教学单词
教师:i am going to buy some books, some of the animals are going to buy some books, too. now let"s listen to the story, and find out what are the animals going to buy?(以课件呈现故事)
(1)就故事提问,引出新单词post card, newspaper,magazine,comic- book,并出示其音标。1234567891011121314
(2)教学以上四个单词(齐读单词magazine;指名拼读单词post card及comic book的音标;教学单词newspaper时,问:how many words can you see from this word? what are they? new means“新的”;news means“新闻”;paper means“纸”;专门写新闻的纸,我们称为报纸)。
a. 教师:if we don"t know the word, we can look it up in the dictionary. (板书:dictionary)。
b. 把字典放在某些地方,让一个学生找,其他学生跟老师边拍手边说:dictionary, dictionary, where is the dictionary?
c. 学生找到字典后,要求他再找一找“这是谁的字典?”
(4)以相关图案检查学生对单词的了解。(出示“姚明”“灌篮高手”问:who is he? where can you see him?)
(7)利用“深呼吸——读单词——译码——内视单词——记下单词——对照单词”的方法熟记单词newspaper, post card, comic book.
b. 教学句子
step 3:extension
a. 完成let"s play部分。
(1)教师以售书者的身份呈现let"s play部分。
b. 小结
step 5: 作业
第五课时  教学设计
1. 知识目标
能听、说、读where, what 及 when引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应的回答。
2. 能力目标
where are you going this afternoon?
i’m going to the bookstore.
what are you going to buy?
i’m going to buy a comic book.
3. 情感目标
1.教师准备一张简明地图,标出bookstore,shoe store,fruit stand,pet shop等场所。
step 1:热身(warm-up)
(1)全班一起吟唱let"s chant的歌谣。
要拼写的单词包括:this morning/afternoon/evening,next week,newspaper,
s:it"s a bookstore.
r:what can you buy in the bookstore?
s: …
fruit stand:orange,apple,pear,banana….shoe store:sneakers,sandals,boots….(此时可引导学生说“a pair of sneakers/boots"’等)
step 2:预习(preview)
let"s try
教师指着地图中的商店及各商店所出售的物品说:look!there are so many stores
and so many goods.let"s listen to the tape and find out:①where is sarah going? ②what
is she going to buy? ③who is she going with?
教师放三遍let"s try部分的录音,以上问题可根据学生的实际情况分三次提出,直到多数学生能回答并能将前两项答案填人教师课前画出的表格中。在填表过程中,教师请学生一起拼写其中的四会单词,如:bookstore,comic book。
step 3:新课呈现(presentation)
let"s talk
教师指着黑板上的简明地图及表格说:look,sarah and chen j1e are going t(bookstore.where are you going? what are you going to buy? when are you go please write a shopping plan.指导学生结合表格中的购物地点、时间及商品三项提示,根据自己的购物;制定一个购物计划,组内学生可以互相交流讨论。
教师先与几名学生进行上述对话,再由学生提问来获知教师的购物计划由学生将有关信息填人表格中。学生两人一组互相丫解对方的shopping plan,灵活运用where,when,what导的三个疑问句互相提问和回答。
pair work
step 4:巩固和延伸(consolidation and extension)
第六课时  教学设计
1. 知识目标
(1)能够读懂let’s read部分,并能完成选词填填空练习。
(2)完成let’s check 的听音选图练习。
2. 能力目标
(2)能理解good to know部分的内容。
3. 情感目标
本课时的教学重点和难点是听、说、认读let"s read部分的对话。
1.教师准备各种职业的单词卡片,如:soldier,doctor,nurse,farmer,english teacher,
chinese teacher,science teacher等。
step 1:热身(warm-up)
(1)师生一起吟唱let"s chant部分的歌谣。
(2)教师出示各种职业的单词卡片,与学生进行问答:“what is he/she? he’s/
she"s a doctor.”等。教师把职业单词写在黑板上。
step 2:预习(preview)
task time
(1)教师指着黑板上各种职业的单词说: “everyone has a dream.what are you
going to be in the future? discuss with your partner.”引导学生使用“i"m going
to be a…”进行分组讨论,教师指导并适当记录学生的讨论情况。
r:what are you going to be one day?
s:i"m going to be a teacher.
