
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-17 网络整理 晴天



unit6 planning for the weekend


新授课本课题教时数:6       本教时为第1教时               备课日期:4月2日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词have a picnic, go on an outing, see a play, see a beijing opera, take part in a singing contest, take part in a sports meeting.2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are you going to do ...?  i"m going to ...二、过程与方法:能够初步掌握一般将来时,并进行日常问答。三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的内容,学生能够计划自己的周末生活,丰富周末生活。 教学重点、难点:1、能够掌握、并运用b部分的词组;2、能够运用一般将来时进行日常问答。教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片等。教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step 1 warm up and lead in 1. the greeting2. free talk与随班生进行简单的对话交流。what day is it today?what’s the weather like today? what do you usually do at the weekend? what did you last weekend? step2 revisionhave a revision on some phrases, like: fly a kite, go for a walk, watch a game and so on. step3 presentation1. you can do many things at the weekend. which season is it now? what can you do in winter?which season comes after winter? what’s the weather like in spring? what can you do in spring…? now i’m going to give you some suggestions. maybe you can go out and take something to eat with you when it is sunny this weekend. that means you can have a picnic. teach the phrase: have a picnic. teach go on an outing in the same way.2. it is spring now. i think you should do some outdoor activities. think it over, what are you going to do this weekend? (write down be going to on the blackboard. ) teach the sentence: what are you going to do this weekend?3. t: next i"m going to show you some beautiful pictures.teach: see a play, see a beijing opera拓展:see a film, see a puppet show/ an animal show...  鼓励随班生一起读这些词组。ask and answer in pairshelp ss to use the expression to express their opinions. (correct their use of be verbs. )design of writing:  i    am  he / she / it / mary / lucy / tom /     is  they / we / you / lucy and tom      are4. t: what holiday is coming? what are you going to do ?5. do we have any school festivals? can you give me some examples?123456789101112list the school festivals: an art festival, a science festival,a sports meeting…what do you do at the art festival? we…(let ss give some phrases)teach the new phrases: take part in a singing contest, take part in a sports meeting6. read the phrases after the tape and pay attention to ss’ pronunciation.step4. consolidation1. show the pictures of part c ask and answer in pairs2. what are you going to do this weekend?t: we are planning for the weekendtittle: planning for the weekend.3. choose the correct wordsthis weekend   last sunday   at the weekedns     tomorrow     next week  nowwhat are you going to do ...?总结时间状语step5 homework1. translate some sentences.2. have a preview on part a.ss answer the questions.学生根据老师给出的中文快速反应英语词组。ss answer the questions.ss guess the phrase and learn the phrasess learn the sentence and ask and answera: what are you going to do this weekend?b: i"m going to have a picnic/ go on an outing.ask and answer with the sentences.ss ask and answer in pairsss talk about the school festivals and learn the phrases.ss ask and answerss choose the words通过师生间的问答,拉近师生的关系,营造一个轻松愉快的英语学习氛围。同时也复习了一般过去时和一般现在时的句型问答。以生活实际导入话题,帮助学生承上启下,更好地进入新内容的学习氛围中。在教授词组的同时渗透句型的教学,做到词不离句,增加句型和词组的操练强度,让学生更好地掌握。以图片呈现话剧和京剧,直观性强,学生更容易理解。并对词组进行拓展,丰富学生的英语知识面。以学校各种活动为切入点,让学生在真实的情景中操练句型学习新词组。一般将来时是一个全新的时态概念,本节课中我不作解释,但是本节课中要求学生了解它的结构be going to以及时间状语,为下面的学习做铺垫。板书设计:           unit6 planning for the weekendwhat are you going to do ...?i"m going to  have a picnic            go on an outing            see a play            see a beijing opera            take part in a singing contest                      a sports meeting授后小记:本节课主要教授室外活动类词组以及一般将来时的句型。首先我以生活实际导入话题,帮助学生承上启下,更好地进入新内容的学习氛围中。然后在教授词组的同时渗透句型的教学,做到词不离句,增加句型和词组的操练强度,让学生更好地掌握。以不同的形式教授词组,如以图片呈现话剧和京剧,直观性强,学生更容易理解。并对词组进行拓展,丰富学生的英语知识面;以学校各种活动为切入点,让学生在真实的情景中操练句型学习新词组。一般将来时是一个全新的时态概念,本节课中我不作解释,但是本节课中要求学生了解它的结构be going to以及时间状语,为下面的学习做铺垫。                                            123456789101112  授课日期: 4  月  21  日


