
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-20 网络整理 晴天


主题 illness; feelings 
教学内容  本单元内容包括:
a: let’s start,  let’s chant, let’s lean, let’s play , let’s try, let’s talk, let’s read.
b: a: let’s lean, , let’s try, let’s talk,  pair work  let’s read. group work
c: task time  pronunciation  good to know let’s sing  story time
解读    1. 本单元内容主要是围绕“看病就医”和“描述心情”两个话题展开。“看病就医”是日常生活中的一个常见话题。a部分介绍了有关这一话题的常用词汇和日常交际用语;b部分主要介绍有关“心情”的词汇和交际用语,并且结合一个话题引入了时间状语从句和原因状语从句。b部分还涉及到系动词look, feel 的一些用法,教师在教学过程中不必过分强调其语法意义。
2.本单元的教学是使学生掌握如何用英语表达心情并能简单陈述原因,使学生了解常见病的基本特征及进行简单治疗的英语表达法。如句型有:what’s the matter? how do you feel? how does he/ she feel? how are you? you look so happy等。让学生在各种语言活动中熟悉运用不同句型进行交流,句型what’s the matter with you? 在第四册下册中已出现一次,教师在教学时可先引导学生复习旧知识,再自然呈现本单元的重点句型。
课标要求 课标在二级目标中,对这一学段提出了具体的目标:1. 对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好2.知道错误的发音会影响交际;了解简单的拼读规则;3.知道主要人称代词的区别;了解英语简单句的基本形式和表意功能;能理解和表达有关身体健康、心情愉快的话题的简单信息;4.在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,听懂简单的话语或录音材料;听懂简单的配图小故事;能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。5.在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。乐于了解异国文化、习俗。
教学目标  能力目标:
1.能够简单询问他人的身体是否健康、心情是否愉快,如:what’s the matter? how do you feel? how does she/he feel? 
2.能够简单表达自己或他人的健康状况以及各种情绪和心理状态,如:“i have a headache/cold/toothache/fever/flu. i feel sick. i am happy/sad/angry/bored/tired/
excited. he/ she is excited.”
3.能够简单表达感冒期间的注意事项,如:take some medicine. drink some hot water”等。
4.能够简单表达陈述产生某种心情的原因,如:“i feel sad because i failed my math test.”5.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“the way  i feel”.
1. 能够掌握a、b部分let’s learn 中的四会单词和let’s talk中的三组句子。
2. 能够听、说、认读a、b le’s learn部分的三会单词和let’s talk中的三会句型。
3. 能够读懂let’s read 中的对话和短文,能够完成检测学生理解程度的填充句子练习。
4. 能够理解、会唱let’s chant, let’s sing等部分的内容。
5. 了解2个元音和6个辅音的读音,能区分它们不同的发音方式,并能根据所给的音标拼出单词的读音。
6. 能够听懂、理解story time、good to know、task time 中的内容。12345678910111213141516
2.学习策略:引导学生在学习过程中注重合作学习,利用教材中设计的pair work、group work、let’s play或task time部分,培养学生合作的意识。
教学重难点 重点:1、四会单词和句子的听、说、读、写。
2、let’s learn部分单词和短语的听说读写。
3、句型what’s the matter?  的运用。
2、read and write 的理解。
学情分析 六年级下学期是小学生在升入初中前的最后一个学期,经过三年多的英语学习,已经具备了一定的语言基础和交际能力,并掌握了一些学习英语的技能。他们富有活力、思维跳跃极强、表现欲强。然而,他们身上也存在着缺点,所学内容因为广泛而掌握得不扎实,读写能力相对于听说还稍逊一筹,个别的学生行为习惯应再加强,鼓励他们在课堂上认真听讲,积极主动的回答老师提出的问题,善于提问。所以在教学中为了促进其在课堂上的耐心,使全体学生参与到教学活动中来,教师要特别采取适合本班学生的评价手段,以便于更好地调动学生的积极性和学习英语的欲望,达到预期的目的。
课时安排 第一课时:a. let’s learn  let’s play.  let’s try  let’s talk  let’s play
第二课时:let’s start  let’s chant  a. let’s read c. pronunciation
第三课时:b let’s learn  pair work  let’s try let’s talk  pair work
第四课时:b let’s read c task time  let’s sing  good to know
第五课时: group work c story time.  let’s check

 课题 unit 2 what’s the matter?a let’s learn &talk 
教学目标 1.能够听说读写单词和短语:have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore throat. 能够听说读句型:what’s the matter, mike? i feel sick. i have a fever.
