[unit3]Unit3 Celebration-Culture Corner教案

高一英语教案 2015-04-10 网络整理 晴天


in western societies, halloween, the celebration of death on the night of 31 october, is a special occasion for young people. in keeping with the spooky atmosphere of the holiday, young people
dress up as creatures associated with death and evil. bats, black cats, ghosts, egyptian mummies, werewolves, witches and vampires are popular characters. young people also hold halloween parties where they play tricks on each other and
enjoy traditional games like apple bobbing. to play apple bobbing, you put some apples in a large bowl of water. the person who catches an apple with their teeth in the quickest time is the winner.
ask students what they know about halloween ― encourage them to say as much as they can.
students read the passage and choose the best answer to complete the sentences. have them compare and check their answers in pairs.
1 a    2 c    3 b    4 a
students individually decide which creature they want to dress up as for a halloween party. have them draw their costume and make brief notes. then ask students to work in small groups and take turns to describe and explain their choice of costume. ask
students to vote for the best costume in their group. ask the winner of each group to describe and explain their choice of costume to the class. finally, ask the class to vote for the best costume. the costume with the most votes is the overall winner.
in pairs, have students design a game or a trick suitable for a halloween party. ask them to make a drawing of their game and write a brief description. students should also include instructions on how to play the game. next collect the students’ work
and make a big book of halloween games and tricks for the class.
prepare a long list of words with some halloween related words in it, e.g. baby, fish, ghost, monkey … etc.. divide the class into two groups and ask them to listen carefully to youreading out the list. when they hear a halloween word, the groups must put
up their hands and say the word correctly. the group with their hands up first and the correct answer wins a point. the group with the most points is the winner.bulletin board
■ to talk about festival traditions
■ to make a festival collage
■ to exchange ideas about festivals
■ to further explore the theme of the unit
■ ask students about their favourite festivals and their childhood memories of them. 12
■ ask students to look at the bulletin board and name the festivals represented in each picture.
■ in groups, students brainstorm the chinese festivals they
know. ask them to choose one and discuss its traditions, related food and other important elements connected with it.
■ ask students to collect pictures or make illustrations of the elements they have discussed in order to make a collage.
■ display the collages. encourage students to look at and
discuss the collages.
unit diary
■ to reflect what and how much the students have learned.
■ to think about in what way they are learning.
■ to learn and identify the best ways for learning.
■ to develop students’ confidence in taking more control of their studies.
■ to help teachers get a clearer insight into the students’ learning of the language.
part 1 (1)
this part gets students to think of the topics of the unit and
decide which is their favourite lesson.
part 2 (2-6)
this part refers back to the unit objectives from the start of the unit, thinking about what they have learned in this unit. they also need to express their personal preference about the festivals and holidays.
part 3 (7-8)
this part gets students to reflect on the listening and reading
texts, to identify the vocabulary that students still have difficulties with in the unit.
part 4 (9)
this part focuses on the evaluation of the usefulness of the activities for each of the tasks.
part 5 (10)
this part is the evaluation of the unit, which includes the evaluation of the material as well as students’ own learning. it helps students make proper justification of their study and lay down plans for further progress.12


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