unit6 planning for the weekend


新授课本课题教时数:6       本教时为第2教时               备课日期:4月3日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词have school, plan for the weekend2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are you going to do ...?  i"m going to ...3、能够熟练运用电话用语进行日常交际。二、过程与方法:能够初步掌握一般将来时,并进行日常问答。三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的内容,学生能够计划自己的周末生活,丰富周末生活。 教学重点、难点:1、能够掌握、并运用一般将来时进行问答、计划周末;2、能够熟练运用电话用语进行日常交际。教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片等。教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step1. step1 free talk and revision与随班生进行简单的对话交流。what day is it today? what’s the weather like today?what’s the date today? do you have any classes today? you have school today. do you have school on sunday and saturday?teach: have school    have no schoolexplain that don’t have school means have no classes/school.you don’t have school at the weekends. what are you going to do this weekend?let’s talk about your plans for the weekend.teach: plans for the weekend t: what is s2 going to do …?step2 presentation2. review how to make a telephone call.t: s2 is going to ... i want to go with him/her. let me call him/her.t: hello. is that s2?  what are you going to do this weekend?  may i join you?  thank you! bye!补充电话用语:who"s that speaking?              may i speak to ...?make dialogue like this. 鼓励随班生一起编对话。3. t: we"re talking about our plans for weekend. gao shan and david are also talking about their plans for weekend. let"s listen and answer.what is gao shan going to do today?listen and answer4. what about david? read by yourself and tell me. 5. t: where and when will they meet? read the text after the tape and underline the answer.6. read the text together  read in different roles.step3 consolidation1. gao shan invites david to see a beijing opera with him. how to invite? which sentences do you need?2. make dialogue like the text.step4 homework1. read the text fluently2. try to recite it3. prepare for the next lesson123456789101112ss answer the questionss1: what are you going to do this weekend?s2: i’m going to …s3: he/she is going to …s2: yes, speaking.   i"m going to ...   ok!   bye!ss make dialogues: he is going to see a beijing opera.s: he is going to see a beijing opera with gao shan.ss read after the tape and answer.ss: would you like to join us?   shall we meet at ...通过师生之间的相互对话拉近师生之间的关系,营造良好的课堂氛围,为整堂英语课的学习作铺垫。在和学生的互动对话中导入新授内容,让学生在真实的情景中学习新知识,更好地理解和掌握新知识。电话用语是五年级的内容,在此承接上一环节的内容进行复习,并补充其他的电话用语,帮助学生更好地进行日常交际用语。教授完对话内容后,总结如何邀请别人,让学生进一步理解课文内容,并模仿课文内容进行对话操练。板书设计:            unit6 planning for the weekendtime: 8:30 on saturday morningweather: warm and sunnygao shan: be going to see a beijing opera                                   meet at 1:30 in front of the garden theatredavid: go with gao shan and his father                                    授后小记:本课教学6bunit6planning for the weekend part a板块的内容,主要话题是谈论周末计划。首先我通过与学生间的互相问候,加强师生的情感交流,在与学生的自由谈话中有意识地渗透本课的语言知识点,what are you going to do this weekend? i’m going to…为课文的学习做好铺垫。然后以情境教学—打电话的形式进入本课a部分的学习,导入自然流畅。在语篇的处理上,采用先听,了解基本概况,然后再带着问题听录音,学生再跟读录音的方式,使学生们在听和理解的基础上再扩展运用。在课文的朗读能力的培养上,我让学生采用多种方式朗读课文内容,跟读,齐读,自己读,分角色朗读课文。  授课日期: 4  月  25  日


unit6 planning for the weekend


新授课本课题教时数:6       本教时为第3教时               备课日期:4月4日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词by the way, at the concert2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are you going to do ...?  i"m going to ...3、能够理解a部分对话内容,并熟练朗读二、过程与方法:能够掌握一般将来时,并对未来作出计划123456789101112三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的内容,学生能够计划自己的周末生活,丰富周末生活。 教学重点、难点:1、能够掌握、并运用一般将来时进行问答、计划周末;2、能够理解a部分对话内容,并熟练朗读。教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片等。教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                    

