makingadifferencethewell that_Makingadifference(TheThirdPeriod)
the third periodteaching aims:
1. learn and master the phrase: use up
2. review the words learnt in the last two periods.
3. learn how to explain the words in english.
4. learn and master the usages of the infinitive.
teaching important points:
1. master the phrase: use up
2. master the usages of the infinitive
teaching difficult points:
1. how to help the students learn to explain words in english.
2. how to help the students master the usages of the infinitive.
teaching methods:
1. review method to help the students remember what they have learnt before.
2. explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the usages of the infinitive.
3. individual work or pair work to make every students work in class.
teaching aids:
1. a projector and some slides
2. the blackboard
teaching procedures:
step i greetings and revision
greet the whole class as usual.
t: yesterday we learnt a passage about stephen hawking you must have learnt something from him, i think. what did you learn from him, li ming?
s: we should have a strong will whatever we do.
t: what about you, wang peng?
s: we should have an indomitable spirit when we want to achieve great success.
t: yes. it was the indomitable spirit that led stephen hawking to his great success. as long as we have this spirit, we can do it successfully no matter what we want to.
stepⅱword study
t: ok. we also learnt some important words in the last period. now let"s have a dictation. please take out a piece of paper and write them on it.
(after dictation, ask the students to check their words in pairs. )
t: ok. now we have known the chinese meaning of each word. let"s do an exercise to see how to explain some words in english, according to the meanings of the sentences. please turn to page 5. let"s do the exercise in word study. choose the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence. before we do it, we"ll learn a new phrase: use up.
(write it on the blackboard. and give some explanations and two examples. )
(bb: use up he has used up all his strength. the boy has used up all the money for only three days. )
t: are you clear about the use of “use up”?
ss: yes.
t: ok. do the exercise by yourself. you can discuss it with your partner if necessary. i"ll check the answer in a few minutes.
t: (a few minutes later.) now i"ll ask some of you to give your answers. at the same time, translate the sentences into chinese.
(teacher asks the students to do it one by one.)
suggested answers:
1.a 这对夫妇花光了所有的钱去找他们六个月前失踪的五岁儿子。12345
2.c 大家很容易看出她不高光
3.b 牛顿自言自语,“为什么苹果会落到地上,而不会飘向空中?”后来他发现了万有引力定律。
4.a 科学家预言在未来的十年内,环境污染还会更重要。他们告戒人们如果我们不采取措施解决这个问题,我们将会毁灭我们的星球。
5.b 哈利观察那颗星体的运动已有多年了,并且发现每76年它就轮回一圈。
6.a 警察发现这个人的指纹和在犯罪现场提取的不一样后,就放他走了。
step ⅲ grammar
(teacher writes some sentences on the blackboard.)
(bb.. 1. he hoped to visit china again.
2. it took a lot of time to finish the report.
3. please give the boy something to play with.
4.he went home to see his sick mother.
5. her wish is to become a pop singer. )
t: now look at the sentences on the blackboard. and tell me the function of the underlined part in each sentence. who"d like to do the first?
(one students stands up.)
s: let me try. in the first sentence, “to visit china again” is used as the object.
t: good. the second, ma lu?
s: in the second sentence, i think, “to finish the report” is used as the attribute modifying “time”.
t: what he said is right or wrong?
ss: wrong. it is used as the subject, not the attribute.
t: yes. “to finish the report” is used as the subject. it is more usual to use formal subject “it” and the infinitive phrase is usually placed at the end of the sentence, that is “it is … to do sth. .”are you clear, ma lu?
s: yes.
t: now let"s look at the third sentence. any volunteer?
s: “to play with” is used as the attribute.
t: is what she/he said right or wrong?
ss: right.
t: yes. look at the fourth sentence. li jia, you have a try.
s: here “to see his sick mother” is used as the adverbial for purpose.
t: good. now look at the last sentence. let"s do it together. t and ss: “to become a pop singer” is used as the predicative.
t: now you have known some usages of the infinitive. let"s do an exercise on the screen. (show the exercise on the screen.)
group the infinitives according to how they are used.
subject: attribute:
object: adverbial:
1. some things need (1)to be believed (2)to be seen.