2.能够掌握四会句子:what’s the matter? my throat is sore. my nose hurts.并进行关键词的替换操练。
3.能够听懂let’s try部分,并能根据录音内容正确标号。
教学重难点 `1、重点是掌握a、let’s learn的四会单词和短语,并询问别人的身体状况。
围绕话题“看病”展开的句型:what’s the matter? my throat is sore. my nose hurts.
难点是正确拼写四会单词和短语、掌握四会句型。x kb 1.co m
准备 1.教师课前制作有关身体部位的单词卡nose,eye,face,mouth,ear,head,leg,foot,hand,finger,以及本课时将要学习的新词(单词下注上汉语)throat,tooth,stomach
对本主备稿的评价 12345678910111213141516
教       学      过      程 二次备课
step 1.preparation
1. free talk
t:hello, boys and girls . how are you ?
 ss :i’m fine,thank you. how are you?
t:i’m fine,too,thank you.i have some cards,look at the cards,please read and touch quickly.
2. revision
教师出示有关身体部位的单词卡(nose,eye,face,mouth,ear,head,leg, foot, hand,
finger,以及本课时将要学习的新词throat,tooth,stomach)学生看卡,read and touch quickly.如:教师出示词卡nose,学生边摸自己的鼻子边说nose,nose,touch your nose.
step 2.presentation
1、教师戴上mike的头饰,t:now,i’m mike. t: hello, friends .how are you ? ss :i’m fine,thank you. how are you ?
t:i’m not fine.i feel sick.教师作出不舒服的表情,出示背面写有汉语的词卡sick,边贴卡边教学新词sick, i feel sick. 学生拼读新词sick。
2、t:i feel sick.how do you feel?
s1:i feel sick.
t:what’s the matter?教师板书句型,并领读。
t:me too. 教师用手指自己的喉咙,t:look,this is my throat.板书教读throat,学生拼读throat 。教师边做动作边说my throat is sore. 板书教读sore,学生拼读sore.  t: my throat is sore.i have a sore throat.板书have a sore throat.学生依次边做动作边读新词。师生互相问答并作出相应的表情what’s the matter? i have a sore throat.
3、教师出示自己贴着创可贴的手说: look,i hurt my finger. so my finger hurts.板书hurt(my finger hurts.)并领读. 学生拼读hurt, 学生依次读新词。呈现zhangpeng腿部受伤图片, t:what’s the matter with zhang peng ? 引导学生说出:zhang peng’s leg hurts. 师生互相问答,然后同桌之间互相问答。
4、 4、教师出示jim牙疼的图片并在图片上画一些糖果,t: what’s the matter with him?学生可能用汉语说出牙疼,教师出示词卡 have a toothache 并进行分解教学。(教师将词卡tooth \ache在斜线处折叠,并在单词下写上汉语,让学生能更清楚地看出单词的结构和体会单词意义。单词headache,earache,stomachache的呈现也同此。最好在呈现两个同类词汇后,引导学生自己读出并总结此类词汇的组成及意义) whatdoes jim like? 学生猜出后,师说:yes !he likes eating sweets. so he often has a toothache.
5、教师呈现图片(图片中画mike发烧的样子并画一支特大号体温计,上面标出温度39度)t:look! what’s the matter with me? 教学have a fever师示范朗读,学生跟读. 让学生触摸他人和自己的前额来判断是否发烧.
