【6a充电线和5a的区别】6A Unit 4-6单元作文

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-27 网络整理 晴天


unit 4weekend shopping 1. i want to buy these sunglasses. because i like them. i want to buy these jeans. because they are cool. i want to buy those gloves. because they’re very cheap.
2. i like going shopping. i want to buy a cd for my sister. because my sister likes music very much. then, i want to buy these gloves. because my mom’s gloves are old. oh, i have no money. i will go home now.
   unit 5 (注:要用过去时写)
1. once i had a problem. my bike was broken. i was very worried. so i asked mom for advice. she said:” you should tell your father. he can help you.” then, i told my father. i was so happy because my father fix it.
2. once i had a problem. i had a headache. so i didn’t do homework. i was very worried. i asked my friend for some advice. she said,“you should explain to english teacher.” then, i told my teacher, but she wasn’t angry with me.
 unit 6
   i have a friend. her name is lingling. she lives in qingdao. her favorite subject is english. she has many chores at home. she makes her bed every day. we are going to the zoo tomorrow. we are good friends.
  my e-mail friend is maomao. he lives in beijing. he has to do homework every day. tomorrow is his birthday. i want to buy these sweatpants for him. because he likes this style.  i miss him very much.
新昌路小学 赵文清老师提供:
1. tomorrow is my father’s birthday. i want to buy a gift for him. he likes music. so i want to buy a cd. but it is expensive. i can buy a pair of sunglasses. it’s cheap.
2. today is cindy’s birthday. i’m buying gifts for her. she likes chocolate. but she is very fat. i can’t buy it. i’m buying a pencil-box and some pencils for her. she will like them.
3. i will buy a cd for him. because my father likes music. i will buy a pair of gloves. because it’s cold. i will buy a pen. i think father will be happy.
4. tomorrow is my father’s birthday. i’ll buy some gifts for him. first, i’m going to a shopping mall. i want to buy a belt for him. but i only have 50 yuan and the belt costs 55yuan. so i just can buy a tie and a pair of shoes. yes! then i think my father will be happy.
5. i want to buy a birthday gift for mum. wow! mom likes these sunglasses. they’re only $10. mom prefers the red one. i’ll take it. oh, this bag is too cheap. it’s $15! i like it. this cap is cool. but it’s $35. i don’t have enough money. those comic books are $5. i’ll take them. now i have no money. i have to go home.
定陶路小学 刘文君老师提供:123
1. tomorrow is my father"s birthday. i will buy a gift for him. i"m buying a book. because he likes reading books. i think he will be happy.
2. my father"s birthday will be coming. i want to buy a pair of gloves for him . i have only 10yuan .but the gloves are 20 yuan. it"s so expensive. i can"t buy them. finally i decide to buy a belt for him.

from new century school:
once i had a problem. i was doing my homework. suddenly i had a headache. so i went to the hospital. i asked the doctor for some advice. he told me i should sleep more. i did so.
once i had a problem. i had a stomochache. i didn"t sleep at night. i asked mom for some advice. she said i should stay at home. i was glad. that was a good idea for me.
once i had a toothache at night. i visited the dentist. i didn"t do my homework. i asked my friend for some advice. he said i should explain to my teacher. it was a good idea. i did so.

i want to buy a birthday gift for xu zhenghuan. i have only $40. i’m now in a shopping mall. xu zhenghuan likes sports. so i want to buy a baseball cap for her. but it costs $43. it’s so expensive. i don’t have enough money. then i see a pair of gloves. i don"t have enough money. then i see a pair of gloves. i want to buy them. because winter is coming. the gloves have blue and pink. i think she prefers the blue one. they are very cool. after that i still have $15 to spend, suddenly i see a cd. it’s the latest computer games. she likes computer games very much. i think she’ll so glad and she will say “thank you my best friend!” to me. so i will take them. if she is happy, then i will happy too. because we’re friends.
六年级三班 王佳

六年级3班 李伯楠
tomorrow is father’s birthday. i want to buy a birthday gift for him. but i have only $20. i can’t buy expensive things. i’m now in a shipping mall. i want to buy golves for him. but they cost $30. i don’t have enough money. then i want to buy a belt. it cost $10 last week. today it costs $26. i don’t have enough money, too. i’m sad. look! “the spoder man” cd is cheap. and it si very popular. i will take it. after that, i still have $10 to spend. it’s winter now. it’s cold. so i want to buy a coat for him. the coll coat costs $30. i’m very glad because it costs $10. great! i will take it, too! i think dad will be glad. he’ll like it.

tomorrow is my father"s birthday. i will buy a birthday gift for him. first i want to buy a pair of shoes ,but i don"t have enough money. then i want to buy a cap for him. oh.it"s cheap. i will buy it . my father will be very glad. 123

i"m buying a belt for my father. because my dad"s belt is broken. he is very angry.i"m very worried.if i give him a new belt ,he"ll be happy. i"m in a shopping mall now.

i"m buying a belt for my father. because my dad"s belt is broken. he is very angry.i"m very worried.if i give him a new belt ,he"ll be happy. i"m in a shopping mall now.



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