设计意图step1. warm up and revision3、the greeting4、free talk与随班生进行简单的对话交流。  what day/date is it today?  what"s the weather like today?  what are you going to do ...?5、revisiona.listen to the tape and answer the questionswhat day is it today?what time is it now?what"s the weather like today?what are gao shan and david doing?b. imitate the dialogue talk about their plans for the weekend/ children"s day and invite others.step2 presentation3. t: i know about your plans for children"s day. by the way, what are you going to do in summer holiday?teach: by the wayask and answer4. what are gao shan and david going to do on saturday afternoon?and what is david going to do tomorrow?teach: at the concertwhat about nancy, wb, lt and yl?let"s listen and answer the questions鼓励随班生一起听录音回答问题。5. read after the tape6. read together and read in different roles7. look at the bb and try to retell the text8. gao shan is telling his dad about his conversation with david. read the sentences and judge.david is going to see the beijing opera with us.he is going to meet us at six in front of the garden theatre.there is a concert in the school tomorrow.david is going to phay the piano at the concert.nancy is going to play the violin at the concert.  step4 homework1. read the text fluently2. try to recite it3. prepare for the next lessonss answer the questionsss talk about their plans for the weekend.ss learn the phrase and work in pairsss listen and answer the questions and learn the new phrasess read the textss judge and correct the flash ones.通过师生之间的相互对话拉近师生之间的关系,营造良好的课堂氛围,为整堂英语课的学习作铺垫。通过师生问答,帮助学生回忆上节课所学内容,并为下面的学习做铺垫。从学生的周末计划自然过渡到儿童节计划,教授词组by the way,过渡自然,学生更易接受。通过问题呈现,让学生带着问题听录音,更有针对性,有助于学生理解课文内容。不同形式的朗读能够帮助学生巩固所学,并通过判断进一步理解掌握本文内容。板书设计:            unit6 planning for the weekendtime: 8:30 on saturday morning123456789101112weather: warm and sunnywhosaturday afternoonsundaygao shan see a beijing opera with his dadwatch the concert with ...davidgo with themplay the violin at the concertnancyplay the piano at the concertwang bing, liu tao and yang lingwatch the concert                                    授后小记:本课学生主要学习课文的右边部分,其中有重点句型一般将来时的一般疑问句形式is she going to play at the concert?在free talk环节,就有意对这一句型进行操练,让学生理解它的意思和变化形式。接着复习了课文的已学习部分,让学生边复述,边讲表格填写完整,然后顺势过渡到对右边课文的学习,将其中的难点都化解了之后,学生学起来的难度就降低了许多,最后,让学生对整篇文章进行复述。授课日期: 4  月  26  日


unit6 planning for the weekend


新授课本课题教时数:6       本教时为第4教时               备课日期:4月6日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词project, zebra, africa2、能正确运用一般将来时3、正确完成听力练习二、过程与方法:能够正确运用一般将来时三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的内容,学生能够计划自己的周末生活,丰富周末生活。 教学重点、难点:能够正确运用一般将来时教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片等。教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step 1 free talk and revision1. enjoy an english songwill you join me?2. free talk与随班生进行简单的对话交流。what day is it today?what holiday is coming soon? what do you usually do at …? what did you do last…? what are you going to do at …?what are you going to do this weekend?what"s the weather like today?if it is windy/ snowy, what are you going to do?present: watch the snow by the windowshow the picture of part gwhat is the girl with the yellow bow doing?字母组合ow的发音give other examples: tomorrow, halloween, show, know ect.present: i"m going to know about the halloween show tomorrow.3. revisionhow much do you remember about david’s / gao shan’s plans for the weekend?what is … going to do …?give the opportunities to the students to ask questions according to the text.like this, is …going to …? what is … going to …?after that, we can have a summary about the main ideas of the text to retell their plans.123456789101112step2 listen and write1. liu tao and david have many plans for the weekend. but today is friday. they also have some plans after school.2. guess. what are they going to do after school? ss can give their opinions about this question. then we can listen to the tape to see the right answers.3. listen and fill in the blanks. 鼓励随班生一起听然后回答问题。4. check the answers. 5. according to the passage, let the students make up a dialogue. ask some of them to present in class.step 4 read and number1. david is also going to have a class outing. let’s look at the pictures and number them.2. check the answers. ask some questions about the dialogue. what are they going to do tomorrow?where are they going?why are they going there?what are they going to look at?what time are they going to go home?teach: have a class outing      class project      be from africastep 7 homeworkread the passages of part d and erecite part ess enjoy the songss answer the questionss: she is watching the snow by the window.ss give other examplesss review the textss ask questionstry to retell the textlook at the pictures and try to answer the questionsthen listen and fill in the blanksmake dialoguelook at the pictures and number themread by themselves and answer the questions通过欣赏英文歌曲,营造宽松愉快的英语学习氛围,为本节课的学习打下良好的基础。通过师生的互动问答,拉近学生与老师的距离,并复习一般将来时的句型。自然过渡到语音部分的学习,并通过学生给出的例子进行句子组合,使得单个的单词有了联系,有助于学生更好地理解和掌握。课文部分的复习以学生问老师答或者学生问学生答的形式展开,更好地培养了学生运用语言的能力。听力部分并不是直接听录音然后填词,而是通过问题和图片让学生从整体上了解大致内容,并对内容进行预测,帮助学生正确完成听力。板书设计:           unit6 planning for the weekendtomorrow, halloween, show, know i"m going to know about the halloween show tomorrow.have a class outingclass projectbe from africa授后小记:本节课首先通过师生的互动问答,拉近学生与老师的距离,并复习一般将来时的句型。然后自然过渡到语音部分的学习,并通过学生给出的例子进行句子组合,使得单个的单词有了联系,有助于学生更好地理解和掌握。课文部分的复习以学生问老师答或者学生问学生答的形式展开,更好地培养了学生运用语言的能力。听力部分并不是直接听录音然后填词,而是通过问题和图片让学生从整体上了解大致内容,并对内容进行预测,帮助学生正确完成听力。授课日期: 4  月  28  日