6、教师利用肢体语体帮助表达:“i feel sick.i have a fever.i have a headache.i have a sore throat.my nose hurts.what’s the matter with me?guess!”根据学生的回答引出短语:have a cold。教师板书该短语领读。
7、听a let’s learn 部分的录音,学生跟读.
step 3  practice
1、 t:let’s play a game.please watch and guess: what’s the matter with me?教师做动作,学生猜词语;师说词语,学生做动作。。
2、 教师做动作,学生出示自己制作的相应词卡并大声读出来。
3、 学生利用词卡进行小组活动。
4、“敲敲打打”活动 。教师将学生分成两大组,每组派一名代表站到黑板前。教师说单词或短语,请学生敲击听到的单词或短语,谁敲得既对又快得一分,最后得分高的组获胜。
what’s the matter?    what’s the matter? 
   fever, fever, i have a fever.
   headache,headache, i have a headache.
what’s the matter?   what’s the matter? 
   toothache ,toothache ,i have a toothache
   sore throat, sore throat, i have a sore throat.
what’s the matter?    what’s the matter? 
   cold , cold, i have a cold.
   hurt, hurt,my leg hurts .
【设计意图】通过吟唱chant,既调节了学生的情绪,又复习巩固了所学的单词、句型,为let’s talk 的学习作好了铺垫。
let’s try
1、what’s the matter with them?listen and number.
3、check the answers.
let’s try 听力内容:boy:i have a cold.i have a sore nose.
girl:my throat hurts.i have a sore throat.
boy:i hurt my hand.
girl:i have a fever.i think i have the flu.
boy:i feel sick.i have a headache.
let’s talk    xk b1.co m
1.t:the children all feel sick.what about amy?how does amy feel? what’s the matter with her?close your books,listen and answer the questions.
2.listen to the tape twice,check the answers.
3.open your books,listen and repeat.
step 2.practice
【设计意图】 新授后先进行机械操练,然后通过分角色来熟悉本课的句型,和重点句型。为production打下基础。
step3 production
1.t: when we feel sick,what should we do?yes,we should go and see a doctor.now,i’m a patient .who wants to be a doctor?
2. s1:how do you feel,teacher?
t:i feel sick.
s1:what’s the matter?
t:i have a cold.i have a headache.i have a sore throat.
step 4 progress
(3)制作let’s play 部分单词和短语,完成bingo游戏。12345678910111213141516
unit 2  what’s the matter, mike?
a、let’s learn & let’s talk
       how do you feel?
          i feel sick .              have a fever
         what’s the matter?        have a headache
                  i   have a toothache
                                    have a sore throat   my throat is sore.                   
                                    have a cold
 my ..  .hurts.

课题 unit 2 what’s the matter?a、 let’s read 
教学目标 1.能听、说、认读动词短语get/have the flu、see the doctor、take some medicine、drink hot drinks、stay in bed和get better soon。
2.能听、说、认读句子if you …, you might… . 。
3.能够理解并会朗读let’s read部分的短文,并回答课后问题。
点 1.重点是理解并正确朗读短文。
准备 1.教师准备本课时所需的词卡、图片、小黑板。
教       学      过      程 二次备课
 step 1.preparation
1.free talk
t: how are you? (板书how?)
s: i’m fine / happy … . and you?
t: i feel sick.
s:what’s the matter?
t:i have a cold.i have a headache.i have a sore throat.依次提问 do you have a sore throat? do you have a headache? do you have a toothache?
教师依次出示let’s learn部分的词卡,学生边读边作出相应的动作,并拼读关键词fever,hurt,headache,toothache等。
3.播放let’s chant,师生一齐吟唱。
how are you feeling?    fine.how are you?
i have a headache.      i have the flu.
how are you feeling?    fine.how are you?12345678910111213141516
i’m feeling better.    i’m as good as new.
