[oxford]Oxford English 1B Unit 2——Small animals 教案

小学一年级英语教案 2022-10-31 网络整理 晴天


school:  foreign languages primary school attached to shanghai normal university(松江区上海师范大学附属外国语小学)
teacher:   liu wei(刘伟)
grade:    1
material:  oxford english book 1b unit2
topic:     the story of piggy hoggy
teaching contents:
1) word:    peacock
2) sentences: i want to be…
3) the story: piggy hoggy
teaching aims:   
1) students can read the word “peacock”.
2) students can express their ideas with the sentences “i want to be… how…!”
3) students can read the story: piggy hoggy
teaching aids:
multimedia, cards, story –books
teaching procedure:procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation:1.warming up and revisionsay a chant:rat, rat, go, go, go.ox, ox, follow her.tiger, tiger, very strong,…通过中英文十二生肖歌曲的演唱,让学生尽快进入英语学习状态,同时引出故事中的主角:piggy hoggypicture 12.elicit the story: “piggy hoggy”show the picture of piggy hoggy, ss say hello to him.出现piggy hoggy 的图画,介绍piggy hoggy要参加party,激发学生的好奇心。while-task procedure:picture 21.how is the butterfly?learn the sentence: i want to be… 1. piggy hoggy meets a butterfly.ask the question: how is the butterfly? 通过设置问题复习she is beautiful, she can fly, she has got…句型。同时为下一环节piggy hoggy想成为蝴蝶提供理由。2. show the sentence: i want to be a butterfly. ss imitate piggy hoggy.角色互动,学习新句型。3. sing a song :i want to be a butterfly.通过歌曲的演唱巩固新句型。picture 32.what has he got? learn the sentence: how…! 1. piggy hoggy meets an elephant. discuss: what  has  he got?2.elicit the sentence:  how long!通过大象的图片,让学生描述大象的特点,引出新句型how long!为piggy hoggy想成为大象提供理由。3.practice the sentence: how…模仿操练how long/short/big…!4.play a game: choose one kind of animal and describe it.新旧知识操练句型look at the…, he/she is clever/beautiful/big….picture 43. if you are piggy hoggy, what do you want to say?learn the word: “peacock”1.piggy hoggy meets a peacock.learn the word by using the chant:cock, cock, cock,people call me a cock,…表演读peacock.通过生动有趣的chant,在一定的内容中理解新单词:peacock和cock的不同,融词入句,融段入篇。并复习句型i’m…和i’not…为下一环节做好铺垫。2. ask the question: if you are piggy hoggy, what do you want to say?运用问题,理解体验piggy hoggy此时的想法。post-task activities:picture 51.      if you are piggy hoggy, what do you want to be?      1. watch the video. piggy hoggy meets many kinds of animals. ask the question: if you are piggy hoggy, what do you want to be?show the sentences:i like the…he/she can/is…12
how…!i want to be a/an…创设开放性的、真实的问题情境,让学生综合运用语言, 并换位思考,表达自己真实的想法。  2. group work: say and act 2. who are you?   3.      watch the video.piggy hoggy says: “ i’m not a butterfly, i’m not an elephant, i’m not a peacock, i’m a pig, i am piggy hoggy.”通过问题:who are you?理解piggy hoggy的最后想法,点题,置一定的故事教育意义于其中:认识自己,欣赏自己。4.      read the whole story.阅读完整的故事,回忆巩固所学内容。assignment:tell the whole story to your father ,mother and friends.show the story-book to the students.通过连环画,延伸学习兴趣。教学设计说明
在学习本课内容之前,学生已经学会了很多动物的词汇,如bird, bee,tiger,elephant,monkey等常见动物,并能用一些简单的形容词和句型描述这些动物的特征。
基于牛津教材一年级unit 2 small animals 内容和学生的知识基础,我进行了内容的整合,通过故事:piggy hoggy,学习新单词:peacock和句型how…! i want to be…让学生在一定的故事情境中综合运用新旧知识,对动物特征进行描述。同时寓一定的教育情感意义于其中:认识自己,欣赏自己,有自信。又为下一个单元“职业”的学习做铺垫。
根据教学内容和学生特点,本课的教学以句型i want to be… 为主线,以piggy hoggy故事贯穿始终,在教学过程中力求以问题创设情境,激发学生思维,感知体验,使所学知识融会贯通,并渗透一定的教育情感意义。
故事中piggy hoggy参加party过程先后遇到了butterfly,elephant,peacock和其他小动物,而教学中五个问题分别置于不同的情境中,层层推进:
how is the butterfly?
what has he got?
if you are piggy hoggy, what do you want to say?
if you are piggy hoggy, what do you want to be?
who are you?
面对不同的动物,重点句型i want to be… how…!在不同的情境中重复出现和运用,让学生易学、乐学。
本课教学最为关键的问题if you are piggy hoggy, what do you want to be? 真实的问题情境,让学生表达自己真实的想法,并点明故事的主题教育意义:正确认识自己, 情感教育力求做到教育无痕。
oxford english 1b unit 2——small animals 教案 来自。 12


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