r:oh,you want to be a teacher.(每项问答后教师都用这句话做总结,也可逐
step 3:新课呈现(presentation)
let"s read
(1)教师进行总结说:“you"re great.you have many wonderful dreams.sarah has a wonderful dream ,too.what is she going to be one day? what is she going to do this weekend? let"s read a dialogue.”学生仔细阅读对话,教师走动答疑。
(2)教师请学生简要回答刚才提出的两个问题,如:“a science teacher.plant trees.” 然后师生间自由会话:“do you want to be a science teacher?"’教师根据学生的回答继续提问:“do you like plants ?are you going to plant any~ees?”教师作出思考的表情,停顿一下说:“what else? let me see.…”然后做出想起千千冬:
的样子,问:“are you going to read any magazines about plants?do you need magazines about plants?"’教师板书a magazine about patoto师生自由会话后一起朗读文后提出的问题,学生再带着问题默读或朗读对蟧;同桌之间或组内同学可以互相讨论问题的答案并在横线上书写答句。
good to know
教师引入该部分教学:some of you want to be chinese teachers.so you should know something about the history of chinese writing.教师借助资料片介绍该部分,扩充学生的知识面。
step 4:巩固和延伸 (consolidation and extension)
(1)story time
教师说:zoom has a dream,let"s watch the vcd.too.he wants to learn how to swim.how does he learn?1234567891011121314
教师放story time的vcd(也可以呈现挂图并放故事的录音)。学生观看后讨
论故事的涵义,体会“learn by doing.”的道理。
(2)let"s check
教师放该部分录音,学生听录音选出正确选项。</p< p>
unit4 教学设计
1. 知识目标
(1)三会句子:what’s your hobby? i like collecting stamps.
(2)四会动词短语的ing 形式:collecting stamps, riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites.
2. 能力目标
(1)能够听、说、认读句子:what’s your hobby? i like collecting stamps
(2)能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:collecting stamps, riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites.
3. 情感目标
2.教师准备a部分let"s learn的单词卡片。
4.学生准备a部分let"s learn的单词卡片。
step 1 warm-up
sing a song with the students .
step 2 revision
1、teacher does some actions ,get the students to guess the phrases .for example :read a book, draw pictures , listen to the music , play football, etc.
2、teacher asks the students some questions : do you like drawing? do you like playing football ? do you like listening to music ? etc.
step 3 new concept
1、teacher shows a kite to the students : look ,what’s this ? do you like flying kites ? get the students to answer . then teacher shows the cai , look, what is he doing ? (making kites) teach the new phrase.
2、teacher do the actions :ride a bike and play the violin ,get the students to guess and learn the new phrases .
3、teacher shows the cai, get the students to look at the pictures about diving, learn the new word.
4、teacher shows the stamps , learn the new phrase.
step 4 practice
1、get the students to listen to the tape and repeat the phrases.
2、read the phrases in different ways .
3、work in groups , one student act out the phrase ,the others guess.
step 5 new concept
teacher draws a picture on the blackboard and say : i like drawing pictures . then , teacher shows some pictures to the students : look , they are my picture works , i like drawing , my hobby is drawing pictures.1234567891011121314
(write “hobby” on the blackboard.) teach the new word .
t: what’s my hobby ? i like drawing pictures .(write “i like …”on the blackboard)
then ask : what’s your hobby ? help the students answer the question.
step 6 practice
get the students to work in pairs , talk about their hobbies .
get the students to make a survey, ask some classmates about their hobbies .
step 7 chant
make a chant using the new phrases and sentences in this class.
chant: hobby, hobby , what’s your hobby ?
      diving ,diving , i like diving .
      hobby , hobby , what’s your hobby ?
      making , making , i like making kites.
get the students to ask their friend about their hobbies.
1. 知识目标
学生能听懂、会读、会说let’s talk部分内容。
2. 能力目标
(1)能较熟练地运用句型:he / she likes…
(2)听懂let’s try的录音并选出正确的答案。
3. 情感目标
重点:句型:what"s your hobby? i like collecting stamps.he likes collecting stamps,too.
难点:在实际情景中正确运用句型:he/she likes…
step 1 warm-up
sing the song“walking”with the students .
 step 2 revision
1、show the cai, get the students to read the phrases ,when they read , do the actions .
2、t does a free talk with the students, talk about their hobbies.
