
高一英语教案 2015-04-10 网络整理 晴天


unit 7   cultural relics 
• 重点词汇解析 •
1. include vt 包括;包含 
     3)比较 include,contain
2. restore vt
1) 归还 to restore stolen property 归还赃物
  2)恢复;复兴 to restore law and order 恢复法律和秩序
  3)恢复健康;复原 restored after one"s holiday 假期之后健康恢复了
3. rebuild v. 再建;重建  rebuild a house after the fire.火灾后重建房子。
注意:re-前缀,加在动词或名词前。“重新”。如:rewrite, reopen, revisit, remake, reprint, reread.
4. burn vi, vt  burnt 或 burned, burning
  1) 燃烧 the house is burning. 房子烧起来了。
  2) 发光;照亮 a light burning 灯光亮着
  3) 发热;炙热 the burning sand 炙热的沙子
  4) 热衷 she is burning to tell you the news. 她急于要告诉你这消息。
     everybody is burning to know the good news.大家都急于想知道这则好消息。
  5) 烧伤;烧坏;烧毁 he burnt all his papers. 他烧毁了(他)所有的文件。n. 烧伤 burns on her hand 手部的烧伤 burn up (因热度过高)烧坏; 快速旅行;赶路to burn up the road 赶路
5. beauty n.
   1) 美,美貌 a flower of great beauty 一朵非常美丽的花
   2) 美人;美的事物 your daughter is quite a beauty. 你的女儿很漂亮。
   3) 极好的(或极坏的)人或事物
  6. photograph vt 照相;为…而拍照
     1)n.照片, 相片;逼真的印象[描绘]
   2)have [get] one"s photograph taken(=sit [pose]for one"s photograph)请人拍照
   3)have a photograph taken with和... 合影; take a photograph of拍摄
7. damage n
   1) 损失;损害,损坏
   3) (pl) 赔偿费 to claim damages索赔
    vt 损害,损坏;使受损失
8. project n 计划;设计
 1) 突出;使突出
  2) 投掷;扔;发射; 扩散
  3) 表现(自己);突出(自己)
9. official adj
1) 官方的; 正式的
2)an official letter 公函;  official price 官方牌价;
 an official title 官衔; official news官方消息
3)n. 官员; 公务员   an official in the department of health 卫生部门的官员
10. breath n
1) 呼吸;气息 a deep breath 深呼吸
2) 微风 hardly a breath of air 几乎没有一点风
3)习惯用语:catch one"s breath屏息;歇一口气:hold one"s breath屏息;take breath歇息
    waste one"s breath白费口舌;take one"s breath away 目瞪口呆;大为惊讶1234
11.lie 躺;位于
lie 撒谎;过去式,过去分词为lied;lied
lay 摆放;产卵;下蛋;过去式.过去分词为laid;laid
(1)run into some place向(某空间)冲进去。
(2)run to do sth.跑去干……
(3)run away 是不及物动词短语“跑掉”之意。
13、breath 是名词,“呼吸、气息”,有可数和不可数两种形式。
1)take a deep breath.深深地吸一口气。
2)take breath 歇一歇,喘口气
3)hold one’s breath 屏息,弊住气
4)out of breath 上气不接下气
1) pull sth .down /pull down sth .是“拆毁”的意思,其反义短语是:
2)pull ……out of 把……拉出来。
3)pull ……up from 把……拉上来。
• 重点词组解析 •

1. give in 屈服,投降让步;屈服;上交;支撑不住   
     注意:give up 放弃做……, 投降
    2. in ruins 成为废墟,严重受损
3. bring…back to life 使苏醒
4. pull down 拆毁;推毁;推翻
5.bring back 拿回退换;使某人返回;恢复
6。run into除表示“向……地方跑去”外,还有些常见的用法。
(1)run into sth.遇到或撞及某物
(2)run into sb.偶然碰到,(使汽车)撞及某人 
• 重点句型解析 •

 1. where there is a river, there is a city. 有河流的地方就有城市。
     where在这里引导的是地点状语从句,相当于介词in/ at/ to + the place + where从句9定语从句),意思是“在……地方”。
  2. it was under attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never gave in. 城市被德军 围攻达900天之久,但是当地人民从未屈服。
     under attack遭到攻击,常与be动词连用。这里的介词under作“经受或遭受”、“在…的过程中”等解释,前接be动词,后跟名词,有时表达进行时态的意思。   
  3. restoring the city and its cultural relics seemed impossible, but the people of this great city would not give up.看来要恢复城市和它的文化遗迹原貌是不可能办的事,但是这座伟大的城市的人民决不肯放弃。
     seem 的用法:
    1)seem 后可接形容词、名词、不定式、分词或介词短语等作表语。      
    2)seem后接to be,注意to be的省略情况。
    4)it seems后接that或as if从句,引导词 that/as if有时可省略。