【设计意图】通过chant歌谣 调动学生情绪,适应到学习英语的环境中来,并通过复习旧知,以旧引新。
step 2.pre_reading
1.t: i’m feeling better now.i’m happy.are you happy? if you’re happy, sing with me and fly like a bird. ok? (在黑板上贴单词fly)
师生齐唱: if you are happy, fly, fly. if you are happy, fly, fly. if you’re happy, fly, fly.
【设计意图】歌曲if you’re happy学生耳熟能详,唱这首歌既能活跃气氛,又能理解if这个较为抽象的关联词,而且在改编了歌词的基础上复习fly这个词,为之后学习新词flu打下语音和拼写基础。
2.t: if you’re happy, what do you do? let me guess! (板书what?)
  hi, ×××! if you’re happy, you might dance/sing. (教师出示注有汉语的might词卡,教读。)
s: yes. / no.
t: guess! if i’m happy, what do i do? (板书if you …, you might… .)
s: if you’re happy, you might … .
t: maybe. the answer is ‘if i’m happy, i fly like a butterfly.’
t: if i feel sick. what’s the matter with me?
s: if you feel sick. you might have a headache.
t: maybe! / the answer is that ‘i have a cold’.
【设计意图】这一环节是通过猜测,使学生体会might的含义,既有趣又能复习各种生病的症状,训练本课关键句型if you …, you might… .
3. t: (教师手拿cold词卡演示飞来飞去的样子)today we’re going to know another kind of cold. this cold flies here and there. if it flies to you,(在此处将字母卡片y反过来变成u) you might get the flu.
4. t:if you get the flu,what should you do ?出示图片,教学see the doctor,take some medicine,drink hot drinks,stay in bed ,feel better.
 step 3.in_reading 
(1)t: how do some people feel in the winter? why?read the passage and tick or cross.
a.some people feel sick in the winter.     (  )
b.many people get the flu in winter.        (  )
c. if you have a sore throat, have a headache, you might have the flu.(   )
d.if you are sick ,see the doctor first. (    )
(3)check the answers.
(1)教师用小黑板出示问题a.how do you feel if you have the flu?
b.what do you do if you have the flu?
t:read carefully and answer the two questions.who wants to read?
   1.how do you feel if you have the flu?
   2.what do you do if you have the flu?
(4)check the answers.
3.listen to the tape twice,first listen then listen and repeat.
4.read aloud in groups.
step 4.post_reading
1. 看病开处方。
d: good morning, …             s: good morning, doctor.
d: what’s your name?             s: my name is …
d: what’s the matter?             s: i feel sick.
d: do you have a headache?        s: yes.
d: do you have a fever?           s: i don’t know. i feel very cold.
d: do you have a sore throat?       s: yes.
d: come to me and say “aha”      s: aha…
d: you have a cold.               s: oh. what should i do then?
d: i’ll give you some medicine. drink hot driniks and stay at home for three days.
处方: name:     age:    
symptom(症状): have a headache,sore throat,nose hurt
diagnosis(诊断): have a bad cold
advice (建议) :take some medicine and drink hot water  stay in bed
2. what can we do to refuse the flu?
(1)t:my friend mike is in canada now. he has a problem.this is his letter. 
(hi, everybody! i’m in canada now. sometimes i am sick because it’s very cold here. if i don’t want to be sick, what should i do?)
  s: if you don’t want to be sick, you can do sports… .
  dear mike,
how are you? i hope you are fine. you told me that it’s cold in canada. if you don’t want to be sick, you can __________________________________12345678910111213141516
   take care !
