
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-21 网络整理 晴天


pep book 8             unit 4  my holiday    part  b   let`s talk    学习目标语言知识   语言技能   情感态度

听、说、认、写句型:how did you go there? i went by train.


能够完成let’s find out中的调查活动。

听懂let’s try部分的录音,完成听音圈图的练习。

了解story time中的故事培养学生合理安排学习和生活的能力,激发学生热爱大自然的美好情感。重点

在实际情境中恰当运用三个特殊疑问词where, what, how进行交流。难点


短语卡片(b部分let’s learn.)、录音(let’s try, let’s talk, story time )。

、各种交通工具的图片及单词卡片、准备调查表格同教材p44 let’s find out教学过程环节师生活动设计意图preparation准备活动presentation呈现新知practice巩固练习

production 输出运用


1.let’s chant教师播放p41歌谣的录音,学生听录音跟唱。

2.talk about amy

(1)复习let’s learn b的短语。教师提问:what did amy do on her holiday? 引导学生回忆上一课时的内容作答。



3.let’s try听录音做练习。what did mike do ?

(1)教师播放录音内容:mike: how was your holiday?

                           chen: it was fun.

                           mike: what did you do?

                           chen: i saw elephants.


let’s talk

(1)教师将went ice-skating的图片摆放在黑板中间,引导学生对图中内容提问和回答。(问题范围不限,只要与图相关即可)123


(3)教师播放配套录音内容一遍,提问:where did  sarah go on her holiday? 学生边听边看图,引导学生回答。教师提问:how did she go there? 学生再听,回答。教师提出第三个问题:did she go ice-skating? 学生听后给出答案。教师最后问:what did she do? 学生回答:she went skiing.



role play(1)请学生进行角色表演。(3~4组)

       (2)两人小组根据自身的情况改编对话。(教师出示let’s talk中的其余图片,供学生选择)(3~4组)


game把学生分成4个小组,各组分别写地点、时间、交通工具、动词短语过去式形式。写好后,请一名学生分别从四个组的纸条里抽一张,其他同学ask together:where did you go on your holiday? how did you go there?what did you do there?该生回答。 

 let’s find out

  (1)(板书句子)where did you go? and how did you go there? by train or by airplane? 引导学生回答。(这时教师提供几种交通工具的图片:airplane, train, ship, bus, car, jeep, taxi, subway, bike, 给学生语言的支持。)(教师根据自己的情况决定引导出交通工具的顺序)

  (2)两名学生之间进行类似的问答练习(教师板书句子:how did you go there?)。

(3)教师示范:持事先准备好的第44页let’s find out表格随意采访三名学生后,把采访结果填入表格中。(4)3~4组学生汇报,全班学生核对答案:教师展示其中一位成员填写好的表格内容,其余三名学生分别进行介绍,全班一起核对填写的是否正确。


story time

  (1)教师出示story time的挂图,针对故事教师提出问题:where did zoom go? what did he see? how did he come back? did he take any pictures there? 学生看图回答问题。






1.exercises 完成课堂练习

2. summary:请学生自己总结本课所学的重点内容。


copy the four skills 4 times.

 let’s find out

preview the new lesson .and fill in the blanks after the passage.采取灵活多样的形式复习巩固上节课所学的内容提出问题让学生养成边听边思考的习惯通过不同层次的练习让学生牢固掌握及时奖励学生的参与游戏更能激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生有效地运用英语知识。充分培养学生的合作交流意识培养学生的阅读能力和技巧


巩固总结本课内容unit 4 my holiday  a  let’s talk板书设计      how did you go there?      story time 图片     i went by train/…….       各种交通工具的词卡、图片       教学反思:【课堂达标练习】姓名__________    班级__________  得分__________     等级________

一、英汉互译(写出动词短语的的过去式形式)。通过做题再读一读,说说你发现了什么?20% by plane ________________           on the third floor  ________________ on monday _____________           saw elephants  ____________________ 拍照  __________________           学英语    _____________________ 去滑雪 _________________           去滑冰   _____________________  买礼物_______________              划小船   _____________________

 二、听录音,写一写, 完成短文24% 

   三、听录音,排序18%              (   )i went swimming.            (    )where did you go on your holiday?                                               (   )what dis you do ?             (    )i went to harbin.  (   )how did you go there?         (    )i went by train. 四、用方框内的词填空。20% what   when   where   how    why 1.--________didyou go on your holiday?    ---i went to xinjiang. 2--__________dod you do on your holiday?   ----i ate good food. 3.--___________were you late for school?   ------because my bike was broken. 4.--___________was your last trip?      -------last summer. 5.--___________did you go on your holiday?  ---we went by airplane on our holiday.  五、选择。18% 1.________did you do on your holiday? ---i climbed the mountain. a.when   b.where   c. what 2. what ________your brother do?    –he sang and danced. a.did     b. doing  c. does 3.i ________ a book in the bookshop last weekend.  a. buy    b.buys   c.bought 4._______did you go on your holiday?---harbin.    a. where  b.what   c.when 5. we had some good things__________my lunch.   a. to     b. for     c.at 6.she sang and danced ________his friends.       a. with     b.on      c.of



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