3、get the students to have a chain drill ,talk about their hobbies .
step 3 new concept
t does the chain drill with the students at last ,and ask the students the questions .
chain drill:
s1:what’s your hobby, s2?
s2: i like riding a bike. what’s your hobby , s3?
s3: i like reading a book . what’s your hobby , miss jiang ?
t: i like flying kites . (write the sentence on the blackboard)what’s your hobbies , s4?
s4: i like playing football.
t: what’s s4’s hobby ? help the students answer :he likes playing football.1234567891011121314
(write the sentence :he likes on the blackboard.)
step 4 practice
get the students to work in pairs , talk about their hobbies ,and then tell the teacher their partner’s hobbies .
(设计意图:通过对话,让学生了解同伴的爱好,并用第三人称在班内汇报,练习以第三人称做主语的句型:he likes…she likes… )
step 5 let’s try
get the students to listen to the tape , circle the right answers .
(设计意图:在上一环节的练习基础上,通过听力练习,进一步感知句型,为学习let’s talk做准备。)
step 6 let’s talk
t: what’s bill’s hobbies ? ss: he likes …
t: do you know what john’s hobby is ?
t shows the picture of a stamp show to the students , get the students to answer .
t: what about wu yifan , let’s listen to the tape .
get the students to listen to the tape and answer the question.
1、get the students to listen to the tape and repeat .
2、get the students to do the dialogue in pairs .
step 8 guessing game
t shows the cai, there are some people in the picture, get the students to guess their hobbies .
step 9 make a survey
get the students to work in groups , ask the partners about their hobbies .
homework: get the students to ask their parents about their hobbies .
1. 知识目标
(1)能够听、说、认读let"s read中的两封电子邮件。
2. 能力目标
能够听懂、会唱歌曲“my pen pal”。
3. 情感目标
重点:阅读let"s read中的两封电子邮件。
难点:能理解、认读句子:my twin sister ann likes drawing picture and making kites.we look the same,but we don"t like the same things.tell me something about you.
step 1 warm-up
teacher plays the tape , get the students to listen to the song“my pen pal”.
step 2 revision
1、show the cards to the students , get the students to read the cards and act out the phrases.
2、teacher does a free talk with the students ,ask the students some questions .
3、get the students to have a chain drill ,ask and answer the question : what’s your hobby ? i like…,then the teacher ask the students : what’s …’s hobby ? get the students to answer : he/she likes …1234567891011121314
step 3 presentation
1、teacher shows the picture about the twins , get the students to describe the two girls , tell the students that they are twin sisters.
  t: look at the two girl.this girl has long hair.that girl has long hair,too.this girl has big eyes.that girl has big eyes,too.they look the same.they are twin sisters.they are alice and ann. what is she doing? she"s drawing picture. what about the other girl? what is she doing? she"s writing an e-mail.what are their hobbies? now let"s read an e-mail.
2、 teacher plays the tape , get the students to listen and answer the questions : what’s alice’s hobby ? what’s ann’s hobby ?
step 4 practice
  1、get the students to listen to the tape and repeat.
  2、show the cai, there are some sentences on it ,get the students to read the e-mail and tick or cross.
step 5 presentation
  t: we all know liu yun is alice"s friend now.liu yun writes an e-mail to alice.let"s read her reply.please read the mail and tell me something about liu yun.
  get the students to read the second e-mail by themselves , and then try to say something about liu yun .
step 6 practice
  1、get the students to listen to the tape and repeat .
  2、help the students to finish the questions in this lesson .
  3、help the students to say something about the twins and liu yun .
  4 、get the students to work in groups , ask some question to the group member , then try to write something about their group member .
step 7 song
  get the students to listen to the song and try to sing with the tape .
homework : try to write a short passage about their friends .
1. 知识目标
(2)能够听、说、认读句子:does your pen pal live in shanghai? no, he doesn"t. he lives in beijing.
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
2.教师准备a、b部分let"s learn的单词卡片。
3.教师准备一些动物单词卡片和第一单元let"s learn部分的单词卡片。
step 1 warm-up
get the students to sing a song together “how do you go to school”
step 2 revision
1、teacher shows the card to the students , get the students to read the phrases .