【设计意图】本节课着眼于患病后的病症及解决办法,而我希望给学生一个更好的导向:防患于未然。因此我将此次拓展内容定位在预防上。既能将自己的常识和已学语言知识运用于本课的新句型if you…,又增进了同学之间的友谊与相互合作的意愿。
(2)教师让学生听录音,带领学生认读音标和例词,指导学生归纳发音规律,并帮助学生完成read and match部分的活动。
 step 5.progress
a.朗读课文三遍。可以把a let’s read读给朋友和家长听。
b.完成let’s check 第一题。
板书设计:unit 2  what’s the matter?  a let’s read.
if you …, you might… .
                       have a sorethroat
how?  have aheadache
        have afever
have the flu            see the doctor
                       take some medicine
what?    drink hot drinks
       stay in bed
                       feel better                      

六年级第八册第二单元 课题 unit  2  part b let’s learn& let’s  talk 
教学目标  1.能够听说读写表情情绪的五个单词:tired, angry, excited, happy, sad ,以及四会句子:how are you? you look so happy. you look sad taday.”
2.能够听说认读读句子:how are you?liu yun?  you look so happy.i’m sorry to hear that并能在实际情境中运用。 12345678910111213141516
3.学唱歌曲:the way i feel
点  重点:使学生熟练掌握四会单词和句子,并能在实际情境中运用。
准备  1.教师准备本课时所需的词卡。
教       学      过      程 二次备课
1、free talk
how do you feel if you have the llu?
what do you do if you have the llu?
(1)is with the what matter you?
(2)you feel how do /
(3)throat,my sore is
把学生分成两个大组,让他们快看,快拼句子,最后哪组拼提既对又快就可以获胜,教师给予奖励。   新课 标第 一
(一)let’s learn
1、上面的活动结束后,获胜的小组肯定会很兴奋,这时老师指着他们对另一组学生说:look! they are so excited”  老师反复说几遍,让学生看老师的口形,听清后跟读,教师板书单词:excited  教师问:how do you feel ?生答:i’m excited.  之后老师指其中一生问:how does she/he  feel ?示意让生答:she/he is excited 这样示范一两遍后,让学生互相问答。(先找一生站起来,并做出兴奋的样子)。
2、教师做出“开心”的样子对学生说:you are very  happy. i am happy, too.look at my face.this is a happy face. 然后在黑板上画happy face.和sad  face. ,这时教师指着sad  face 问学生:is  it  a happy face?以此来教学单词happy 和 sad。并板书这两个单词。然后找两同学上台,其中一生做笑脸的表情,另一学生做难过的表情,老师问:how does she/he  feel?让生答:she’s/he’s__________
3、老师出示一张画有“无聊”的人物图片,问学生:is he happy ?学生肯定答:no. 老师接着问:how does she  feel?学生有可能会答:he is sad .老师这时补充说:he is bored. 并板书此单词,老师再用肢体动作和表情来帮学生理解其含义。
4、教师课前安排好两名学生这时在下面搞小动作,被老师发现了,老师立刻停止讲课,并做出生气的表情,当这两生听见没有声音时,问老师:how are you ,miss liang?师接着说:i’m angry. 并板书教生认读(师这时表情变为笑脸)然后同桌之间互相做表情,进行问答。
教师发指令,师生一起做,如:stand up!  run!  walk! jump!  jump! jump10 times.活动结束后,教师说:i’m very tired.  并板书:tired. 让学生拼读。6、教师放let’s learn 录音,学生跟读单词。
教师先示范,教师做出的各种表情,让学生猜:are you  happy. /tired/bored....?然后再找一生上台做表情,让其他学生猜,并用以上的问答最后学生两人一组,一个做表情,另一个猜,并会使用:are you....?和do you feel ...? 两个句子提问。12345678910111213141516
(二)let’s try
1、  you look so  happy. but how do these children feel?放let’s try  录音,让学生看图,静听一遍,然后再放一遍,让学生看图,听音,标号。
2、tom is tired. mary is sad. jack is bored. but what’s the matter with them? 学生看书上 let’s  start 图说:look at the picture. what are they doing? what’s the matter with them? they look so tired. i’m sure they have had a big trip. 教学新词 trip 并板书a big trip  领读。
(三)let’s  talk
3、they look so tired. they had a big trip. but
