牛津模块九教材答案unit1_英语牛津教材1B-Unit1教案 The First Period Let’s act

小学一年级英语教案 2022-10-31 网络整理 晴天


一、教学目标1.知识目标:用祈使句show me your present. try your new shoes.给出简单指令。2.能力目标:听懂简单命令并作出反应,用所学命令相互交流。3.情感目标:回忆过年时的快乐氛围,激发学习兴趣。二、教学重点:present, shoes 的识记教学难点:try 的发音三、教具准备: 1.cassette 1b and a cassette player2.a present四、教学过程:step 1 warming upsong:happy new yearstep 2 pre-task preparation1.      talk about the spring festival with the students and ask them whether they have received presents from their relatives.2.      show a beautifully wrapped present and emitate “present”.3.      open the present and take out a new pair of shoes. emitate “shoes”. encourage the class to point to their own shoes and say “shoes”step 3 while-task procedure1.      play the cassette tape twice. meanwhile, the teacher does the commands for the students as a model.2.      give commands, ask individuals to act them.3.      repeat step 2 for several times until they are familiar with them.4.      give commands and ask the class to repeat and act.5.      ask more able students to speak out the instructions.6.      practise these commands in pairs.7.      ask individuals to give commands.step 4 post-task activitycommunicate with your friends using modeled instructions.跟唱歌曲,进入英语学习状态,帮助回忆过年时的快乐氛围,为学习新知创设情境。启发谈话,活跃气氛,引入新知。先熟悉句中单词的音、义,分散难点。       调动多种感官感知新命令。教师示范得当能起到良好的带头作用。    多次视听,达到熟练。  同桌操练,缓冲马上发言的紧张。 自由说说命令,培养英语交际能力。板书设计:      课后小结:
英语牛津教材1b-unit1教案 the first period let’s act 来自。


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