unit6 planning for the weekend


新授课123456789101112本课题教时数:6       本教时为第5教时               备课日期:4月5日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、能够熟练掌握一般将来时2、能够正确完成听力练习二、过程与方法:能够正确运用一般将来时三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的内容,学生能够计划自己的周末生活,丰富周末生活。 教学重点、难点:能够正确运用一般将来时教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片等。教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step 1 free talk and revision9. enjoy an english songwill you join me?10. free talk与随班生进行简单的对话交流。what day is it today?what holiday is coming soon? what do you usually do at …? what did you do last…? what are you going to do at …?what are you going to do this weekend?what"s the weather like today?if it is windy/ snowy, what are you going to do?step2 presentation7. present: now, just now, usually, next monthchoose the correct tensethe present tense      usually the past tense         just nowthe continuous tense   nowthe future tense       next month8. explain the future tense概念:一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。常常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow, next ..., soon, the day after tomorrow。结构:用will或shall表示“助动词will或shall+动词原形”这一形式,表示将来发生的事情,用于征求对方的意见或表示客气的邀请。在口语中will用于所有人称,书面语中第一人称常用shall【其实will也可以用到哦】。如:  1. tomorrow will be sunday. 明天就是星期天。  2. the rain will stop soon. 雨很快就要停了。  3. shall we go there at five? 我们五点钟去那儿,好吗?  4. will you please open the door? 请你把门打开,好吗?用be going to结构表示“be going to+动词原形”用来表示近期或事先考虑过的将要发生的动作以及已有迹象表明必将发生某事,意为“打算;就要”。如:  1. we"re going to meet outside the school gate. 我们打算在校门口见面。2. look! it”s going to rain. 瞧!快下雨了。step3 exercise一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. mike usually ______(play) football.2. nancy __________(play) the piano at the concert tomorrow evening.3. look! it _______(rain) outside.4. they ______(run) to school yesterday.5. 按要求改写句子4. they are going to swim tomorrow.(同义句)5. mike is going to have an ice cream.6. we are going to meet at 1:30.1234567891011123、完成补充习题听力练习 鼓励学生一起完成练习。4、词组talk about                    谈论have school          有课plans for the weekend         周末计划by the way                          顺便问问give a concert                     举行一次音乐会at the concert               在音乐会上take part in                         参加a sports meeting                  一次运动会at the bus stop                    在公交车站see a beijing opera show    看一场京剧表扬join us / them               加入我们/他们go on an outing                   进行一次远足have a picnic         举行一次野餐see a play                                  看一场话剧give a puppet show             举办一次木偶表演a singing contest                  一次唱歌比赛watch a race                       看一次赛跑a class outing                      一次班级出游by the window                           在窗户旁123456789101112watch the snow                   看雪,赏雪the girl with the yellow bowl   拿着一个黄色的碗的女孩step4 homework1. recite the text2. review unit6ss enjoy the songss answer the questionsss choose the right wordsss learn the future tensess do the exercise通过欣赏英文歌曲,营造宽松愉快的英语学习氛围,为本节课的学习打下良好的基础。通过师生的互动问答,拉近学生与老师的距离,并复习一般将来时的句型。通过给出不同的时间状语,要求学生选择正确的时态,帮助学生回忆所学的四种时态。讲解完一般将来时后,及时用练习题进行巩固,帮助学生更好地掌握所学内容。板书设计:           unit6 planning for the weekend授后小记:本节课首先通过欣赏英文歌曲,营造宽松愉快的英语学习氛围,为本节课的学习打下良好的基础。通过师生的互动问答,拉近学生与老师的距离,并复习一般将来时的句型。然后为学生整理总结了一般将来时概念、结构和各种句型变化,帮助学生更好地掌握本单元的重点知识。授课日期: 5  月  3  日


