
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-17 网络整理 晴天


unit 10 music and your mind
lesson 4
1. start   v./n. 开始,出发
2. own     adj. 自己的
1. start  
1)to begin an activity or a movement 开始行动: 开始一个活动或动作;
    if you are ready, you may start your work. 如果你准备好了,你可以开始工作了。
    to start with 首先,第一 (= for a start)
2)to move suddenly or involuntarily  惊起: 突然或不自觉地跳起:
started at the loud noise.被那响亮的吵闹声惊起
3) set out出发
    we didn’t start until it stopped raining. 直到雨停了,我们才动身。
4) 开始;使发动
    we couldn’t start the car. 我们不能发动这辆汽车。
    we made an early start in the morning. 我们早上很早就出发了。
he sat up with a start. 他惊坐起来。
2. own    
adj. of or belonging to oneself or itself 自己的,属于自己的: 属于某人自己的或某物本身的
she makes her own clothes. 她自己做衣服。
the writer has his own brand of humour. 这位作家有他独特的幽默感。
n. that which belongs to one 属于一个人的东西:
it is my own. 那是我自己的东西。
on one’s own独自;靠自己  she lives on her own. 她一个人过。
vt. to have or possess as property: 拥有,作为财产有或拥有
she owns a chain of restaurants. 她拥有连锁餐厅。
who owns this house? 谁拥有这幢房子?
1. ——why are you so smart?
    —— music        me.
    a. help          b. helps            c. helping
2. —— do you get         result?
    —— no, we don’t.
    a. same          b. the same         c. different
3. —— doing morning exercises is good         us.
    —— i think so.
    a. to            b. for              c. with
4. —— he is a funny boy.
    —— we all like him because he often         jokes.
    a. speaks        b. says             c. tells12
5.—— what are they doing?
    —— they are doing          homework.
    a. his           b. her              c. their
1. b      2.b     3. b      4. c      5. c



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