makingadifferencethewell that_Makingadifference(TheFourthPeriod)
the fourth period
teaching aims:
1. revise the language points and grammar-the infinitive in this unit.
2. learn and master the following phrases: take a look at, what if, the other way around
3. do some reading and writing practice to improve the students" integrating skills
.4. learn how to write a descriptive paragraph.
teaching important points:
1. improve the students" integrating skills.
2. help the students write a descriptive paragraph.
teaching difficult points:
1. how to held the students understand the passage better.
2. how to help the students learn to write a descriptive paragraph
teaching methods:
1. doing exercises to revise what we"ve learnt before.
2. asking-and-answering activity to go through the reading material.
3. discussion to help the students understand the passage better.
4. individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
teaching aids:
1. a projector
2. a tape recorder
3. the blackboard
teaching procedures:
step i greetings
greet the whole class as usual
t: yesterday we learned the grammar the infinitive. we know that the infinitive can be used as the subject, object, adverbial and so on. now let"s do some exercises to see if you have mastered them well enough. look at the screen.
(show the following on the screen.)
tell the function of the underlined part in each sentence.
l. (1) to learn about the universe, you need (2) to have a telescope (3)to observe the stars with.
2. it takes time (4) to know a man.
3 please remember (5)to bring me a book.
4. i"ve got a lot of work (6)to do.
5. (7) in order to catch the first bus, she got up early
6. it is important for us (8)to learn english
(teacher asks the students to do them one by one. if there is any question, teacher can explain it to them.)
suggested answers:
subject: (4) (8)
object: (2) (5)
attribute: (3) (6)
adverbial: ( 1 ) (7)
t: let"s do another exercise. fill in the blanks, using the infinitive.
(show the following on the screen.)
l. the goal of stephen hawking"s re search is to and to is his biggest dream. 2. the doctor thought he only had three more years to , which turned out
3. we took a taxi to we hurried there, only to we were unhappy to12345
4. he studied hard to .
5. lunch is reading. let’s stop to .
(teacher asks the students to finish the exercise within three minutes. then teacher collects the answers.)
suggested answers:
1. discover nature of the universe; get married
2. live; be wrong
3. catch the train; find the train had gone; miss the train
4. pass the examination
5. have lunch
t: well done. so much for grammar revision. now let"s revise the useful expressions in this unit together.
(show the expressions on the screen.)
tell me their chinese meanings one by one.
work on, be engaged to, go by, turn out, dream of, go on with, use up
t: now let"s do an exercise to see whether you have mastered them well. complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the right phrases we"ve revised just now.
(show the sentences on the screen.)
1. he one day becoming a famous violinist.
2. tom ann.
3. two weeks slowly .
4. his suggestion to be a good one.
5. he his ink.
6. if we don"t finish painting the room today, we can it tomorrow.
7. he a novel.
(a moment later, check the answers with the whole class. )
suggested answers:
1. dreams of 2. is engaged to
2. went by 4. turned out
5. has used up 6. go on with
7. is working on
step ⅲ reading
t: there were many scientists in the world in the past, whose discoveries and inventions can help us understand the world better. can you say out the names of some scientists and their discoveries?
ss: yes. elbert einstein (the theory of relativity); maria curie (radium, polonium)…
(teacher collects the names and discoveries or inventions of the scientists and says the following.)
t: do you know why and how they made these important discoveries or inventions? (ss: no.) ok. today we are going to read a passage. it will tell us what makes the scientists make their discoveries. before we read it, we"ll learn some new words in this period.12345
(teacher deals with the new words.)
t: ok. ()pen your books. turn to page7. i’ll give you four minutes to read the passage quickly and then answer some questions on the screen. do it as fast as possible and write your answers on a piece of paper. i’ll collect the first three pieces.
(teacher shows the screen.)
answer the following questions:
1. what"s the characteristic of galileo galilei?
2. why could stephen hawking make: contributions to science work?
3. what can be described as the ability to use knowledge?
4. what"s the most important thing if we want to make a difference?
5. how can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference? (teacher collects the first three pieces of the answers, checks them and gives them back to the students. then ask the students to answer the questions one by one)
suggested answers:
1. he was very curious and creative. by asking why, how and what if, curious minds find new ideas and solutions.