(1)how i s liu yun? is she happy? is she excited? why? (让学生听音回答问题)
(2)教师再问:is sarah happy? how does  she feel? why? 让学生接着听音回答。
(3)请学生打开书再听录音,当听到i failed the math test.  这句时,停止听音,板书此句话,拿出准备好的一张成绩很差的数学试卷,让学生了解此句意思,然后再听两遍录音。
 pair work
1、师先示范,师做出开心的表情问学生:look at me. how do i feel? 学生说:you look so happy. 师马上肯定地说:yes. because you have done a good job. 教师再做出不开心的表情问学生:how do i feel now? 学生说:you look sad. 师说:yes, because i have a headache提示学生说:i am sorry to hear that. 然后再找一名学生做表情,让师猜,并用以上此主句型,最后小组之间各找一生做不同表情,其他几个问,以此来练习本课所学的主要内容。这时教师在班里走动指导,帮助学生陈述产生这种心情的原因。
(1)做基础训练p16第1、2、5题。xk b 1.com
unit 2  what’s the matter, mike?
                          tired           angry
how are you?
                          excited         happy 12345678910111213141516
                           sad            bored.
you look so happy. 
i’m sorry to hear that

六年级第八册第二单元 课题  unit 2  what’s the matter, mike?
         b.   let’s  read
教学目标 1、 能听、说、认、读let’s read部分,并能回答文后的问题。
2、 能了解good to know部分的内容.
3、 会唱歌曲: “the way i feel”。
点 重点:能听、说、认、读let’s read部分的故事并回答文后的问题。
难点:能充分理解并大致讲述let’s read部分的故事梗概。
准备 1、录音机、磁带   2、小黑板   3、球、足球、盒子
教       学      过      程 二次备课
(1)sing a song: “the way i feel”。
(2)free talk:
what day is it today?  what’s the weather like today?  do you like sports? do you like sports/football?
【设计意图】 通过一首歌曲和师生之间的问候拉近师生之间的距离,营造英语学习的氛围。
1.教师拿出准备好的一个球,引导学生做“听听做做”活动,让学生熟悉与球赛相关的动词pass the ball, throw the ball,catch the ball等,并然后将学生分成两队team a和team b.并准备好盒子和球,各队选几名队员依次把球投到盒子里,看哪队进球多,教师根据活动的进程逐一呈现单词和短语a ball match.between,goal,win the game. (板书)教师拿出球并指短语,领学生读,紧接着再换一个足球,在ball前加上foot,组成a football match领学生读。
【设计意图】通过设计本活动,排除阅读前的障碍, 降低学习难度,增加学生的学习积极性。
2.教师说:“there is a football match between class 1 and class 2 in zhang peng’s school today”.在黑板上写出between…and….然后教师找两个学生上台分别站在自己的两边,说:“i am between xxx and xxx”.让学生理解between …and…的含义。
which class won the game?
how many goals did they get?
who got the first goal?
who got the second goal?
how did they get the second goal?
    1.how do the students feel before the football starts?
    2.how does juhn feel when the ball hits head?
3. how does class 3 feel at the end of the game?
 2、good to know
教师先请学生看good to know部分zoom四种表情动作和zip手举的四种颜色连线,然后教师集体核定答案。
3、教师出示例句,然后以小组为单位,就某一人的心情展开讨论,教师巡视指导,最后找代表上台来谈论,例:we are going to have a football match. i’m very happy. i failed my chinese test. i feel very sad.
        (2) 听读本部分内容。
 unit 2  what’s the matter, mike?
                     b.   leat’s  read

 a football match
                   a ball match,
win the game
教学反思 课题 unit 2 what’s the matter?   revision 
教学目标 1、能够正确询问他人的身体是否健康,心情是否愉快。如: what ’ s the matter? how do you feel? how does he feel? 培养学生团结友爱、关心他人的良好品质。
2、能够简单表达自己或他人的健康状况以及各种情绪和心理状态。如:i have a headache.i feel sick. i’ m happy.he is very excited. 
