【unit】Unit 2 Small animals The Third Period

小学一年级英语教案 2022-11-01 网络整理 晴天


一.教学目标1知识目标:bird rabbit  butterfly  frog  bee 单词的识记。2能力目标:能正确读出单词发音,并能识记单词卡片。 3情感目标:培养学生热爱小动物的习惯,让他们在学习中体验成功的乐趣。二.教学重点:能识记单词。三.教学难点:butterfly的发音四.教具准备:student’s book 1b page 9cassette 1b and a cassette playerword and  picture cards 1bsilhouettes of the above small animals work book 1b page 7五、教学过程:warming up:1.      rhyme: one two three. i am a bee.(page 7)2.      game:guess“ what are they?” say“i see a           ”3.stick all the pictures on the board. take one away and ask:“what animal is it?while—task procedure:1.  hold up a butter fly and say: today, there is a new friend in our class. guess. who is she? she’s a butter fly. i like her.2        repeat the new word.3.      make some scentens.butterfly ↗butterfly↗butterfly↘ i like it. ‘                            ;i can see…for you and me4.    repeat the process with sichouettes of other animals.5.      match: pictures and word.6.      read the words slowly.7.      open students, listen to the tape and read after the tape. post—task activitygame: what is missing?       ,游戏吸引学生,激发学生学习兴趣,也便于老师了解学生掌握程度。    句型操练,让学生能把以前所学融汇于新知识中,学以致用。       词型配对,学生对所学字母能达到识记目的。    游戏巩固所学,激发学生的好胜心和集体荣誉感。  板书设计:  课后小结:
unit 2 small animals the third period 来自。


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