2. because stephen hawking are never satisfied with a simple answer and are always looking for new questions. and he always want to know more.
3. creativity can be described as the ability to use knowledge.
4. if we want to make a difference, perhaps the most important thing is to find something that we like to do and that we are good at.
5. only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.
t: now look at the screen. i’ll explain some expressions and sentence structures to you so that you can use them freely. please listen to me carefully.
(show the following on the screen.)
ⅰ. expressions :
1. take a look at
e. g. let"s take a look at your new car.
2. what if
e. g. what if it rains while we are along way from shelter?
3. the other way round
e. g. i was accused of stealing money from her but in fact it was the other way round.
ⅱ.sentence structures:
1.…it was only later that the world recognized his greatness.
e. g. it was because of his illness that he was absent from the meeting.
2.…only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference,
e. g. only then did they realize their mistakes.
t: do you have anything else you don"t understand? if you have, please tell me. i"ll be glad to explain them to you.
(teacher answers the questions asked by the students.)
step iv listening and discussion
t: let"s listen to the tape. when i play it for the first time, just listen to it. when i play it for the second time, please listen and repeat. then read the text aloud. are you clear?12345
ss: yes.
(teacher plays the tape for the students to listen. then the students read the passage. after that, the teacher shows the screen and lets the students have a discussion.)
discuss the following questions:
1. of all the characteristics mentioned in the passage, which do you think is the most important? why?
2. what do great scientists like stephen hawking, galileo galilei and zhang heng have in common? find out more about them and how they work and think.
use the questions below to get started.
what is the scientific spirit?
how do scientists solve problems?
how do scientists make a difference?
what can we learn from great scientists?
t: please discuss the questions on the screen. do it in pairs or groups. you"re given four minutes to prepare. after that i"ll ask some of you to report your results of the discussion. are you clear?
ss: yes.
t: now, begin.
(four minutes later, teacher collects the results of their discussion.)
t: which group would like to give your answer to the first question?
s: (one of the students stands up.) being creative, i think, is the most important. because scientists can make new discoveries by using their imagination all the time.
(another student stands up. )
s: i think being curious is the most important. only when someone is curious about something can be come up with new ideas.
(teacher asks the students to report the results of the second question. the students ray have various answers. then let the students write a short passage about their discussion after class. teacher may ask some students to read their passages in the next class. )
step v writing
t: who is your favourite scientist?
(the students may have different answers. )
t: now we"re going to write a paragraph to describe your favourite scientist. before you write, you should think carefully about what you want to write. what does the reader need to know about the scientist? how can you best describe him or her? what is the most important or interesting fact about the scientist? why do you like him or her? you can first discuss these questions in groups. use your answers to write your paragraph. if you want to know more about him or her, you can use a library or the internet to find more information after class. in class you should list an outline of the passage. when you write your passage, the ideas, words and expressions on the blackboard may help you to describe a great scientist.12345
(bb: a good scientist must be curious and careful. great scientists use their creativity and imagination to come up with new ideas.
she used a model to solve the problem.)
one possible version: my favourite scientist is darwin, who was born in 1809 at shrewsbury. darwin was a famous british naturalist. his great contribution to science was the theory of evolution. he developed his theory after years of observation and through numerous scientific experiments. in his theory, he declared that different types of living creatures on the earth had not been created suddenly but had been developing over thousands of millions of years. he believed that the survival of the fittest was the law in the struggle of life on earth. his ideas were not imaginative. he had gone on a long journey to different parts of the world and studied the animal and plant life he found.
darwin lived on until 1882. he wrote many books throughout his life. but the origin of species was one of the most famous pieces of writing.
step ⅵ summary and homework
t: in this class, we"ve reviewed the useful expressions and the important gram mar—the" infinitive in this unit. and we"ve also learnt a passage about some scientist we"ve practised how to write a descriptive paragraph. after class go over all the important points learnt in this unit and finish your writing. class is over.
step ⅶ the design of the writing on the blackboard
unit 1 making a difference
the fourth period
a good scientist must be curious and careful
great scientists use their creativity and imagination to come up with new ideas. scientists must also be intelligent and patient.
the experiment proved that her was theory correct.
other scientists were surprised by her discovery and called it a success.
she used a model to solve the problem.
step ⅷ record after teaching
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