3、能够简单表达感冒期间的注意事项。如:take some medicine  see the docter等。
4、能够简单陈述某种心情的原因。如:i feel sad because i failed my math test. 认识和理解健康的体魄和愉快的心情是一个人成长中的重要因素。
教学重难点 重点:1、使学生掌握如何用英语表达心情并能简单陈述原因;
2、是使学生了解常见病的基本特征及进行简单治疗的英语表达法。重点句型有:“what’s the matter?how do you feel?how does he/she feel?how are you?you look so happy.”等。
准备 1.教师准备本课时所需的词卡、图卡、小黑板。
教       学      过      程 二次备课
 step1  preparation
1、listen to the song:the way i feel.
2、free talk
t:hello,boys and girls.
ss:hello,miss wang.
t:how are you today?
ss:fine,thank you.
3、let’s chant
how are you feeling?    fine.how are you?
i have a headache.      i have the flu.
how are you feeling?    fine.how are you?
i’m feeling better.    i’m as good as new.
t:now let’s chant.听录音,师生共同拍手吟唱。
step2  presentation(梳理再现)
t:we know in winter,many people have the flu.now there are some people in the hospital.look!what’s the matter with mike?出示mike发烧的图片。)
ss:have a fever.
t:yes,he has a fever.can you spell “have a fever”? show me your fingers.
t:read it, please.
ss:学生读一遍词组:have a fever
(词组have a cold,have a headache,have a toothache,have a sore throat的复习方法相似于have a fever。)
t:look at my small finger.(教师伸出受伤的小指,做疼的动作。)what’s the matter with my finger?
ss:your finger hurts.
t:yes,my finger hurts.can you spell “hurt”?follow me,please.
【设计意图】教师利用图片,适时问学生:what’s the matter with…?引出相应的词语,在轻松愉悦的氛围中达到复习的目的。把以have a…开头的词组板书在前面,最后板书单词hurt,便于学生观察、发现规律。为后面的教学做铺垫。)
t:look at me .how do i feel?(做感冒状,咳嗽。)what’s the matter with me?who can answer me?
s1:you look sick.
t:yes,i feel sick.i have a fever,i have a headache and i have a sore throat.(做咳嗽动作)now i have a bad cold.(接着教师在词语前板书i,并在每个词后板书句号。)
t—s2:hello!how do you feel?
s2:i feel sick.
t:what’s the matter?
s2:i have a fever.(学生做发烧动作)
t:now who can ask me:how do you feel?(教师引导、示范a部分主句型)
s3:how do you feel?
t:i feel sick.
s3:what’s the matter?
t:i have a cold.
t:you’re super!(接着教师在词语上面板书主句型:how do you feel?)
t:now make the same dialogue like this in groups.(学生在小组内自由替换a部分词组,做动作操练a部分主句型)
t:who can make a dialogue?
t:look at me.how do i feel?(教师做微笑动作)
ss:you are/feel happy.
t:yes,i’m very happy now.do you know why?because you did a good job!now look at john.how does he feel?
ss:he’s happy,too.
t:yes,he’s happy.he’s going on a big trip.now?let’s spell happy,please.
t:now look at chen jie.how does she feel?
ss:she’s sad.
t:yes,she’s sad.because she failed the math test.now let’s spell “sad”,ok?(师生共同拼读sad,并在sad后画哭脸)
接着依次引出angry(板书在sad后,并画上哭脸。),excited(后画上笑脸),tired,bored(后分别画上哭脸)。引导学生操练,并说明各种心情的原因(为后面的对话课句型操练做铺垫)。同时在b部分词语上面板书主句型:how does she/he feel? 在词语前板书she’s/he’s….