unit6 planning for the weekend


复习课本课题教时数:6       本教时为第6教时               备课日期:4月6日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、能够熟练掌握一般将来时2、能够正确完成听力练习二、过程与方法:能够正确运用一般将来时三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的内容,学生能够计划自己的周末生活,丰富周末生活。 教学重点、难点:能够正确运用一般将来时教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片等。教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图ⅰ.choose the different one.(选出不同类的一项)(     )1.a. muchb. manyc. more   d. little(     )2.      a. at      b. in      c. on      d. do(     )3.a. whatb. whichc. that     d. who(     )4.a. holiday b. easterc. may day    d. new year(     )5a. dress b. clothesc. skirt  d. blouseⅱ.  inter-translation.(词组互译。)鼓励学生一起完成这些练习。9. 去散步     ________________   10. 独生子   _______________11. 看起来一样  ________________   4. 做的更好       _______________1234567891011125. 需要帮助       ________________   6. jog to school     _______________7. one day     ________________   8. a twin brother   _______________9. ask the way      ________________   10. police station  _______________iii.multiple- choice. (选择填空)(     )1.       where is su hai? she ________ flowers in the garden just now.       a. waters      b. is watering c. watered    d. picks(     )2.      the _______ day of a week is thursday.       a. first    b. second      c. fourth d. fifth(     )3.      jack is looking ________ his chinese book.       a. to      b. up      c. for     d. between(     )4.      what _______ david do yesterday morning?       a. did         b. does       c. do          d. was       (     )5.      ---look at the beautiful flowers over there.--- let ______ go and see.       a. we     b. you   c. our    d. us(     )6.      the sign means “be quiet”! we _______ make noise here.       a. can    b. must c. should       d. shouldn’t(     )7.      when’s your birthday, david?       a. at march. b. on march.       c. in march.   d. for march.(     )8.      my uncle runs______ than me.       a. faster b. fast    c. further       d. far(     )9.      listen! the bell is ________.       a. rings  b. rang   c. ringing       d. ring123456789101112(    )10.      i’m 170 cm tall. his _______ is 167 cm.       a. tall     b. taller  c. high   d. heightiv.change formations. (按要求改写句子。)1. he wants some bread for breakfast.(改为一般疑问句)_______ he ______ ______ bread for breakfast? 2.i am reading an interesting story book now.(改为过去式) i ________ an interesting story book a moment ago.3. do your homework now. (改为否定句) ________ ________ your homework now.4. she did housework last evening. (改为一般疑问句) _______ she _____ housework last evening?5. the boy in green sweater is shaking his head.(对划线部分提问)  _______ ______ is shaking his head?6. they played table tennis in the sports hall.(对划线部分提问)_______ ______ they ________ table tennis?7. i come from australia.(划线部分提问)  ________ _______ ________ come from?8. tom is 10 years old. david is 12 years old. (运用比较级将两句话合并为一句话)  ___________________________________9. the teapot is his. ( 改为同义句)_______________________.v. complete the sentences with the suitable forms of the words given. (用所给的单词的适当形式填空) (10%)today is __________ ( hans) birthday. let’s go and say “ happy birthday” to him.the birds _________ (are) in the cage just now.all the students are very __________ (excite).these are sweet oranges. _________ ( that) oranges are not. last sunday, they had a lot of __________ (funny).it is the ___________ (twenty) of october.i’d like _________ (have) lunch now.her mother _________ ( buy) her a birthday present yesterday.i like __________ (watch) tv.what holiday _________ (come) after may day? ss do the exercise通过师生之间的对话复习已经学习的知识,拉近了师生之间的距离,也为下面难的学习作好铺垫。在课前让学生制作相关的卡片,上课的时候充分运用这个游戏来调动学生的积极性,也巩固了所学句型。在学习了书本上的单词之后,让学生想出相同的发音规则的其他单词。看中文写句子可以考察学生对知识点的综合运用情况,要注意人称、时态等等。板书设计:           练习题目和答案授后小记:本节课主要设计了各种不同的习题,帮助学生更好地掌握本单元的知识点,从学生完成的情况来看,学生对一般将来时的掌握还是可以的,但是对于时态间的转换还有待加强,主要学生对于四个时态的结构还是不能清晰地掌握,会有混淆,所以导致转换时发生错误,还需要加强讲解和练习。授课日期: 5 月  9 日123456789101112


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