1、do + n.
do exercises做练习, do housework干家务, do business做生意, do english puzzle猜英语字谜, do wonders创造奇迹
2、do + a + n.
do a room整理房间, do a favor开恩, do a sum计算, do a show展示
3、do + an + n.
do an experiment做实验
4、do + the + n.
do the problem解决问题,do the trick愚弄, do the dead做好事 1234
5、do + one"s + n.
do one"s lesson做功课, do one"s hair梳理头发, do one"s teeth刷牙, do one"s bed铺床, do one"s duty尽义务, do one"s best竭力
6、do + some + v-ing
do some washing涮洗, do some reading读书, do some shopping购物, do some sewing缝补, do some cleaning做清洁, do some sightseeing观光, do some traveling旅行, do some cooking做饭, do some studying学习, do some sweeping打扫, do some speaking发言
7、do + n. + to sb.
do justice to sb.对某人公正, do good to sb.对某人有好处, do harm to sb.对某人有危害, do damage to sb.对某人有损害, do honor to sb.对某人开恩, do wrong to sb.冤枉某人, do right to sb.对某人公正
1、give + n.
give trouble作乱, give help提供帮助, give encouragement鼓励, give permission许可, give support支持,give way让步
2、give + a + n.
give a description描述, give a hand帮助,give a look看一眼,give a ring打电话, give a push推一下, give a pull拉一下, give a welcome欢迎, give a concert举办音乐会, give a lecture演讲, give a reply回答, give a smile笑一笑
3、give + an + n.
give an excuse找借口, give an order订购, give an example举例
4、give + sb. + n.
give sb. a rise给某人涨工资, give sb. a lift搭便车
1、 go + n.
go dutch各自付账
2、go + for + n.
go for a drive开车兜风, go for a swim去游泳, go for a walk散步, go for an outing远足
3、go + v-ing
go climbing去爬山, go cycling骑车兜风,go dancing去跳舞, go farming去务农,go fishing去钓鱼, go hunting去打猎,go hiking去远足,go riding去骑马, go skiing去滑水, go skating去滑冰, go swimming去游泳, go walking散步, go shopping出去购物, go shooting去射击, go picnicking出去野炊,
4、go + to + n.
go to school上学, go to college上大学, go to bed上床睡觉, go to hospital看病, go to church朝拜,go to pieces破碎,go to waste浪费,go to work上班
1、 have + n.
have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早/中/晚餐, have tea喝茶, have sports从事体育运动, have patience有耐心, have fun开心, have difficulty有困难
2、have + a + n.
have a meal吃饭, have a drink喝饮料, have a beer喝啤酒, have a wine喝酒, have a coffee喝咖啡, have a taste品尝, have a smoke吸烟, have a discussion讨论, have a meeting开会, have a talk交谈, have a chat闲聊, have a quarrel争吵, have a break休息, have a haircut理发, have a try试一试, have a rest休息, have a lesson上课, have a class上课, have a dream做梦, have a game玩游戏, have a dance跳舞, have a stomachache肚子痛, have a toothache牙痛, have a backache背痛, have a cold感冒, have a cough咳嗽, have a fever发烧, have a holiday度假, have a day off休息一天, have a good time玩得开心, have a picnic野炊 1234
3、have + an + n.
have an influence有影响, have an exam考试, have an interview面试, have an objection反对
• 课堂同步练习 •

1. how about the two of us ______ a walk down the garden?
    a. to take  b. take c. taking  d. to be take
2. everyone there enjoyed the play ________ me.
    a. including b. included c. which included d. to include
3. i feel like _____ in the fresh air after supper, but i’d like _____ at home today.
    a. walking; to stay b. to walk; staying  c. walking; staying d. to walk; to stay
4. my teacher has a way _____ his class interesting.
    a. of make b. of making  c. making d. to making
5. –i can’t pick up bbc programmes.
   --but ______ buy short-wave radio?
    a. why not b. why not to  c. why don’t d. why don’t to
6. would you please ____ a description ____ what you have seen?
   a. give; for b. make; for c. give; of d. make; of
7. this photo of mine was taken _____ stood the famous tower.
   a. which b. in which c. where d. there
8. his dream of going to college ______.
   a. has come true b. has come to true  c. had come true d. had come to true
9. his father bought him a watch last month, but now it is _____.
   a. missing   b. missed c. being missed d. being missing
10. lucky, the people there did ______ help him.
   a. all that they could        b. all they could to  
c. all what they could         d. all what they could to
11. the river nile ____ flood large areas, but now the water of it ____ produce electricity.
   a. used to; is used to      b. used to; is using to
    c. was used to; is used to   d. used to; is used for
12. there used to be a lot of old houses, but now they ________.
    a. have pulled down b. have been pulled down
    c. were pulled down d. had been pulled down
13. the shop will be closed during _____.
    a. repair b. repairs  c. a repair d. repairing
14. the number of the stamps ____ limited, so a number of people ___ to have a look at them.
    a. are; want b. is; wants   c. is; want d. are; wants
15. his parents tried their best to make him _____.
    a. be happy b. happy  c. to be happy d. happiness



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