2. the doctor told him that he may not have more than twelve months (3) to live.
3. (4)in order to get married, i needed a job, and (5)in order to get a job, i needed a phd.
4. readers were pleased and surprised (6) to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand.12345
5. he traveled around the world (7) to give lectures.
6. what does it mean (8)to be a scientist?
7. people who listen to hawking’s lectures sometimes find it difficult (9) to understand him.
8. (10)to explain what they have seen, they build a theory about how things happen and the causes and effects.
t: now group the infinitives according to how they are used. that is to say, tell the function of the underlined part in each sentence. you are given four minutes to prepare it. after that i’ll collect your answers.
suggested answers:
1. subject:(8)
2. attribute: (2) (3)
3. object: (1) (9)
4. adverbial: (4) (5) (6) (7) (10)
step iv practice
t: now let"s do some exercises on. page 6. first look at ex. 2. rewrite the following sentences with “to be done”. look at the example on the blackboard.
(bb: he wanted the nurses to take care of the patient. →he wanted the patient to be taken care of. )
t: because “the patient” is the logical object of “take care of”, the passive infinitive should be used in the second sentence. are you clear?
ss: yes.
t, now i give you three minutes to write your sentences in your books. after that, i"ll ask some of you to read out your sentences.
(three minutes later, teacher checks their answers.)
suggested answers:
1. he didn"t want himself to be helped.
2. he asked his work to be paid for.
3. she told me that nothing should be feared
4. in our lives, there is so much to be learnt
5. the car was reported to have been stolen
t: do you have any questions about the answers?
(one student stands up.)
s: why is “to have been stolen” used in stead of “to he stolen” in the last answer?
t: a good question. that’s what i’ll explain to you. when the action expressed, by the infinitive happens before the predicate. the perfect infinitive should he used. here “to be stolen” happen before “report”. are you clear?
ss: yes.
t: ok. look at ex. 3. rewrite the sentences using the infinitive. the example can help you. first do it by yourself. then discuss it in pairs. finally i’ll show you the answers.
(after the students finish it, teacher shows the answers on the screen.).
suggested answers :
l. is there anything to eat?
2. i need a pen to write with.
3. do you have anything to add?
4. he is looking for a box to put the two rabbits in.
5. it would be a comfortable house to live in.
(as to the answers the students can’t understand, teacher can give some explanations.)
step v consolidation12345
t: now look at the picture. who can tell me what hawking"s dream is from the picture?
s; he wants to get married.
t: right. do you know how hawking made his dream come true according to the passage we learnt in the second period?
s: hawking said, “in order to get married, i need a job, and in order to get a job, i need a phd.”
t: very good. now let"s look at another picture. and tell me what the girl"s dream is and how she makes it realized.
t: who can tell us the girl’s dream and how she can realize it?
s: i"d like to. her dream is to get a doctor"s degree. in order to get a doctor"s degree, she needs to go to university, and in order to go to university, she needs to study hard now,
t: very good. now please tell your partner what your dream is and how to realize it. you can use “in order to” to express it.
(teacher gives the students two minutes to talk freely.)
step ⅵ summary and homework
t: ok. today we"ve reviewed some words we learned in the second period and gave some explanations in english. after class, you should try to explain the new words in english. we"ve also learned the usages of the infinitive. you should do more exercises to master them. after class, you should finish all the exercises in grammar in your workbook to consolidate what we"ve learnt. at the same time, don"t forget to preview the content in integrating skills. that"s all for today. class is over.
step ⅶ the design of the writing on the blackboard
unit 1 making a difference
the third period
phrase: use up
e. g. he has used up all his strength.
the boy has used up all the money for only three days.
grammar: the infinitive
1. he hoped to visit china again.
2. it took a lot of time to finish the report.
3. please give the boy something to play with.12345
4. he went home to see his sick mother.
5. her wish is to become a pop singer.
he wanted the nurses to take care of
the patient,
he wanted the patient to be taken care of
step ⅷ record after teaching12345
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