2、do a free talk with the students .
step 3 new concept
1、t: i am a teacher , i go to school every day . i go to school on foot , i live near school , i live in an apartment .(write “live” on the blackboard)
teacher asks a student : do you live in an apartment ? where do you live ?
t: he lives in a house . (write “lives” on the blackboard)
then ask some students the same question , and get the others say : he/she lives in …
2、t: i am a teacher , i read books every evening , but my mother reads newspaper every evening .(write “read” and “reads” on the blackboard)
 help the students to say something about i read…. he/she/my mother/my father reads…
3、t: i am an english teacher , i teach english .does miss …teach english ? no, she doesn’t ,she teaches chinese.(write “teach” and “teaches” on the blackboard)
let the students to say some sentences about their teachers ,for example: miss…teaches math, mr. wang teaches music, etc.
teach the other words in the same way .
4、get the students to look at the blackboard and try to find out the rules.
5、show the cai , help the students to understand the rules .
step 4 drill
t say some sentences about i … , get the students to say the sentences about he/she/my mother/my friend/lily …for example:
t: i go to school on foot . s: liu yun goes to school by bike .
t: i read books in the evening . s: my mother reads a magazine in the evening .
step 5 practice
1、get the students to look at the pictures about bill, say some sentences about bill in groups .1234567891011121314
2、get the students to say something about their friends .
homework: tell something about your parents.
1. 知识目标
能够听、说、读、写句型:does she teach english? no, she doesn"t. / yes, she does.
2. 能力目标
(2)能听懂、会说本单元的歌谣 “ tell me about your pen pal”。
3. 情感目标
重点:四会掌握句型:does she teach english? no,she doesn’t.yes,she does.
2.教师准备b let"s learn的单词卡片和b let"s talk的挂图。
step 1 warm-up
get the students to sing the song together .(my pen pal)
step 2 revision
1、work in pairs , talk about their hobbies.
2、have a chain drill, ask and answer : do you like …?
step 3 let’s try
get the students to listen to the tape and circle the right answer.
 (设计意图:通过听力练习,使学生对does she/he…这一句型有初步感知。)
step4 presentation
1、t: what does your mother do ? does she go to work by bike ?(write the sentence “does your mother/she …?”on the blackboard)
t: do you know miss wang ? does she teach english ? does she teach math ?
help the students answer the questions and write the answers on the blackboard.
t asks several students , make sure the students understand .
2、t: zhang peng’s mother is a teacher, does she teach english ? let’s listen to the tape.
step 5 practice
1、get the students to listen to the tape and answer the question.
2、listen to the tape and repeat.
3、get the students to work in pairs , change the phrases ,talk about the questions : does your mother go to work by bike ? does your father read books in the evening ? does your mother live in the city ?
4 call some students to do open pair work in the class.
step 6  guessing game
play a game with the students.
t: this is a kind of animal .
s: does it live in the forest ? does it live in the river ?1234567891011121314
t: yes, it does./no, it doesn’t. get the students to guess what it is .
t: she is our teacher .
s: does she teach math ? /does she teach chinese?
t: yes, she does./no, she doesn’t. get the students to guess who she is .
step 7 consolidation
1、get the students to listen to the tape and tick.
2、teacher show a picture and some verbs to the students , get the students to ask and answer in groups.
homework: practice the sentences using some pictures.
1. 知识目标
(1)能够听、说、认读句子:they are very different.
(2)能够完成let’s check部分的练习。
2. 能力目标
(1)能够读懂let’s read部分,并能完成相应的活动。
(2)能够完成task time部分的活动。
3. 情感目标
重点:理解let"s read中的短文。
难点:理解let"s read中的短文。
2.教师准备a、b部分let"s learn的单词卡片和b let"s read的挂图。
step 1 warm-up
      get the students to say the chant in this unit .
step 2 revision
 1、t shows the cards about the phrases in this unit ,get the students to do pair work.
2、get the students to have a competition , spell the words and phrases in this unit .
step 3 presentation
t: do you remember alice and her sister ann ? they are twins , they look the same ,but they are very different .do they have the same hobbies? do they like the same things? do they go to school together? let"s read.
  get the students to read the passage by themselves,and then answer the questions.
      step 4 practice
      1get the students to listen to the tape and repeat.
      2 get the students to work in groups , read the passage .
      3 get the students to make some questions about this passage , ask and answer in pairs.
step 5 competition
divide the class into two groups , get the students to make sentences using the sentence pattern in this unit .
step 6 game
get the students to work in groups ,one student to be a famous person, the others to be reporters , ask the famous person some questions.
      homework: write the sentences and phrases in this unit .1234567891011121314


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