【设计意图】复习完happy后接着复习angry等,把以ed结尾的三个单词板书在后面,并在每个单词的后面分别画上笑脸和哭脸,以示对比,也便于学生观察后总结规律。新 课 标 第 一网
2、词句链接。(操练b let’s learn部分的主句型)
t:let’s talk about the pictures.hello,s1.look at chen jie.(教师呈现六幅各种心情的人物图片,示范操练句型)how does she feel?
s1:she’s sad.
t:hello,s2.look at john.how does he feel?
s2:he’s happy.
t:practise in pairs like this.
ss:(学生借助图片替换操练b let’s learn部分的主句型)
3、操练b let’s talk部分的主句型
t:look at me.i’m very happy. because you’re all super.hello,s3.how are you?you look happy,too.(示范操练主句型)
s3:yes,i’m excited.i passed the english test.
t:i’m happy to hear that.bye!hello,s4.you look sad.
s4:yes,i’m sad.my leg hurts.i can’t play football.
t:i’m sorry to hear that.
t:practise in groups like this.
学生用六个表心情的词语替换操练b let’s talk部分的主句型。
t:talk about these following questions in groups.(小黑板呈现以下问题)
step 3 practice(交际练习)
1、make a survey in groups.you can talk about your classmates’ health and moods using the following dialogues:
(1)—hello.how do you feel?
—what’s the matter?
—my …is…./my…./i have….
 (2)  —how are you?you look….
         —yes,i am…. i….
         —i’m ….
(3)—how does she/he feel?
1、图片出示zhang peng在医院里看病的情景。t:look.this is zhang peng.he looks sick.what’s the matter?now i’m the doctor.who’s zhang peng?教师与一个学生示范看病的过程。教师戴上医生帽子。学生戴上zhang peng头饰。引导学生对话的同时表述出自己当时的心情。
d—s1:how are you?how do you feel?
s1:i feel sick.
d:what’s the matter?
s1:my leg hurts.i can’t play football.i’m very sad.
d:let me have a look.(检查腿伤)don’t worry.take the medicine.stay in bed for a few days.you’ll be better soon.
s1:yes?i’m happy to hear that.thank you, doctor.here’s the money.bye!
2、make a dialogue like this in groups.(学生扮演角色操练对话)
step 4 production(输出检测)
2、学生阅读story time,回答下列问题:
a. how does zip feel?why?
b. where is zoom?how does he feel?
c. how does zoom feel at last? why?
step 5 progress(总结提高)
1、let’s chant (小结)(师生问答,拍手吟唱。)
t: what’s the matter? what’s the matter?
bs: i have a headache, i have a sore throat and hurt.
   have a fever, have a cold and have a toothache.
t: how do you feel? how do you feel?
gs: i’m tired、i’m bored 、i’m happy, i’m excited、i’m angry、i’m sad.
t:you’re super!
ss: i’m super!
t: how does she feel? how does she feel?
gs: she’s excited. she’s happy.
t&ss: happy, happy, happy, happy every day!
      happy, happy, happy, keep healthy!
   a、make a survey at home and write a report about your family’s health and moods.
   b、tell your family and your friend to take good care of themselves every day and keep healthy.
  【设计意图】采用喜闻乐见的chant、避免枯燥乏味的读黑板上的词句作小结,而是让学生动起来、乐起来。再一次渗透happy everyday.keep healthy!这一文化目标。并设计作业b,有意培养学生团结友爱、关心他人的良好品质。作业a是本课内容的拓展和延伸。12345678910111213141516
    unit2 what’s the matter,mike?       revision
what’s the matter?/how do you feel?         how doesshe/hefeel?  
       have a cold .                                      happy.
       have a fever.                                        sad. 
i   have a headache.                     she’s/he’s   angry. 
       have a toothache.                               excited.
       have a sore throat.                             tired. 
hurt                                          bored.



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