
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-28 网络整理 晴天


step 1: warm-up
good afternoon, boys and girls.
good afternoon, teacher
2、daily talk(t-s)(大概)
eg:what did you /he /she do …?
what did you /he /she do …?
did you go to …
what are you going to do …
what is he/ she going to do …
are you going to…
 3、sing a song: what are you going to do?
step2: presentation/practice
1、brain storm(ppt出示动词图片、词组,学生快速朗读一次)
da xiong’s last week
da xiong: (crying)i failed the english test.
ding dang: i am sorry to hear that. what did you do last week?
da xiong: oh! i was busy last week. i went to a park by bus last monday. i took many pictures with my friends last tuesday. i played football last wednesday. i walked to grandma’s home last thursday .i watched tv last friday…ha,ha, i was so happy.
ding dang: oh! you always play. that’s why you failed the english test.
1、回答问题:what did da xiong do last friday?(he watched tv last friday.) 并板书:he watched tv last friday.
da xiong           to a park by bus last monday. he      many pictures with his friends last tuesday. he         football last wednesday. he         to grandma’s home last thursday.
he         tv last friday.  he was happy.123
t: da xiong failed the exam. why? is it very difficult? let’s help him.
clean (       )climb (       ) wash(      )watch(      )
dance(        )
study(        ) 
see (       ) take (      ) swim (       )  fly(     )
i can write more:                                                                             
check the answers. 检查谁写的动词过去式多(教师检查及学生小组内检查)
(设计意图:通过做大雄的试题进行笔试练习,让学生检查自己的学习情况,试题能帮助学生归类出动词的过去式的几种形式:1、一般在动词词尾加ed。2、如果动词以字母e结尾,变过去式时直接在词尾加d。 3、如果动词是以辅音字母加y结尾,变过去式时要变y为i再加ed。 4、部分不规则动词的过去式。而且试题设计一条横线让学生自己写更多的动词及过去式,具有灵活性。)
2、 let’s chant
is, was, are, were. ready?
go, went, went to a park
see, saw, saw elephants
eat, ate, ate good food
read, read, read a book
take, took, took pictures
swim, swam, swam in the sea
what did you do last weekend?
i ate, ate, ate good food.
(设计意图: 通过chant 的形式进一步巩固过去时及短语搭配。欢快的节奏活跃课堂气氛、调整孩子们疲劳的脑神经,也为知识的巩固降低了难度。)
t:if you are da xiong, what are you going to do next week?
s1:i am going to…   s2:i am going to…
t:ok, let’s see what is da xiong going to do next week?
da xiong’s next week
ding dang: da xiong, there is another test 1 week later. what are you going to do next week?
da xiong: what shall i do? oh, i see. i will study hard next week. i’m going to read english with my sister next monday. i’m going to read a book next tuesday. i’m going to do my homework next wednesday. i’m going to mike’s home by bike next thursday afternoon. i’m going to watch tv friday evening…
ding dang: that’s right.123
1、1st listen: answer the question: what is da xiong going to do next week?并板书:(he is going to study hard next week.)
am/is/are going to = will
1、da xiong will read chinese next monday. (      )
2、he is going to watch tv  next tuesday. (      )
3、he is going to mike’s home last thursday. (      )
4、he is going to watching tv next friday evening. (      )
t:read the dialogue and try to ask some questions.
在规定的时间内阅读对话“da xiong’s next week”,并准备好自己的问题,然后学生分两组进行问答擂台赛。
1、changing partners(练习下列句型)
a、用过去式造陈述句 i ate good food.
b、用将来时造陈述句 i am going to…
c、用where , what,  how… 造过去式或将来时的问句
2、make a postcard to da xiong.
t: design your postcard in your group, and then write sth about your “last weekend” and “next weekend”.
(设计意图:通过让学生通过小组合作的形式,给大雄设计一份post card,写出自己上周和下周的活动,从而在笔头上综合检查学生对过去式和将来时的掌握情况,而且在这个活动中培养学生的合作精神。)
step4 : summary
step 5: homework
make a book : my weekends(含过去与将来)教师先展示自己的书
(say goodbye to da xiong and di dang)
                   review the tense  (ⅱ)
                 he watched tv last friday.
           he is going to study hard next week.
                am/is/are going to = will




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